Insn.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API15468Fri May 04 22:34:28 BST 2007com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile


public abstract class Insn extends Object implements VMConstants
Insn is an abstract class which represents a java VM instruction in a sequence of instructions.

Fields Summary
static final int
public static final int
private int
private int
private Insn
private Insn
Constructors Summary
Insn(int theOpcode, int theOffset)

    insnOpcode = theOpcode;
    insnOffset = theOffset;
Methods Summary
public com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insnappend(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insn i)
Append an instruction sequence at the end of this instruction sequence. Returns the final instruction.

    Insn thisInsn = this;
    while (thisInsn.nextInsn != null)
      thisInsn = thisInsn.nextInsn;
    return thisInsn.insert(i);
public abstract java.lang.StringargTypes()
What are the types of the stack operands ?

public abstract booleanbranches()
Does this instruction branch?

public static com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insncreate(int theOpCode)
Create an instruction which requires no immediate operands

    return new InsnSingle(theOpCode);
public static com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insncreate(int theOpCode, ConstBasic constValue)
Create an instruction which requires a single constant from the constant pool as an immediate operand.

    return new InsnConstOp(theOpCode, constValue);
public static com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insncreate(int theOpCode, int intValue)
Create an instruction which requires a single integral constant as an immediate operand.

    return new InsnIntOp(theOpCode, intValue);
public static com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insncreate(int theOpCode, InsnTarget target)
Create an instruction which requires a single branch offset as an immediate operand.

    return new InsnTargetOp(theOpCode, target);
public com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insninsert(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insn i)
Insert an instruction sequence in the code sequence after this instruction. Returns the final instruction.

    if (i == null)
      return this;

    Insn theNextInsn = nextInsn;
    nextInsn = i;
    i.prevInsn = this;

    while (i.nextInsn != null)
      i = i.nextInsn;
    i.nextInsn = theNextInsn;
    if (theNextInsn != null)
      theNextInsn.prevInsn = i;
    return i;
public static final intloadStoreDataType(int opcode)
Return the type of value manipulated by the load/store instruction

    switch(opcode) {
    case opc_iload:
    case opc_iload_0:
    case opc_iload_1:
    case opc_iload_2:
    case opc_iload_3:
    case opc_istore:
    case opc_istore_0:
    case opc_istore_1:
    case opc_istore_2:
    case opc_istore_3:
    case opc_iaload:
    case opc_baload:
    case opc_caload:
    case opc_saload:
    case opc_iastore:
    case opc_bastore:
    case opc_castore:
    case opc_sastore:
      return T_INT;

    case opc_lload:
    case opc_lload_0:
    case opc_lload_1:
    case opc_lload_2:
    case opc_lload_3:
    case opc_lstore:
    case opc_lstore_0:
    case opc_lstore_1:
    case opc_lstore_2:
    case opc_lstore_3:
    case opc_laload:
    case opc_lastore:
      return T_LONG;

    case opc_fload:
    case opc_fload_0:
    case opc_fload_1:
    case opc_fload_2:
    case opc_fload_3:
    case opc_fstore:
    case opc_fstore_0:
    case opc_fstore_1:
    case opc_fstore_2:
    case opc_fstore_3:
    case opc_faload:
    case opc_fastore:
      return T_FLOAT;

    case opc_dload:
    case opc_dload_0:
    case opc_dload_1:
    case opc_dload_2:
    case opc_dload_3:
    case opc_dstore:
    case opc_dstore_0:
    case opc_dstore_1:
    case opc_dstore_2:
    case opc_dstore_3:
    case opc_daload:
    case opc_dastore:
      return T_DOUBLE;

    case opc_aload:
    case opc_aload_0:
    case opc_aload_1:
    case opc_aload_2:
    case opc_aload_3:
    case opc_astore:
    case opc_astore_0:
    case opc_astore_1:
    case opc_astore_2:
    case opc_astore_3:
    case opc_aaload:
    case opc_aastore:
      return TC_OBJECT;

        throw new InsnError("not a load/store");//NOI18N
public voidmarkTargets()
Mark possible branch targets

public abstract intnStackArgs()
How many words of stack operands does this instruction take?

public abstract intnStackResults()
How many words of stack results does this instruction deposit?

public com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insnnext()
Returns the next instruction in the code sequence

