Bean.javaAPI DocExample14967Sat Jan 24 10:44:38 GMT 2004je3.beans


public class Bean extends Object
This class encapsulates a bean object and its BeanInfo. It is a key part of the ShowBean "beanbox" program, and demonstrates how to instantiate and instrospect beans, and how to use reflection to set properties and invoke methods. It also illustrates how to work with PropertyEditor classes.

Fields Summary
static final Object[]
Constructors Summary
public Bean(Object bean, boolean expert)

    // This constructor introspects the specified component.
    // Typically you'll use one of the static factory methods instead.
	this.bean = bean;     // The object to instrospect = expert; // Is the end-user an expert?

	// Introspect to get BeanInfo for the bean
	info = Introspector.getBeanInfo(bean.getClass());

	// Now Create a map of property names to PropertyDescriptor objects
	properties = new HashMap();
	PropertyDescriptor[] props = info.getPropertyDescriptors();
	for(int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
	    // Skip hidden properties, indexed properties, and expert 
	    // properties unless the end-user is an expert.
	    if (props[i].isHidden()) continue;
	    if (props[i] instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) continue;
	    if (!expert && props[i].isExpert()) continue;
	    properties.put(props[i].getDisplayName(), props[i]);

	// Create a map of command names to MethodDescriptor objects
	// Commands are methods with no arguments and no return value.
	// We skip commands defined in Object, Component, Container, and
	// JComponent because they contain methods that meet this definition
	// but are not intended for end-users.
	commands = new HashMap();
	MethodDescriptor[] methods = info.getMethodDescriptors();
	for(int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
	    // Skip it if it is hidden or expert (unless user is expert)
	    if (methods[i].isHidden()) continue;
	    if (!expert && methods[i].isExpert()) continue;
	    Method m = methods[i].getMethod();
	    // Skip it if it has arguments or a return value
	    if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0) continue;
	    if (m.getReturnType() != Void.TYPE)	continue;
	    // Check the declaring class and skip useless superclasses
	    Class c = m.getDeclaringClass();
	    if (c==JComponent.class || c==Component.class ||
		c==Container.class || c==Object.class)	continue;
	    // Get the unqualifed classname to prefix method name with
	    String classname = c.getName();
	    classname = classname.substring(classname.lastIndexOf('.")+1);
	    // Otherwise, this is a valid command, so add it to the list
	    commands.put(classname + "." + m.getName(),	 methods[i]);
Methods Summary
public static je3.beans.BeanforClassName(java.lang.String className, boolean expert)

	// Load the named bean class
	Class c = Class.forName(className);
	// Instantiate it to create the component instance
	Object bean = c.newInstance();

	return new Bean(bean, expert);
public static je3.beans.BeanfromPersistentStream( in, boolean expert)

	return new Bean(new XMLDecoder(in).readObject(), expert);
public static je3.beans.BeanfromSerializedStream( in, boolean expert)

	return new Bean(in.readObject(), expert);
public java.lang.ObjectgetBean()

 return bean; 
public java.lang.StringgetCommandDescription(java.lang.String name)

	MethodDescriptor m = (MethodDescriptor) commands.get(name);
	if (m == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);
	return m.getShortDescription();
public java.util.ListgetCommandNames()

	List names = new ArrayList(commands.keySet());
	return names;
public java.lang.StringgetDisplayName()

	return info.getBeanDescriptor().getDisplayName();
public java.awt.ImagegetIcon()

	Image icon = info.getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32);
	if (icon != null) return icon;
	else return info.getIcon(BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16);
public java.lang.StringgetPropertyDescription(java.lang.String name)

	PropertyDescriptor p = (PropertyDescriptor) properties.get(name);
	if (p == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);
	return p.getShortDescription();
public java.awt.ComponentgetPropertyEditor(java.lang.String name)

	// Get the descriptor for the named property; final for inner classes.
	final PropertyDescriptor p = (PropertyDescriptor) properties.get(name);
	if (p == null || isReadOnly(name))  // Make sure we can edit it.
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);

	// Find a PropertyEditor for the property
	final PropertyEditor editor;  // final for inner class use
	if (p.getPropertyEditorClass() != null) {  
	    // If there is a custom editor for this property instantiate one.
	    editor = (PropertyEditor)p.getPropertyEditorClass().newInstance();
	else {
	    // Otherwise, look up an editor based on the property type
	    Class type = p.getPropertyType();
	    editor = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor(type);
	    // If there is no editor, give up
	    if (editor == null) 
		throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't set " +
							"properties of type " +

	// Get the property accessor methods for this property so we can
	// query the initial value and set the edited value
	final Method getter = p.getReadMethod();
	final Method setter = p.getWriteMethod();

	// Use Java reflection to find the current propery value. Then tell
	// the property editor about it.
	Object currentValue = getter.invoke(bean, NOARGS);

