AsmGenerator.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API16280Thu Mar 12 22:22:44 GMT


public class AsmGenerator extends Object
Class that generates a new JAR from a list of classes, some of which are to be kept as-is and some of which are to be stubbed partially or totally.

Fields Summary
private final Log
Output logger.
private final String
The path of the destination JAR to create.
private final Class[]
List of classes to inject in the final JAR from _this_ archive.
private final Set
The set of methods to stub out.
private Map
All classes to output as-is, except if they have native methods.
private Map
All dependencies that must be completely stubbed.
private Map
All files that are to be copied as-is.
private Set
All classes where certain method calls need to be rewritten.
private int
Counter of number of classes renamed during transform.
private final HashMap
FQCN Names of the classes to rename: map old-FQCN => new-FQCN
private HashSet
FQCN Names of "old" classes that were NOT renamed. This starts with the full list of old-FQCN to rename and they get erased as they get renamed. At the end, classes still left here are not in the code base anymore and thus were not renamed.
private HashMap
A map { FQCN => set { list of return types to delete from the FQCN } }.
private final HashMap
A map { FQCN => set { method names } } of methods to rewrite as delegates. The special name {@link DelegateClassAdapter#ALL_NATIVES} can be used as in internal set.
private final HashMap
FQCN Names of classes to refactor. All reference to old-FQCN will be updated to new-FQCN. map old-FQCN => new-FQCN
Constructors Summary
public AsmGenerator(Log log, String osDestJar, ICreateInfo createInfo)
Creates a new generator that can generate the output JAR with the stubbed classes.

log Output logger.
osDestJar The path of the destination JAR to create.
createInfo Creation parameters. Must not be null.

        mLog = log;
        mOsDestJar = osDestJar;
        mInjectClasses = createInfo.getInjectedClasses();
        mStubMethods = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(createInfo.getOverriddenMethods()));

        // Create the map/set of methods to change to delegates
        mDelegateMethods = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
        for (String signature : createInfo.getDelegateMethods()) {
            int pos = signature.indexOf('#");
            if (pos <= 0 || pos >= signature.length() - 1) {
            String className = binaryToInternalClassName(signature.substring(0, pos));
            String methodName = signature.substring(pos + 1);
            Set<String> methods = mDelegateMethods.get(className);
            if (methods == null) {
                methods = new HashSet<String>();
                mDelegateMethods.put(className, methods);
        for (String className : createInfo.getDelegateClassNatives()) {
            className = binaryToInternalClassName(className);
            Set<String> methods = mDelegateMethods.get(className);
            if (methods == null) {
                methods = new HashSet<String>();
                mDelegateMethods.put(className, methods);

        // Create the map of classes to rename.
        mRenameClasses = new HashMap<String, String>();
        mClassesNotRenamed = new HashSet<String>();
        String[] renameClasses = createInfo.getRenamedClasses();
        int n = renameClasses.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) {
            assert i + 1 < n;
            // The ASM class names uses "/" separators, whereas regular FQCN use "."
            String oldFqcn = binaryToInternalClassName(renameClasses[i]);
            String newFqcn = binaryToInternalClassName(renameClasses[i + 1]);
            mRenameClasses.put(oldFqcn, newFqcn);

        // Create a map of classes to be refactored.
        mRefactorClasses = new HashMap<String, String>();
        String[] refactorClasses = createInfo.getJavaPkgClasses();
        n = refactorClasses.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) {
            assert i + 1 < n;
            String oldFqcn = binaryToInternalClassName(refactorClasses[i]);
            String newFqcn = binaryToInternalClassName(refactorClasses[i + 1]);
            mRefactorClasses.put(oldFqcn, newFqcn);

        // create the map of renamed class -> return type of method to delete.
        mDeleteReturns = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
        String[] deleteReturns = createInfo.getDeleteReturns();
        Set<String> returnTypes = null;
        String renamedClass = null;
        for (String className : deleteReturns) {
            // if we reach the end of a section, add it to the main map
            if (className == null) {
                if (returnTypes != null) {
                    mDeleteReturns.put(renamedClass, returnTypes);

                renamedClass = null;

            // if the renamed class is null, this is the beginning of a section
            if (renamedClass == null) {
                renamedClass = binaryToInternalClassName(className);

            // just a standard return type, we add it to the list.
            if (returnTypes == null) {
                returnTypes = new HashSet<String>();
Methods Summary
java.lang.StringbinaryToInternalClassName(java.lang.String className)
Utility that returns the internal ASM class name from a fully qualified binary class name. E.g. it returns android/view/View from android.view.View.

        if (className == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return className.replace('.", '/");
java.lang.StringclassNameToEntryPath(java.lang.String className)
Utility method that converts a fully qualified java name into a JAR entry path e.g. for the input "android.view.View" it returns "android/view/View.class"

        return className.replaceAll("\\.", "/").concat(".class");
private java.lang.StringclassToEntryPath(java.lang.Class clazz)
Utility method to get the JAR entry path from a Class name. e.g. it returns something like "com/foo/OuterClass$InnerClass1$InnerClass2.class"

        String name = "";
        Class<?> parent;
        while ((parent = clazz.getEnclosingClass()) != null) {
            name = "$" + clazz.getSimpleName() + name;
            clazz = parent;
        return classNameToEntryPath(clazz.getCanonicalName() + name);
voidcreateJar( outStream, java.util.Map all)
Writes the JAR file.

outStream The file output stream were to write the JAR.
all The map of all classes to output.
IOException if an I/O error has occurred

        JarOutputStream jar = new JarOutputStream(outStream);
        for (Entry<String, byte[]> entry : all.entrySet()) {
            String name = entry.getKey();
            JarEntry jar_entry = new JarEntry(name);
public voidgenerate()
Generates the final JAR

