IPackageManager.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API154739Sat Mar 14 05:48:00 GMT


public interface IPackageManager implements android.os.IInterface
See {@link PackageManager} for documentation on most of the APIs here. {@hide}

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public booleanactivitySupportsIntent(android.content.ComponentName className, android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType)

public voidaddCrossProfileIntentFilter(android.content.IntentFilter intentFilter, java.lang.String ownerPackage, int ownerUserId, int sourceUserId, int targetUserId, int flags)

public voidaddPackageToPreferred(java.lang.String packageName)

public booleanaddPermission( info)

public booleanaddPermissionAsync( info)

public voidaddPersistentPreferredActivity(android.content.IntentFilter filter, android.content.ComponentName activity, int userId)

public voidaddPreferredActivity(android.content.IntentFilter filter, int match, android.content.ComponentName[] set, android.content.ComponentName activity, int userId)

public booleancanForwardTo(android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int sourceUserId, int targetUserId)

public java.lang.String[]canonicalToCurrentPackageNames(java.lang.String[] names)

public intcheckPermission(java.lang.String permName, java.lang.String pkgName)

public intcheckSignatures(java.lang.String pkg1, java.lang.String pkg2)

public intcheckUidPermission(java.lang.String permName, int uid)

public intcheckUidSignatures(int uid1, int uid2)

public voidclearApplicationUserData(java.lang.String packageName, observer, int userId)
Clear the user data directory of an application.

packageName The package name of the application whose cache files need to be deleted
observer a callback used to notify when the operation is completed.

public voidclearCrossProfileIntentFilters(int sourceUserId, java.lang.String ownerPackage, int ownerUserId)

public voidclearPackagePersistentPreferredActivities(java.lang.String packageName, int userId)

public voidclearPackagePreferredActivities(java.lang.String packageName)

public java.lang.String[]currentToCanonicalPackageNames(java.lang.String[] names)

public voiddeleteApplicationCacheFiles(java.lang.String packageName, observer)
Delete all the cache files in an applications cache directory

packageName The package name of the application whose cache files need to be deleted
observer a callback used to notify when the deletion is finished.

public voiddeletePackage(java.lang.String packageName, observer, int userId, int flags)
Delete a package for a specific user.

packageName The fully qualified name of the package to delete.
observer a callback to use to notify when the package deletion in finished.
userId the id of the user for whom to delete the package
flags - possible values: {@link #DONT_DELETE_DATA}

public voiddeletePackageAsUser(java.lang.String packageName, observer, int userId, int flags)

rawr, don't call AIDL methods directly!

public voidenterSafeMode()

public voidextendVerificationTimeout(int id, int verificationCodeAtTimeout, long millisecondsToDelay)

public voidfinishPackageInstall(int token)

public voidforceDexOpt(java.lang.String packageName)

public voidfreeStorage(long freeStorageSize, android.content.IntentSender pi)
Free storage by deleting LRU sorted list of cache files across all applications. If the currently available free storage on the device is greater than or equal to the requested free storage, no cache files are cleared. If the currently available storage on the device is less than the requested free storage, some or all of the cache files across all applications are deleted (based on last accessed time) to increase the free storage space on the device to the requested value. There is no guarantee that clearing all the cache files from all applications will clear up enough storage to achieve the desired value.

freeStorageSize The number of bytes of storage to be freed by the system. Say if freeStorageSize is XX, and the current free storage is YY, if XX is less than YY, just return. if not free XX-YY number of bytes if possible.
pi IntentSender call back used to notify when the operation is completed.May be null to indicate that no call back is desired.

public voidfreeStorageAndNotify(long freeStorageSize, observer)
Free storage by deleting LRU sorted list of cache files across all applications. If the currently available free storage on the device is greater than or equal to the requested free storage, no cache files are cleared. If the currently available storage on the device is less than the requested free storage, some or all of the cache files across all applications are deleted (based on last accessed time) to increase the free storage space on the device to the requested value. There is no guarantee that clearing all the cache files from all applications will clear up enough storage to achieve the desired value.

freeStorageSize The number of bytes of storage to be freed by the system. Say if freeStorageSize is XX, and the current free storage is YY, if XX is less than YY, just return. if not free XX-YY number of bytes if possible.
observer call back used to notify when the operation is completed

public className, int flags, int userId)

public java.util.ListgetAllPermissionGroups(int flags)

public java.lang.String[]getAppOpPermissionPackages(java.lang.String permissionName)

public intgetApplicationEnabledSetting(java.lang.String packageName, int userId)
As per {@link}.

public booleangetApplicationHiddenSettingAsUser(java.lang.String packageName, int userId)

public packageName, int flags, int userId)

public booleangetBlockUninstallForUser(java.lang.String packageName, int userId)

public intgetComponentEnabledSetting(android.content.ComponentName componentName, int userId)
As per {@link}.

public intgetFlagsForUid(int uid)

public android.content.ComponentNamegetHomeActivities(java.util.List outHomeCandidates)
Report the set of 'Home' activity candidates, plus (if any) which of them is the current "always use this one" setting.

public intgetInstallLocation()

public flags, int userId)
This implements getInstalledApplications via a "last returned row" mechanism that is not exposed in the API. This is to get around the IPC limit that kicks in when flags are included that bloat up the data returned.

public flags, int userId)
This implements getInstalledPackages via a "last returned row" mechanism that is not exposed in the API. This is to get around the IPC limit that kicks in when flags are included that bloat up the data returned.

public java.lang.StringgetInstallerPackageName(java.lang.String packageName)

public className, int flags)

public packageName, java.lang.String alias)

public intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags)

public java.lang.StringgetNameForUid(int uid)

public int[]getPackageGids(java.lang.String packageName)

public packageName, int flags, int userId)


public voidgetPackageSizeInfo(java.lang.String packageName, int userHandle, observer)
Get package statistics including the code, data and cache size for an already installed package

packageName The package name of the application
userHandle Which user the size should be retrieved for
observer a callback to use to notify when the asynchronous retrieval of information is complete.

public intgetPackageUid(java.lang.String packageName, int userId)

public java.lang.String[]getPackagesForUid(int uid)

public[] permissions, int flags, int userId)
This implements getPackagesHoldingPermissions via a "last returned row" mechanism that is not exposed in the API. This is to get around the IPC limit that kicks in when flags are included that bloat up the data returned.

public name, int flags)

public name, int flags)

public java.util.ListgetPersistentApplications(int flags)
Retrieve all applications that are marked as persistent.

