QueueMBean.javaAPI DocExample1516Thu May 23 09:32:50 BST 2002 sample.notification


public interface QueueMBean implements sample.standard.BasicMBean
Defines the management interface for Queue using the standard MBean design patterns. There are ten attributes: 1. QueueSize (int) - Read/Write 2. NumberOfItemsProcessed (long) - READ-ONLY 3. AddWaitTime (long) - READ-ONLY 4. RemoveWaitTime (long) - READ-ONLY 5. QueueFull (boolean) - READ-ONLY 6. QueueEmpty (boolean) - READ-ONLY 7. Suspended (boolean) - READ-ONLY 8. EndOfInput (boolean) - READ-ONLY 9. NumberOfSuppliers (boolean) - READ-ONLY 10. NumberOfConsumers (boolean) - READ-ONLY and three operations: 1. suspend() - suspends the activity in the queue. Allows no items to be removed from, or added to, the queue. 2. resume() - resumes processing in the queue. 3. reset() - resets the state of the queue. This method is inherited from BasicMBean.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public longgetAddWaitTime()

public intgetNumberOfConsumers()

public longgetNumberOfItemsProcessed()

public intgetNumberOfSuppliers()

public intgetQueueSize()

public longgetRemoveWaitTime()

public booleanisEndOfInput()

public booleanisQueueEmpty()

public booleanisQueueFull()

public booleanisSuspended()

public voidresume()

public voidsetQueueSize(int queueSize)

public voidsuspend()