BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory.javaAPI DocJBoss 4.2.115578Fri Jul 13 21:01:14 BST 2007org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc

 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
 * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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package org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.resource.ResourceException;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionManager;
import javax.resource.spi.ConnectionRequestInfo;
import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory;
import javax.resource.spi.ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException;

 * BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory
 * @author <a href="">David Jencks</a>
 * @author <a href="">Adrian Brock</a>
 * @author <a href="">Weston Price</a>
 * @version $Revision: 57189 $

public abstract class BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory implements ManagedConnectionFactory, ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory, Serializable
   /** @since 4.0.1 */
   static final long serialVersionUID = -84923705377702088L;

   public static final int TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE_INT = 0;
   public static final int TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE_INT = 1;
   public static final int TRACK_STATEMENTS_NOWARN_INT = 2;

   public static final String TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE = "false";
   public static final String TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE = "true";
   public static final String TRACK_STATEMENTS_NOWARN = "nowarn";

   protected final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass());

   protected String userName;
   protected String password;

   //This is used by Local wrapper for all properties, and is left
   //in this class for ease of writing getConnectionProperties,
   //which always holds the user/pw.
   protected final Properties connectionProps = new Properties();

   protected int transactionIsolation = -1;

   protected int preparedStatementCacheSize = 0;

   protected boolean doQueryTimeout = false;

    * The variable <code>newConnectionSQL</code> holds an SQL
    * statement which if not null is executed when a new Connection is
    * obtained for a new ManagedConnection.
   protected String newConnectionSQL;

    * The variable <code>checkValidConnectionSQL</code> holds an sql
    * statement that may be executed whenever a managed connection is
    * removed from the pool, to check that it is still valid.  This
    * requires setting up an mbean to execute it when notified by the
    * ConnectionManager.
   protected String checkValidConnectionSQL;

    * The classname used to check whether a connection is valid
   protected String validConnectionCheckerClassName;

    * The instance of the valid connection checker
   protected ValidConnectionChecker connectionChecker;

   private String exceptionSorterClassName;

   private ExceptionSorter exceptionSorter;

   protected int trackStatements = TRACK_STATEMENTS_NOWARN_INT;

   /** Whether to share cached prepared statements */
   protected boolean sharePS = false;
   protected boolean isTransactionQueryTimeout = false;
   protected int queryTimeout = 0;

   private boolean validateOnMatch;
   public BaseWrapperManagedConnectionFactory ()


   public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws ResourceException
      // TODO: implement this javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory method
      return null;

   public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter param1) throws ResourceException
      // TODO: implement this javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory method

   public Object createConnectionFactory(ConnectionManager cm) throws ResourceException
      return new WrapperDataSource(this, cm);

   public Object createConnectionFactory() throws ResourceException
      throw new JBossResourceException("NYI");

   public String getUserName()
      return userName;

   public void setUserName(final String userName)
      this.userName = userName;

   public String getPassword()
      return password;

   public void setPassword(final String password)
      this.password = password;

   public int getPreparedStatementCacheSize()
      return preparedStatementCacheSize;

   public void setPreparedStatementCacheSize(int size)
      preparedStatementCacheSize = size;

   public boolean getSharePreparedStatements()
      return sharePS;

   public void setSharePreparedStatements(boolean sharePS)
      this.sharePS = sharePS;

   public String getTransactionIsolation()
      switch (this.transactionIsolation)
         case Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE:
            return "TRANSACTION_NONE";
         case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:
            return "TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED";
         case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED:
         case Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ:
         case Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:
            return "TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE";
         case -1:
            return "DEFAULT";
            return Integer.toString(transactionIsolation);

   public void setTransactionIsolation(String transactionIsolation)
      if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_NONE"))
         this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE;
      else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED"))
         this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED;
      else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED"))
         this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED;
      else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ"))
         this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ;
      else if (transactionIsolation.equals("TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE"))
         this.transactionIsolation = Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE;
            this.transactionIsolation = Integer.parseInt(transactionIsolation);
         catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Setting Isolation level to unknown state: " + transactionIsolation);

   public String getNewConnectionSQL()
      return newConnectionSQL;

   public void setNewConnectionSQL(String newConnectionSQL)
      this.newConnectionSQL = newConnectionSQL;

   public String getCheckValidConnectionSQL()
      return checkValidConnectionSQL;

   public void setCheckValidConnectionSQL(String checkValidConnectionSQL)
      this.checkValidConnectionSQL = checkValidConnectionSQL;

   public String getTrackStatements()
      if (trackStatements == TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE_INT)
      else if (trackStatements == TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE_INT)
         return TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE;
   public boolean getValidateOnMatch()
      return this.validateOnMatch;
   public void setValidateOnMatch(boolean validateOnMatch)
      this.validateOnMatch = validateOnMatch;
   public void setTrackStatements(String value)
      if (value == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null value for trackStatements"); 
      String trimmed = value.trim();
      if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase(TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE))
         trackStatements = TRACK_STATEMENTS_FALSE_INT;
      else if (trimmed.equalsIgnoreCase(TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE))
         trackStatements = TRACK_STATEMENTS_TRUE_INT;
         trackStatements = TRACK_STATEMENTS_NOWARN_INT;