A List<applicationInfo> containing one entry for each persistent application.

public intgetPreferredActivities(java.util.List outFilters, java.util.List outActivities, java.lang.String packageName)

public java.util.ListgetPreferredPackages(int flags)

public className, int flags, int userId)

public className, int flags, int userId)

public className, int flags, int userId)

public packageName)

Get a list of features that are available on the system.

public java.lang.String[]getSystemSharedLibraryNames()
Get a list of shared libraries that are available on the system.

public intgetUidForSharedUser(java.lang.String sharedUserName)


public voidgrantPermission(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String permissionName)

public booleanhasSystemFeature(java.lang.String name)

public booleanhasSystemUidErrors()

public intinstallExistingPackageAsUser(java.lang.String packageName, int userId)

public voidinstallPackage(java.lang.String originPath, observer, int flags, java.lang.String installerPackageName, verificationParams, java.lang.String packageAbiOverride)

public voidinstallPackageAsUser(java.lang.String originPath, observer, int flags, java.lang.String installerPackageName, verificationParams, java.lang.String packageAbiOverride, int userId)

public booleanisFirstBoot()

public booleanisOnlyCoreApps()

public booleanisPackageAvailable(java.lang.String packageName, int userId)

public booleanisPackageSignedByKeySet(java.lang.String packageName, ks)

public booleanisPackageSignedByKeySetExactly(java.lang.String packageName, ks)

public booleanisPermissionEnforced(java.lang.String permission)

public booleanisProtectedBroadcast(java.lang.String actionName)

public booleanisSafeMode()

public booleanisStorageLow()
Reflects current DeviceStorageMonitorService state

public booleanisUidPrivileged(int uid)

public booleanisUpgrade()

public voidmovePackage(java.lang.String packageName, observer, int flags)

public lastPackage)

public voidperformBootDexOpt()
Ask the package manager to perform boot-time dex-opt of all existing packages.

public booleanperformDexOptIfNeeded(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String instructionSet)
Ask the package manager to perform dex-opt (if needed) on the given package and for the given instruction set if it already hasn't done so. If the supplied instructionSet is null, the package manager will use the packages default instruction set. In most cases, apps are dexopted in advance and this function will be a no-op.

public java.util.ListqueryContentProviders(java.lang.String processName, int uid, int flags)

public java.util.ListqueryInstrumentation(java.lang.String targetPackage, int flags)

public java.util.ListqueryIntentActivities(android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, int userId)

public java.util.ListqueryIntentActivityOptions(android.content.ComponentName caller, android.content.Intent[] specifics, java.lang.String[] specificTypes, android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, int userId)

public java.util.ListqueryIntentContentProviders(android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, int userId)

public java.util.ListqueryIntentReceivers(android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, int userId)

public java.util.ListqueryIntentServices(android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, int userId)

public java.util.ListqueryPermissionsByGroup(java.lang.String group, int flags)

public voidquerySyncProviders(java.util.List outNames, java.util.List outInfo)
Retrieve sync information for all content providers.

outNames Filled in with a list of the root names of the content providers that can sync.
outInfo Filled in with a list of the ProviderInfo for each name in 'outNames'.

public voidremovePackageFromPreferred(java.lang.String packageName)

public voidremovePermission(java.lang.String name)

public voidreplacePreferredActivity(android.content.IntentFilter filter, int match, android.content.ComponentName[] set, android.content.ComponentName activity, int userId)

public voidresetPreferredActivities(int userId)

public name, int flags, int userId)

public intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, int userId)

public intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, int userId)

public voidrevokePermission(java.lang.String packageName, java.lang.String permissionName)

public voidsetApplicationEnabledSetting(java.lang.String packageName, int newState, int flags, int userId, java.lang.String callingPackage)
As per {@link}.

public booleansetApplicationHiddenSettingAsUser(java.lang.String packageName, boolean hidden, int userId)

public booleansetBlockUninstallForUser(java.lang.String packageName, boolean blockUninstall, int userId)

public voidsetComponentEnabledSetting(android.content.ComponentName componentName, int newState, int flags, int userId)
As per {@link}.

public booleansetInstallLocation(int loc)

public voidsetInstallerPackageName(java.lang.String targetPackage, java.lang.String installerPackageName)

public voidsetLastChosenActivity(android.content.Intent intent, java.lang.String resolvedType, int flags, android.content.IntentFilter filter, int match, android.content.ComponentName activity)

public voidsetPackageStoppedState(java.lang.String packageName, boolean stopped, int userId)
Set whether the given package should be considered stopped, making it not visible to implicit intents that filter out stopped packages.

public voidsetPermissionEnforced(java.lang.String permission, boolean enforced)

public voidsystemReady()

public voidupdateExternalMediaStatus(boolean mounted, boolean reportStatus)
Update status of external media on the package manager to scan and install packages installed on the external media. Like say the MountService uses this to call into the package manager to update status of sdcard.

public voidverifyPendingInstall(int id, int verificationCode)