WebBrowser.javaAPI DocExample15037Sat Jan 24 10:44:34 GMT 2004je3.gui


public class WebBrowser extends JFrame implements PropertyChangeListener, HyperlinkListener
This class implements a simple web browser using the HTML display capabilities of the JEditorPane component.

Fields Summary
public static final int
static int
static boolean
The fields and methods below implement a simple animation in the web browser message line; they are used to provide user feedback while web pages are loading.
This object calls the animate() method 8 times a second
Constructors Summary
public WebBrowser()
Create and initialize a new WebBrowser window

  // A default value

	super("WebBrowser");              // Chain to JFrame constructor

	textPane = new JEditorPane();     // Create HTML window
	textPane.setEditable(false);      // Don't allow the user to edit it

	// Register action listeners.  The first is to handle hyperlinks.
	// The second is to receive property change notifications, which tell
	// us when a document is done loading.  This class implements these
	// EventListener interfaces, and the methods are defined below

	// Put the text pane in a JScrollPane in the center of the window
	this.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(textPane),

	// Now create a message line and place it at the bottom of the window
	messageLine = new JLabel(" ");
	this.getContentPane().add(messageLine, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

	// Read the file (and any localized
	// variants appropriate for the current Locale) to create a
	// GUIResourceBundle from which we'll get our menubar and toolbar.
	GUIResourceBundle resources =
	    new GUIResourceBundle(this,"je3.gui." +

	// Read a menubar from the resource bundle and display it
	JMenuBar menubar = (JMenuBar) resources.getResource("menubar",

	// Read a toolbar from the resource bundle.  Don't display it yet.
	JToolBar toolbar = 
	    (JToolBar) resources.getResource("toolbar", JToolBar.class);

	// Create a text field that the user can enter a URL in.
	// Set up an action listener to respond to the ENTER key in that field
	urlField = new JTextField();
	urlField.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

	// Add the URL field and a label for it to the end of the toolbar
	toolbar.add(new JLabel("         URL:"));

	// And add the toolbar to the top of the window
	this.getContentPane().add(toolbar, BorderLayout.NORTH);

	// Read cached copies of two Action objects from the resource bundle
	// These actions are used by the menubar and toolbar, and enabling and
	// disabling them enables and disables the menu and toolbar items.
	backAction = (Action)resources.getResource("action.back",Action.class);
	forwardAction =
	    (Action)resources.getResource("action.forward", Action.class);

	// Start off with both actions disabled
	// Create a ThemeManager for this frame, 
	// and add a Theme menu to the menubar
	ThemeManager themes = new ThemeManager(this, resources);

	// Keep track of how many web browser windows are open
Methods Summary
Display the next frame. Called by the animator timer

	String frame = animationFrames[animationFrame++];    // Get next frame
	messageLine.setText(animationMessage + " " + frame); // Update msgline
	animationFrame = animationFrame % animationFrames.length;
public voidback()
Go back to the previously displayed page.

	if (currentHistoryPage > 0)  // go back, if we can
	// Enable or disable actions as appropriate
	backAction.setEnabled((currentHistoryPage > 0));
	forwardAction.setEnabled((currentHistoryPage < history.size()-1));
public voidclose()
Close this browser window. If this was the only open window, and exitWhenLastBrowserClosed is true, then exit the VM

	this.setVisible(false);             // Hide the window
	this.dispose();                     // Destroy the window
	synchronized(WebBrowser.class) {    // Synchronize for thread-safety
	    WebBrowser.numBrowserWindows--; // There is one window fewer now
	    if ((numBrowserWindows==0) && exitWhenLastWindowClosed)
		System.exit(0);             // Exit if it was the last one
public voiddisplayPage( url)
Ask the browser to display the specified URL, and put it in the history list.

	if (visit(url)) {    // go to the specified url, and if we succeed:
	    history.add(url);       // Add the url to the history list
	    int numentries = history.size();
	    if (numentries > MAX_HISTORY+10) {  // Trim history when too large
		history = history.subList(numentries-MAX_HISTORY, numentries);
		numentries = MAX_HISTORY;
	    currentHistoryPage = numentries-1;  // Set current history page
	    // If we can go back, then enable the Back action
	    if (currentHistoryPage > 0) backAction.setEnabled(true);
public voiddisplayPage(java.lang.String href)
Like displayPage(URL), but takes a string instead

	try {
	    displayPage(new URL(href));
	catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
	    messageLine.setText("Bad URL: " + href);
public voidexit(boolean confirm)
Exit the VM. If confirm is true, ask the user if they are sure. Note that showConfirmDialog() displays a dialog, waits for the user, and returns the user's response (i.e. the button the user selected).

