AbstractUITagTest.javaAPI DocExample15148Mon Jul 23 13:26:16 BST 2007org.apache.struts2.views.jsp

 * $Id: 474560 2006-11-13 23:09:31Z hermanns $
 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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 * under the License.
package org.apache.struts2.views.jsp;

import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
import org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.AbstractUITag;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionContext;

public abstract class AbstractUITagTest extends AbstractTagTest {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(AbstractUITagTest.class);

    static final String FREEMARKER_ERROR_EXPECTATION = "Java backtrace for programmers:";

     * Simple helper class for generic tag property testing mechanism. Basically it holds a property name, a property
     * value and an output to be expected in tag output when property was accordingly set.
     * @author <a href="">Rene Gielen</a>
    public class PropertyHolder {
        String name, value, expectation;

        public String getName() {
            return name;

        public String getValue() {
            return value;

        public String getExpectation() {
            return expectation;

         * Construct simple holder with default expectation.
         * @param name  The property name to use.
         * @param value The property value to set.
         * @see #PropertyHolder(String, String, String)
        public PropertyHolder(String name, String value) {
            this(name, value, null);

         * Construct property holder.
         * @param name        The property name to use.
         * @param value       The property value to set.
         * @param expectation The expected String to occur in tag output caused by setting given tag property. If
         *                    <tt>null</tt>, will be set to <pre>name + "=\"" + value + "\"</pre>.
        public PropertyHolder(String name, String value, String expectation) {
   = name;
            this.value = value;
            if (expectation != null) {
                this.expectation = expectation;
            } else {
                this.expectation = name + "=\"" + value + "\"";

         * Convenience method for easily adding anonymous constructed instance to a given map, with {@link #getName()}
         * as key.
         * @param map The map to place this instance in.
        public void addToMap(Map map) {
            if (map != null) {
                map.put(, this);

     * Simple Helper for setting bean properties. Although BeanUtils from oscore should provide bean property setting
     * functionality, it does not work (at least with my JDK 1.5.0_05), failing in jdk's PropertyDescriptor constructor.
     * This implementation works safely in any case, and does not add dependency on commons-beanutils for building.
     * TODO: Check how we can remove this crap again.
     * @author <a href="">Rene Gielen</a>
    public class BeanHelper {
        Map propDescriptors;
        Object bean;

        public BeanHelper(Object bean) {
            this.bean = bean;

            try {
                PropertyDescriptor[] pds;
                pds = Introspector.getBeanInfo(bean.getClass()).getPropertyDescriptors();
                propDescriptors = new HashMap(pds.length + 1, 1f);
                for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i ++) {
                    propDescriptors.put(pds[i].getName(), pds[i]);
            } catch (IntrospectionException e) {

        public void set(String name, Object value) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
            PropertyDescriptor pd = (PropertyDescriptor) propDescriptors.get(name);

            if (pd != null) {
                pd.getWriteMethod().invoke(bean, new Object[]{value});


     * Initialize a map of {@link PropertyHolder} for generic tag property testing. Will be used when calling {@link
     * #verifyGenericProperties(org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.AbstractUITag, String, String[])} as properties to
     * verify.<p/> This implementation defines testdata for all common AbstractUITag properties and may be overridden in
     * subclasses.
     * @return A Map of PropertyHolders values bound to {@link org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.AbstractUITagTest.PropertyHolder#getName()}
     *         as key.
    protected Map initializedGenericTagTestProperties() {
        Map result = new HashMap();
        new PropertyHolder("name", "someName").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("id", "someId").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("cssClass", "cssClass1", "class=\"cssClass1\"").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("cssStyle", "cssStyle1", "style=\"cssStyle1\"").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("title", "someTitle").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("disabled", "true", "disabled=\"disabled\"").addToMap(result);
        //new PropertyHolder("label", "label", "label=\"label\"").addToMap(result);
        //new PropertyHolder("required", "someTitle").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("tabindex", "99").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("value", "someValue").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onclick", "onclick1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("ondblclick", "ondblclick1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onmousedown", "onmousedown1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onmouseup", "onmouseup1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onmouseover", "onmouseover1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onmousemove", "onmousemove1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onmouseout", "onmouseout1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onfocus", "onfocus1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onblur", "onblur1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onkeypress", "onkeypress1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onkeydown", "onkeydown1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onkeyup", "onkeyup1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onclick", "onclick1").addToMap(result);
        new PropertyHolder("onselect", "onchange").addToMap(result);
        return result;

