ObjectExpression.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API15477Tue May 22 16:54:32 BST 2007oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions

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package oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions;

import java.util.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.querykeys.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.*;
import oracle.toplink.essentials.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;

 * Superclass for any object type expressions.
public abstract class ObjectExpression extends DataExpression {
    transient public ClassDescriptor descriptor;
    public Vector derivedExpressions;

    /** indicates whether subclasses should be joined */
    protected boolean shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance;

    /** Is this query key to be resolved using an outer join or not. Does not apply to attributes. */
    protected boolean shouldUseOuterJoin;

    public ObjectExpression() {
        this.shouldUseOuterJoin = false;

    public void addDerivedExpression(Expression addThis) {
        if (derivedExpressions == null) {
            derivedExpressions = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance();

     * INTERNAL:
     * Return the expression to join the main table of this node to any auxiliary tables.
    public Expression additionalExpressionCriteria() {
        if (getDescriptor() == null) {
            return null;

        Expression criteria = getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getAdditionalJoinExpression();
        if(getSession().getPlatform().shouldPrintOuterJoinInWhereClause()) {
            if(isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()) {
                Expression childrenCriteria = getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getChildrenJoinExpression();
                childrenCriteria = getBaseExpression().twist(childrenCriteria, this);
                if(criteria == null) {
                    criteria = childrenCriteria;
                } else {
                    criteria = criteria.and(childrenCriteria);

        return criteria;

     * INTERNAL:
     * Used in case outer joins should be printed in FROM clause.
     * Each of the additional tables mapped to expressions that joins it.
    public Map additionalExpressionCriteriaMap() {
        if (getDescriptor() == null) {
            return null;

        HashMap tablesJoinExpressions = null;
        if(isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()) {
            Vector tables = getDescriptor().getTables();
            tablesJoinExpressions = new HashMap();
            List childrenTables = getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getChildrenTables();
            for( int i=0; i < childrenTables.size(); i++) {
                DatabaseTable table = (DatabaseTable)childrenTables.get(i);
                Expression joinExpression = (Expression)getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getChildrenTablesJoinExpressions().get(table);
                if (getBaseExpression() != null){
                    joinExpression = getBaseExpression().twist(joinExpression, this);
                } else {
                    joinExpression = twist(joinExpression, this);
                tablesJoinExpressions.put(table, joinExpression);
        return tablesJoinExpressions;

     * PUBLIC:
     * Return an expression representing traversal of a 1:many or many:many relationship.
     * This allows you to query whether any of the "many" side of the relationship satisfies the remaining criteria.
     * <p>Example:
     * <pre><blockquote>
     *     TopLink: employee.anyOf("managedEmployees").get("firstName").equal("Bob")
     *     Java: no direct equivalent
     *     SQL: SELECT DISTINCT ... WHERE (t2.MGR_ID = t1.ID) AND (t2.F_NAME = 'Bob')
     * </pre></blockquote>
    public Expression anyOf(String attributeName) {
        QueryKeyExpression queryKey = (QueryKeyExpression)newDerivedExpressionNamed(attributeName);

        return queryKey;


    public QueryKeyExpression derivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName) {
        QueryKeyExpression existing = existingDerivedExpressionNamed(attributeName);
        if (existing != null) {
            return existing;
        return newDerivedExpressionNamed(attributeName);


    public Expression derivedManualExpressionNamed(String attributeName, ClassDescriptor aDescriptor) {
        Expression existing = existingDerivedExpressionNamed(attributeName);
        if (existing != null) {
            return existing;
        return newManualDerivedExpressionNamed(attributeName, aDescriptor);


    protected void doNotUseOuterJoin() {
        shouldUseOuterJoin = false;

    protected void doUseOuterJoin() {
        shouldUseOuterJoin = true;

    public QueryKeyExpression existingDerivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName) {
        if (derivedExpressions == null) {
            return null;
        for (Enumeration e = derivedExpressions.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            QueryKeyExpression exp = (QueryKeyExpression)e.nextElement();
            if (exp.getName().equals(attributeName)) {
                return exp;
        return null;


    public Expression get(String attributeName, Vector arguments) {
        Expression operatorExpression = super.get(attributeName, arguments);
        if (operatorExpression != null) {
            return operatorExpression;

        QueryKeyExpression result = derivedExpressionNamed(attributeName);
        return result;


    public Expression getAllowingNull(String attributeName, Vector arguments) {
        ObjectExpression exp = (ObjectExpression)existingDerivedExpressionNamed(attributeName);

        // The same (aliased) table cannot participate in a normal join and an outer join.
        // To help enforce this, if the node already exists 
        if (exp != null) {
            return exp;
        exp = (ObjectExpression)derivedExpressionNamed(attributeName);
        return exp;


    public ClassDescriptor getDescriptor() {
        if (isAttribute()) {
            return null;
        if (descriptor == null) {
            // Look first for query keys, then mappings. Ultimately we should have query keys
            // for everything and can dispense with the mapping part.
            ForeignReferenceQueryKey queryKey = (ForeignReferenceQueryKey)getQueryKeyOrNull();
            if (queryKey != null) {
                descriptor = getSession().getDescriptor(queryKey.getReferenceClass());
                return descriptor;
            if (getMapping() == null) {
                throw QueryException.invalidQueryKeyInExpression(this);