	if (!confirm ||
	    (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,  // dialog parent
	         /* message to display */  "Are you sure you want to quit?",
		 /* dialog title */	   "Really Quit?",
		 /* dialog buttons */	   JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) == 
	     JOptionPane.YES_OPTION))  // If Yes button was clicked
public voidforward()
Go forward to the next page in the history list

	if (currentHistoryPage < history.size()-1)  // go forward, if we can
	// Enable or disable actions as appropriate
	backAction.setEnabled((currentHistoryPage > 0));
	forwardAction.setEnabled((currentHistoryPage < history.size()-1));
public java.lang.StringgetHome()

 return home; 
public voidhome()
Display the page specified by the "home" property

public voidhyperlinkUpdate(javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent e)
This method implements HyperlinkListener. It is invoked when the user clicks on a hyperlink, or move the mouse onto or off of a link

	HyperlinkEvent.EventType type = e.getEventType();  // what happened?
	if (type == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {     // Click!
	    displayPage(e.getURL());   // Follow the link; display new page
	else if (type == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ENTERED) {  // Mouse over!
	    // When mouse goes over a link, display it in the message line
	else if (type == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.EXITED) {   // Mouse out!
	    messageLine.setText(" ");  // Clear the message line
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)
A simple main() method that allows the WebBrowser class to be used as a stand-alone application.

	// End the program when there are no more open browser windows
	WebBrowser browser = new WebBrowser();  // Create a browser window
	browser.setSize(800, 600);              // Set its size
	browser.setVisible(true);               // Make it visible.

	// Tell the browser what to display.  This method is defined below.
	browser.displayPage((args.length > 0) ? args[0] : browser.getHome());
public voidnewBrowser()
Open a new browser window

	WebBrowser b = new WebBrowser();
	b.setSize(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());
public voidopenPage()
Allow the user to choose a local file, and display it

	// Lazy creation: don't create the JFileChooser until it is needed
	if (fileChooser == null) {
	    fileChooser = new JFileChooser();
	    // This javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter displays only HTML files
	    FileFilter filter = new FileFilter() {
		    public boolean accept(File f) {
			String fn = f.getName();
			if (fn.endsWith(".html") || fn.endsWith(".htm"))
			    return true;
			else return false;
		    public String getDescription() { return "HTML Files"; }

	// Ask the user to choose a file.
	int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(this);
	if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
	    // If they didn't click "Cancel", then try to display the file.
	    File selectedFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile();
	    String url = "file://" + selectedFile.getAbsolutePath();
public voidpropertyChange(java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent e)
This method implements java.beans.PropertyChangeListener. It is invoked whenever a bound property changes in the JEditorPane object. The property we are interested in is the "page" property, because it tells us when a page has finished loading.

	if (e.getPropertyName().equals("page")) // If the page property changed
	    stopAnimation();              // Then stop the loading... animation
public voidreload()
Reload the current page in the history list

	if (currentHistoryPage != -1) {
	    // We can't reload the current document, so display a blank page
	    textPane.setDocument(new javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument());
	    // Now re-visit the current URL
public static voidsetExitWhenLastWindowClosed(boolean b)
Set the static property that controls the behavior of close()

	exitWhenLastWindowClosed = b;
public voidsetHome(java.lang.String home)
These are accessor methods for the home property.

 this.home = home; 
voidstartAnimation(java.lang.String msg)
Start the animation. Called by the visit() method.

	animationMessage = msg;     // Save the message to display
	animationFrame = 0;         // Start with frame 0 of the animation
	animator.start();           // Tell the timer to start firing.
Stop the animation. Called by propertyChanged() method.

	animator.stop();            // Tell the timer to stop firing events
	messageLine.setText(" ");   // Clear the message line
booleanvisit( url)
This internal method attempts to load and display the specified URL. It is called from various places throughout the class.

	try {
	    String href = url.toString();
	    // Start animating.  Animation is stopped in propertyChanged()
	    startAnimation("Loading " + href + "...");  
	    textPane.setPage(url);   // Load and display the URL 
	    this.setTitle(href);     // Display URL in window titlebar
	    urlField.setText(href);  // Display URL in text input field
	    return true;             // Return success
	catch (IOException ex) {     // If page loading fails
	    messageLine.setText("Can't load page: " + ex.getMessage());
	    return false;            // Return failure