   public String getExceptionSorterClassName()
      return exceptionSorterClassName;

   public void setExceptionSorterClassName(String exceptionSorterClassName)
      this.exceptionSorterClassName = exceptionSorterClassName;

   public String getValidConnectionCheckerClassName()
      return validConnectionCheckerClassName;

   public void setValidConnectionCheckerClassName(String value)
      validConnectionCheckerClassName = value;

   public boolean isTransactionQueryTimeout()
      return isTransactionQueryTimeout;

   public void setTransactionQueryTimeout(boolean value)
      isTransactionQueryTimeout = value;

   public int getQueryTimeout()
      return queryTimeout;

   public void setQueryTimeout(int timeout)
      queryTimeout = timeout;
   public Set getInvalidConnections(final Set connectionSet) throws ResourceException
      final Set invalid = new HashSet();
      for(Iterator iter = connectionSet.iterator(); iter.hasNext();){
         Object anonymous =;
         if (anonymous instanceof BaseWrapperManagedConnection)
            BaseWrapperManagedConnection mc = (BaseWrapperManagedConnection) anonymous;
      return invalid;
    * Gets full set of connection properties, i.e. whatever is provided
    * in config plus "user" and "password" from subject/cri.
    * <p>Note that the set is used to match connections to datasources as well
    * as to create new managed connections.
    * <p>In fact, we have a problem here. Theoretically, there is a possible
    * name collision between config properties and "user"/"password".
   protected Properties getConnectionProperties(Subject subject, ConnectionRequestInfo cri)
      throws ResourceException
      if (cri != null && cri.getClass() != WrappedConnectionRequestInfo.class)
         throw new JBossResourceException("Wrong kind of ConnectionRequestInfo: " + cri.getClass());

      Properties props = new Properties();
      if (subject != null)
         if (SubjectActions.addMatchingProperties(subject, props, this) == true)
            return props;
         throw new JBossResourceException("No matching credentials in Subject!");
      WrappedConnectionRequestInfo lcri = (WrappedConnectionRequestInfo)cri;
      if (lcri != null)
         props.setProperty("user", (lcri.getUserName() == null)? "": lcri.getUserName());
         props.setProperty("password", (lcri.getPassword() == null)? "": lcri.getPassword());
         return props;
      if (userName != null)
         props.setProperty("user", userName);
         props.setProperty("password", (password == null) ? "" : password);
      return props;

   boolean isExceptionFatal(SQLException e)
         if (exceptionSorter != null)
            return exceptionSorter.isExceptionFatal(e);

         if (exceptionSorterClassName != null)
               ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
               Class clazz = cl.loadClass(exceptionSorterClassName);
               exceptionSorter = (ExceptionSorter)clazz.newInstance();
               return exceptionSorter.isExceptionFatal(e);
            catch (Exception e2)
               log.warn("exception trying to create exception sorter (disabling):", e2);
               exceptionSorter = new NullExceptionSorter();
      catch (Throwable t)
         log.warn("Error checking exception fatality: ", t);
      return false;

    * Checks whether a connection is valid
   SQLException isValidConnection(Connection c)
      // Already got a checker
      if (connectionChecker != null)
         return connectionChecker.isValidConnection(c);

      // Class specified
      if (validConnectionCheckerClassName != null)
            ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
            Class clazz = cl.loadClass(validConnectionCheckerClassName);
            connectionChecker = (ValidConnectionChecker) clazz.newInstance();
            return connectionChecker.isValidConnection(c);
         catch (Exception e)
            log.warn("Exception trying to create connection checker (disabling):", e);
            connectionChecker = new NullValidConnectionChecker();

      // SQL statement specified
      if (checkValidConnectionSQL != null)
         connectionChecker = new CheckValidConnectionSQL(checkValidConnectionSQL);
         return connectionChecker.isValidConnection(c);

      // No Check
      return null;

   static class SubjectActions implements PrivilegedAction
      Subject subject;

      Properties props;

      ManagedConnectionFactory mcf;

      SubjectActions(Subject subject, Properties props, ManagedConnectionFactory mcf)
         this.subject = subject;
         this.props = props;
         this.mcf = mcf;

      public Object run()
         Iterator i = subject.getPrivateCredentials().iterator();
         while (i.hasNext())
            Object o =;
            if (o instanceof PasswordCredential)
               PasswordCredential cred = (PasswordCredential) o;
               if (cred.getManagedConnectionFactory().equals(mcf))
                  props.setProperty("user", (cred.getUserName() == null) ? "" : cred.getUserName());
                  if( cred.getPassword() != null )
                     props.setProperty("password", new String(cred.getPassword()));
                  return Boolean.TRUE;
         return Boolean.FALSE;

      static boolean addMatchingProperties(Subject subject, Properties props, ManagedConnectionFactory mcf)
         SubjectActions action = new SubjectActions(subject, props, mcf);
         Boolean matched = (Boolean) AccessController.doPrivileged(action);
         return matched.booleanValue();