            // We assume this is either a foreign reference or an aggregate mapping
            descriptor = getMapping().getReferenceDescriptor();
            if (getMapping().isVariableOneToOneMapping()) {
                throw QueryException.cannotQueryAcrossAVariableOneToOneMapping(getMapping(), descriptor);
        return descriptor;


     * INTERNAL: Not to be confused with the public getField(String)
     * This returns a collection of all fields associated with this object. Really
     * only applies to query keys representing an object or to expression builders.
    public Vector getFields() {
        if (getDescriptor() == null) {
            return new Vector(1);
        if ((descriptor.hasInheritance() && ! descriptor.getInheritancePolicy().hasMultipleTableChild()) || (shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance())){
            // return all fields because we can.
            return descriptor.getAllFields();
            return descriptor.getFields();

     * INTERNAL:
     * Returns the first field from each of the owned tables, used for
     * fine-grained pessimistic locking.
    protected Vector getForUpdateOfFields() {
        Vector allFields = getFields();
        int expected = getTableAliases().size();
        Vector firstFields = new Vector(expected);
        DatabaseTable lastTable = null;
        DatabaseField field = null;
        int i = 0;

        // The following loop takes O(n*m) time.  n=# of fields. m=#tables.
        // However, in the m=1 case this will take one pass only.
        // Also assuming that fields are generally sorted by table, this will
        // take O(n) time.
        // An even faster way may be to go getDescriptor().getAdditionalPrimaryKeyFields.
        while ((i < allFields.size()) && (firstFields.size() < expected)) {
            field = (DatabaseField)allFields.elementAt(i++);
            if ((lastTable == null) || !field.getTable().equals(lastTable)) {
                lastTable = field.getTable();
                int j = 0;
                while (j < firstFields.size()) {
                    if (lastTable.equals(((DatabaseField)firstFields.elementAt(j)).getTable())) {
                if (j == firstFields.size()) {
        return firstFields;

    public Expression getManualQueryKey(String attributeName, ClassDescriptor aDescriptor) {
        return derivedManualExpressionNamed(attributeName, aDescriptor);

     * INTERNAL:
    public Vector getOwnedTables() {
        if(isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance()) {
            return getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().getAllTables();
        } else {
            return super.getOwnedTables();

    protected boolean hasDerivedExpressions() {
        return derivedExpressions != null;

    public boolean isObjectExpression() {
        return true;

     * INTERNAL:
     * indicates whether additional expressions for multitable inheritance should be used and are available
    public boolean isUsingOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance() {
        return shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance() && 
                getDescriptor() != null && getDescriptor().hasInheritance() &&
                getDescriptor().getInheritancePolicy().hasMultipleTableChild() &&
    public QueryKeyExpression newDerivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName) {
        QueryKeyExpression result = new QueryKeyExpression(attributeName, this);
        return result;


    public Expression newManualDerivedExpressionNamed(String attributeName, ClassDescriptor aDescriptor) {
        QueryKeyExpression result = new ManualQueryKeyExpression(attributeName, this, aDescriptor);
        return result;


     * INTERNAL:
     * Used for cloning.
    protected void postCopyIn(Dictionary alreadyDone) {
        derivedExpressions = copyCollection(derivedExpressions, alreadyDone);

     * INTERNAL:
     * The method was added to circumvent derivedFields and derivedTables being
     * protected.
     * @see oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.ExpressionBuilder#registerIn(Dictionary alreadyDone)
    public void postCopyIn(Dictionary alreadyDone, Vector oldDerivedFields, Vector oldDerivedTables) {
        if (oldDerivedFields != null) {
            if (derivedFields == null) {
                derivedFields = copyCollection(oldDerivedFields, alreadyDone);
            } else {
                derivedFields.addAll(copyCollection(oldDerivedFields, alreadyDone));
        if (oldDerivedTables != null) {
            if (derivedTables == null) {
                derivedTables = copyCollection(oldDerivedTables, alreadyDone);
            } else {
                derivedTables.addAll(copyCollection(oldDerivedTables, alreadyDone));

     * INTERNAL:
     * set the flag indicating whether subclasses should be joined
    public void setShouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance(boolean shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance) {
        this.shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance = shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance;

    public boolean shouldUseOuterJoin() {
        return shouldUseOuterJoin;

    public boolean shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance() {
        return shouldUseOuterJoinForMultitableInheritance;
     * INTERNAL:
     * writes the first field from each of the owned tables, used for
     * fine-grained pessimistic locking.
    protected void writeForUpdateOfFields(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, SQLSelectStatement statement) {
        for (Enumeration fieldsEnum = getForUpdateOfFields().elements();
                 fieldsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
            DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)fieldsEnum.nextElement();
            writeField(printer, field, statement);