        TreeMap<String, byte[]> all = new TreeMap<String, byte[]>();

        for (Class<?> clazz : mInjectClasses) {
            String name = classToEntryPath(clazz);
            InputStream is = ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);
            ClassReader cr = new ClassReader(is);
            byte[] b = transform(cr, true);
            name = classNameToEntryPath(transformName(cr.getClassName()));
            all.put(name, b);

        for (Entry<String, ClassReader> entry : mDeps.entrySet()) {
            ClassReader cr = entry.getValue();
            byte[] b = transform(cr, true);
            String name = classNameToEntryPath(transformName(cr.getClassName()));
            all.put(name, b);

        for (Entry<String, ClassReader> entry : mKeep.entrySet()) {
            ClassReader cr = entry.getValue();
            byte[] b = transform(cr, true);
            String name = classNameToEntryPath(transformName(cr.getClassName()));
            all.put(name, b);

        for (Entry<String, InputStream> entry : mCopyFiles.entrySet()) {
            try {
                byte[] b = inputStreamToByteArray(entry.getValue());
                all.put(entry.getKey(), b);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Ignore.

        }"# deps classes: %d", mDeps.size());"# keep classes: %d", mKeep.size());"# renamed     : %d", mRenameCount);

        createJar(new FileOutputStream(mOsDestJar), all);"Created JAR file %s", mOsDestJar);
public java.util.SetgetClassesNotRenamed()
Returns the list of classes that have not been renamed yet.

The names are "internal class names" rather than FQCN, i.e. they use "/" instead "." as package separators.

        return mClassesNotRenamed;
booleanhasNativeMethods(org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader cr)
Returns true if a class has any native methods.

        ClassHasNativeVisitor cv = new ClassHasNativeVisitor();
        cr.accept(cv, 0);
        return cv.hasNativeMethods();
private byte[]inputStreamToByteArray( is)

        ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        byte[] data = new byte[8192];  // 8KB
        int n;
        while ((n =, 0, data.length)) != -1) {
            buffer.write(data, 0, n);
        return buffer.toByteArray();
public voidsetCopyFiles(java.util.Map copyFiles)
Sets the map of files to output as-is.

        mCopyFiles = copyFiles;
public voidsetDeps(java.util.Map deps)
Sets the map of dependencies that must be completely stubbed

        mDeps = deps;
public voidsetKeep(java.util.Map keep)
Sets the map of classes to output as-is, except if they have native methods

        mKeep = keep;
public voidsetRewriteMethodCallClasses(java.util.Set rewriteMethodCallClasses)

        mReplaceMethodCallsClasses = rewriteMethodCallClasses;
byte[]transform(org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader cr, boolean stubNativesOnly)
Transforms a class.

There are 3 kind of transformations: 1- For "mock" dependencies classes, we want to remove all code from methods and replace by a stub. Native methods must be implemented with this stub too. Abstract methods are left intact. Modified classes must be overridable (non-private, non-final). Native methods must be made non-final, non-private. 2- For "keep" classes, we want to rewrite all native methods as indicated above. If a class has native methods, it must also be made non-private, non-final. Note that unfortunately static methods cannot be changed to non-static (since static and non-static are invoked differently.)

        boolean hasNativeMethods = hasNativeMethods(cr);

        // Get the class name, as an internal name (e.g. com/android/SomeClass$InnerClass)
        String className = cr.getClassName();

        String newName = transformName(className);
        // transformName returns its input argument if there's no need to rename the class
        if (!newName.equals(className)) {
            // This class is being renamed, so remove it from the list of classes not renamed.

        mLog.debug("Transform %s%s%s%s", className,
                newName.equals(className) ? "" : " (renamed to " + newName + ")",
                hasNativeMethods ? " -- has natives" : "",
                stubNativesOnly ? " -- stub natives only" : "");

        // Rewrite the new class from scratch, without reusing the constant pool from the
        // original class reader.
        ClassWriter cw = new ClassWriter(ClassWriter.COMPUTE_MAXS);

        ClassVisitor cv = cw;

        if (mReplaceMethodCallsClasses.contains(className)) {
            cv = new ReplaceMethodCallsAdapter(cv);

        cv = new RefactorClassAdapter(cv, mRefactorClasses);
        if (!newName.equals(className)) {
            cv = new RenameClassAdapter(cv, className, newName);

        cv = new TransformClassAdapter(mLog, mStubMethods, mDeleteReturns.get(className),
                newName, cv, stubNativesOnly);

        Set<String> delegateMethods = mDelegateMethods.get(className);
        if (delegateMethods != null && !delegateMethods.isEmpty()) {
            // If delegateMethods only contains one entry ALL_NATIVES and the class is
            // known to have no native methods, just skip this step.
            if (hasNativeMethods ||
                    !(delegateMethods.size() == 1 &&
                            delegateMethods.contains(DelegateClassAdapter.ALL_NATIVES))) {
                cv = new DelegateClassAdapter(mLog, cv, className, delegateMethods);

        cr.accept(cv, 0);
        return cw.toByteArray();
java.lang.StringtransformName(java.lang.String className)
Should this class be renamed, this returns the new name. Otherwise it returns the original name.

className The internal ASM name of the class that may have to be renamed
A new transformed name or the original input argument.

        String newName = mRenameClasses.get(className);
        if (newName != null) {
            return newName;
        int pos = className.indexOf('$");
        if (pos > 0) {
            // Is this an inner class of a renamed class?
            String base = className.substring(0, pos);
            newName = mRenameClasses.get(base);
            if (newName != null) {
                return newName + className.substring(pos);

        return className;