     * Do a generic verification that setting certain properties on a tag causes expected output regarding this
     * property. In most cases you would not call this directly, instead use {@link
     * #verifyGenericProperties(org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.ui.AbstractUITag, String, String[])}.
     * @param tag              The fresh created tag instance to test.
     * @param theme            The theme to use. If <tt>null</tt>, use configured default theme.
     * @param propertiesToTest Map of {@link PropertyHolder}s, defining properties to test.
     * @param exclude          Names of properties to exclude from particular test.
     * @throws Exception
    public void verifyGenericProperties(AbstractUITag tag, String theme, Map propertiesToTest, String[] exclude) throws Exception {
        if (tag != null && propertiesToTest != null) {
            List excludeList;
            if (exclude != null) {
                excludeList = Arrays.asList(exclude);
            } else {
                excludeList = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

            if (theme != null) {

            BeanHelper beanHelper = new BeanHelper(tag);
            Iterator it = propertiesToTest.values().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                PropertyHolder propertyHolder = (PropertyHolder);
                if (! excludeList.contains(propertyHolder.getName())) {
                    beanHelper.set(propertyHolder.getName(), propertyHolder.getValue());
            String writerString = normalize(writer.toString(), true);
            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "AbstractUITagTest - [verifyGenericProperties]: Tag output is " + writerString);

            assertTrue("Freemarker error detected in tag output: " + writerString, writerString.indexOf(FREEMARKER_ERROR_EXPECTATION) == -1);

            it = propertiesToTest.values().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                PropertyHolder propertyHolder = (PropertyHolder);
                if (! excludeList.contains(propertyHolder.getName())) {
                    assertTrue("Expected to find: " + propertyHolder.getExpectation() + " in resulting String: " + writerString, writerString.indexOf(propertyHolder.getExpectation()) > -1);

     * Do a generic verification that setting certain properties on a tag causes expected output regarding this
     * property. Which properties to test with which expectations will be determined by the Map retrieved by {@link #initializedGenericTagTestProperties()}.
     * @param tag              The fresh created tag instance to test.
     * @param theme            The theme to use. If <tt>null</tt>, use configured default theme.
     * @param exclude          Names of properties to exclude from particular test.
     * @throws Exception
    public void verifyGenericProperties(AbstractUITag tag, String theme, String[] exclude) throws Exception {
        verifyGenericProperties(tag, theme, initializedGenericTagTestProperties(), exclude);

     * Attempt to verify the contents of this.writer against the contents of the URL specified.  verify() performs a
     * trim on both ends
     * @param url the HTML snippet that we want to validate against
     * @throws Exception if the validation failed
    public void verify(URL url) throws Exception {
        if (url == null) {
            fail("unable to verify a null URL");
        } else if (this.writer == null) {
            fail("AbstractJspWriter.writer not initialized.  Unable to verify");

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(128);
        InputStream in = url.openStream();
        byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
        int nbytes;

        while ((nbytes = > 0) {
            buffer.append(new String(buf, 0, nbytes));


         * compare the trimmed values of each buffer and make sure they're equivalent.  however, let's make sure to
         * normalize the strings first to account for line termination differences between platforms.
        String writerString = normalize(writer.toString(), true);
        String bufferString = normalize(buffer.toString(), true);

        assertEquals(bufferString, writerString);

     * Attempt to verify the contents of this.writer against the contents of the URL specified.  verify() performs a
     * trim on both ends
     * @param url the HTML snippet that we want to validate against
     * @throws Exception if the validation failed
    public void verify(URL url, String[] excluded) throws Exception {
        if (url == null) {
            fail("unable to verify a null URL");
        } else if (this.writer == null) {
            fail("AbstractJspWriter.writer not initialized.  Unable to verify");

        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(128);
        InputStream in = url.openStream();
        byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
        int nbytes;

        while ((nbytes = > 0) {
            buffer.append(new String(buf, 0, nbytes));


         * compare the trimmed values of each buffer and make sure they're equivalent.  however, let's make sure to
         * normalize the strings first to account for line termination differences between platforms.
        String writerString = normalize(writer.toString(), true);
        String bufferString = normalize(buffer.toString(), true);

        assertEquals(bufferString, writerString);

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {


    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {

     * normalizes a string so that strings generated on different platforms can be compared.  any group of one or more
     * space, tab, \r, and \n characters are converted to a single space character
     * @param obj the object to be normalized.  normalize will perform its operation on obj.toString().trim() ;
     * @param appendSpace
     * @return the normalized string
    public static String normalize(Object obj, boolean appendSpace) {
        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(obj.toString().trim(), " \t\r\n");
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(128);

        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {

            if (appendSpace && st.hasMoreTokens()) {

        return buffer.toString();