  /* public accessors */

    return nextInsn;
public intoffset()
Return the offset of this instruction in the containing code sequence

    return insnOffset;
public static java.lang.StringopName(int opcode)
Return the name of the operation for a given opcode

    if (opcode == opc_target)
        return "target:";//NOI18N
    if (opcode >=0 && opcode <= VMOp.ops.length)
      return VMOp.ops[opcode].name();
        throw new InsnError("invalid opcode for opName: " + opcode);//NOI18N
public intopcode()
Return the opcode for this instruction

    return insnOpcode;
public com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insnprev()
Returns the previous instruction in the code sequence

    return prevInsn;
abstract voidprint( out, int indent)

public voidprintInsn( out)
Print this instruction to the output stream

    print(out, 0);
public voidprintList( out)
Print the sequence of instructions to the output stream

    Insn insn = this;
    while (insn != null) {
      insn.print(out, 0);
      insn =;
static com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insnread(InsnReadEnv insnEnv)

    boolean widen = false;
    int pc = insnEnv.currentPC();

    int op = insnEnv.getUByte();
    if (op == opc_wide) {
      widen = true;
      op = insnEnv.getUByte();

    switch (op) {
    case opc_nop:
    case opc_aconst_null:
    case opc_iconst_m1:
    case opc_iconst_0:
    case opc_iconst_1:
    case opc_iconst_2:
    case opc_iconst_3:
    case opc_iconst_4:
    case opc_iconst_5:
    case opc_lconst_0:
    case opc_lconst_1:
    case opc_fconst_0:
    case opc_fconst_1:
    case opc_fconst_2:
    case opc_dconst_0:
    case opc_dconst_1:
    case opc_iload_0:
    case opc_iload_1:
    case opc_iload_2:
    case opc_iload_3:
    case opc_lload_0:
    case opc_lload_1:
    case opc_lload_2:
    case opc_lload_3:
    case opc_fload_0:
    case opc_fload_1:
    case opc_fload_2:
    case opc_fload_3:
    case opc_dload_0:
    case opc_dload_1:
    case opc_dload_2:
    case opc_dload_3:
    case opc_aload_0:
    case opc_aload_1:
    case opc_aload_2:
    case opc_aload_3:
    case opc_iaload:
    case opc_laload:
    case opc_faload:
    case opc_daload:
    case opc_aaload:
    case opc_baload:
    case opc_caload:
    case opc_saload:
    case opc_istore_0:
    case opc_istore_1:
    case opc_istore_2:
    case opc_istore_3:
    case opc_lstore_0:
    case opc_lstore_1:
    case opc_lstore_2:
    case opc_lstore_3:
    case opc_fstore_0:
    case opc_fstore_1:
    case opc_fstore_2:
    case opc_fstore_3:
    case opc_dstore_0:
    case opc_dstore_1:
    case opc_dstore_2:
    case opc_dstore_3:
    case opc_astore_0:
    case opc_astore_1:
    case opc_astore_2:
    case opc_astore_3:
    case opc_iastore:
    case opc_lastore:
    case opc_fastore:
    case opc_dastore:
    case opc_aastore:
    case opc_bastore:
    case opc_castore:
    case opc_sastore:
    case opc_pop:
    case opc_pop2:
    case opc_dup:
    case opc_dup_x1:
    case opc_dup_x2:
    case opc_dup2:
    case opc_dup2_x1:
    case opc_dup2_x2:
    case opc_swap:
    case opc_iadd:
    case opc_ladd:
    case opc_fadd:
    case opc_dadd:
    case opc_isub:
    case opc_lsub:
    case opc_fsub:
    case opc_dsub:
    case opc_imul:
    case opc_lmul:
    case opc_fmul:
    case opc_dmul:
    case opc_idiv:
    case opc_ldiv:
    case opc_fdiv:
    case opc_ddiv:
    case opc_irem:
    case opc_lrem:
    case opc_frem:
    case opc_drem:
    case opc_ineg:
    case opc_lneg:
    case opc_fneg:
    case opc_dneg:
    case opc_ishl:
    case opc_lshl:
    case opc_ishr:
    case opc_lshr:
    case opc_iushr:
    case opc_lushr:
    case opc_iand:
    case opc_land:
    case opc_ior:
    case opc_lor:
    case opc_ixor:
    case opc_lxor:
    case opc_i2l:
    case opc_i2f:
    case opc_i2d:
    case opc_l2i:
    case opc_l2f:
    case opc_l2d:
    case opc_f2i:
    case opc_f2l:
    case opc_f2d:
    case opc_d2i:
    case opc_d2l:
    case opc_d2f:
    case opc_i2b:
    case opc_i2c:
    case opc_i2s:
    case opc_lcmp:
    case opc_fcmpl:
    case opc_fcmpg:
    case opc_dcmpl:
    case opc_dcmpg:
    case opc_ireturn:
    case opc_lreturn:
    case opc_freturn:
    case opc_dreturn:
    case opc_areturn:
    case opc_return:
    case opc_xxxunusedxxx:
    case opc_arraylength:
    case opc_athrow:
    case opc_monitorenter:
    case opc_monitorexit:
      return new InsnSingle(op, pc);
    case opc_ldc:
      return new InsnConstOp(op, insnEnv.pool().constantAt(insnEnv.getUByte()),
    case opc_ldc_w:
    case opc_ldc2_w:
    case opc_getstatic:
    case opc_putstatic:
    case opc_getfield:
    case opc_putfield:
    case opc_invokevirtual:
    case opc_invokespecial:
    case opc_invokestatic:
    case opc_new:
    case opc_anewarray:
    case opc_checkcast:
    case opc_instanceof:
      return new InsnConstOp(op,
    case opc_iload:
    case opc_lload:
    case opc_fload:
    case opc_dload:
    case opc_aload:
    case opc_istore:
    case opc_lstore:
    case opc_fstore:
    case opc_dstore:
    case opc_astore:
    case opc_ret:
      if (widen)
	return new InsnIntOp(op, insnEnv.getShort(), pc);
	return new InsnIntOp(op, insnEnv.getByte(), pc);