	// If the PropertyEditor has a custom editor, then we'll just return
	// that custom editor component from this method. User changes to the
	// component change the value in the PropertyEditor which generates
	// a PropertyChangeEvent. We register a listener so that these changes
	// set the property on the bean as well.
	if (editor.supportsCustomEditor()) {
	    final Component editComponent = editor.getCustomEditor();
	    // Note that we register the listener on the PropertyEditor, not
	    // on its custom editor Component.
	    editor.addPropertyChangeListener(new PropertyChangeListener() {
		    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
			try {
			    // Pass edited value to property setter
			    Object editedValue = editor.getValue();
			    setter.invoke(bean, new Object[] { editedValue});
			catch(Exception ex) {
						  ex, ex.getClass().getName(),
	    return editComponent;

	// Otherwise, if the PropertyEditor is for an enumerated type based
	// on a fixed list of possible values, then return a JComboBox
	// component that allows the user to select one of the values.
	final String[] tags = editor.getTags();
	if (tags != null) {
	    // Create the component
	    final JComboBox combobox = new JComboBox(tags);
	    // Use the current value of the property as the currently selected
	    // item in the combo box.
	    // Add a listener to hook the combo box up to the property. When
	    // the user selects an item, set the property value.
	    combobox.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {
		    public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
			// Ignore deselect events
			if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.DESELECTED) return;
			try {
			    // Get the user's selected string from combo box
			    String selectedTag =
			    // Tell the editor about this string value
			    // Ask the editor to convert to the property type
			    Object editedValue = editor.getValue();
			    // Pass this value to the property setter method
			    setter.invoke(bean, new Object[] { editedValue });
			catch(Exception ex) {
						  ex, ex.getClass().getName(),
	    return combobox;

	// Otherwise, property type is not enumerated, and we use a JTextField
	// to allow the user to enter arbitrary text for conversion by the
	// setAsText() method of the PropertyEditor
	final JTextField textfield = new JTextField();
	// Display the current value of the property in the field
	// Hook the JTextField up to the PropertyEditor.
	textfield.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
		// This is called when the user strikes the Enter key
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
		    try {
			// Get the user's input from the text field
			String newText = textfield.getText();
			// Tell the editor about it
			// Ask the editor to convert to the property type
			Object editedValue = editor.getValue();
			// Pass this value to the property setter method
			setter.invoke(bean, new Object[] { editedValue });
		    catch(Exception ex) {
					      ex, ex.getClass().getName(),
	return textfield;
public java.util.ListgetPropertyNames()

	// Make a List from a Set (from a Map), and sort it before returning.
	List names = new ArrayList(properties.keySet()); 
	return names;
public java.lang.StringgetPropertyValue(java.lang.String name)

	PropertyDescriptor p = (PropertyDescriptor) properties.get(name);
	if (p == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);
	Method m = p.getReadMethod();           // property accessor method
	Object value = m.invoke(bean, NOARGS);  // invoke it to get value
	if (value == null) return "null";
	return value.toString();                // use the toString method()
public java.lang.StringgetShortDescription()

	return info.getBeanDescriptor().getShortDescription();
public voidinvokeCommand(java.lang.String name)

	MethodDescriptor method = (MethodDescriptor) commands.get(name);
	if (method == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);
	Method m = method.getMethod();
	m.invoke(bean, NOARGS);
public booleanisReadOnly(java.lang.String name)

	PropertyDescriptor p = (PropertyDescriptor) properties.get(name);
	if (p == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);
	return p.getWriteMethod() == null;
public voidsetPropertyValue(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)

	// Get the descriptor for the named property
	PropertyDescriptor p = (PropertyDescriptor) properties.get(name);
	if (p == null || isReadOnly(name))  // Make sure we can set it
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException(name);

	Object v;  // Store the converted string value here.
	Class type = p.getPropertyType();
	// Convert common types in well-known ways
	if (type == String.class) v = value;   
	else if (type == boolean.class) v = Boolean.valueOf(value);
	else if (type == byte.class) v = Byte.valueOf(value);
	else if (type == char.class) v = new Character(value.charAt(0));
	else if (type == short.class) v = Short.valueOf(value);
	else if (type == int.class) v = Integer.valueOf(value);
	else if (type == long.class) v = Long.valueOf(value);
	else if (type == float.class) v = Float.valueOf(value);
	else if (type == double.class) v = Double.valueOf(value);
	else if (type == Color.class) v = Color.decode(value);
	else if (type == Font.class) v = Font.decode(value);
	else {
	    // Try to find a property editor for unknown types
	    PropertyEditor editor = PropertyEditorManager.findEditor(type);
	    if (editor != null) {
		v = editor.getValue();
	    // Otherwise, give up.
	    else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't set " +
							 "properties of type "+

	// Now get the Method object for the property setter method and
	// invoke it on the bean object, passing the converted value.
	Method setter = p.getWriteMethod();  
	setter.invoke(bean, new Object[] { v });