    case opc_bipush: /* a byte constant */
    case opc_newarray:
      return new InsnIntOp(op, insnEnv.getByte(), pc);

    case opc_sipush: /* a short constant */
      return new InsnIntOp(op, insnEnv.getShort(), pc);

    case opc_iinc:
      if (widen)
	return new InsnIInc(insnEnv.getUShort(), insnEnv.getShort(), pc);
	return new InsnIInc(insnEnv.getUByte(), insnEnv.getByte(), pc);

    case opc_ifeq:
    case opc_ifne:
    case opc_iflt:
    case opc_ifge:
    case opc_ifgt:
    case opc_ifle:
    case opc_if_icmpeq:
    case opc_if_icmpne:
    case opc_if_icmplt:
    case opc_if_icmpge:
    case opc_if_icmpgt:
    case opc_if_icmple:
    case opc_if_acmpeq:
    case opc_if_acmpne:
    case opc_goto:
    case opc_jsr:
    case opc_ifnull:
    case opc_ifnonnull:
      return new InsnTargetOp(op, insnEnv.getTarget(insnEnv.getShort()+pc), pc);

    case opc_goto_w:
    case opc_jsr_w:
      return new InsnTargetOp(op, insnEnv.getTarget(insnEnv.getInt()+pc), pc);

    case opc_tableswitch:
      return, pc);

    case opc_lookupswitch:
      return, pc);

    case opc_invokeinterface:
      return, pc);

    case opc_multianewarray:
      return, pc);
    throw new InsnError("Invalid byte code (" + op + ")");//NOI18N
public voidremove()
Removes the current instruction from it's embedding sequence.

    if (nextInsn != null)
      nextInsn.prevInsn = prevInsn;

    if (prevInsn != null)
      prevInsn.nextInsn = nextInsn;

    prevInsn = null;
    nextInsn = null;
final intresolveOffset(int pc)

    insnOffset = pc;
    return pc + size();
public abstract java.lang.StringresultTypes()
What are the types of the stack results?

public com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.InsnsetNext(com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.enhancer.classfile.Insn i)
Insert the single instruction in the code sequence after this instruction. Returns the inserted instruction.

    if (nextInsn != null)
      nextInsn.prevInsn = i;

    if (i != null) {
      i.nextInsn = nextInsn;
      i.prevInsn = this;
    nextInsn = i;
    return i;
abstract intsize()

abstract intstore(byte[] buf, int index)

static intstoreInt(byte[] buf, int index, int v)

    buf[index++] = (byte) (v >> 24);
    buf[index++] = (byte) ((v >> 16) & 0xff);
    buf[index++] = (byte) ((v >> 8) & 0xff);
    buf[index++] = (byte) (v & 0xff);
    return index;
static intstoreShort(byte[] buf, int index, short v)

    buf[index++] = (byte) ((v >> 8) & 0xff);
    buf[index++] = (byte) (v & 0xff);
    return index;