Pass3bVerifier.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API14845Fri Aug 26 14:55:26 BST


public final class Pass3bVerifier extends PassVerifier
This PassVerifier verifies a method of class file according to pass 3, so-called structural verification as described in The Java Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd edition. More detailed information is to be found at the do_verify() method's documentation.
$Id:,v 2001/10/29 20:00:42 jvanzyl Exp $
Enver Haase

Fields Summary
private static final boolean
In DEBUG mode, the verification algorithm is not randomized.
private Verifier
The Verifier that created this.
private int
The method number to verify.
Constructors Summary
public Pass3bVerifier(Verifier owner, int method_no)
This class should only be instantiated by a Verifier.


		myOwner = owner;
		this.method_no = method_no;
Methods Summary
private voidcirculationPump(ControlFlowGraph cfg, InstructionContext start, Frame vanillaFrame, InstConstraintVisitor icv, ExecutionVisitor ev)
Whenever the outgoing frame situation of an InstructionContext changes, all its successors are put [back] into the queue [as if they were unvisited]. The proof of termination is about the existence of a fix point of frame merging.

		final Random random = new Random();
		InstructionContextQueue icq = new InstructionContextQueue();
		start.execute(vanillaFrame, new ArrayList(), icv, ev);	// new ArrayList() <=>	no Instruction was executed before
																									//									=> Top-Level routine (no jsr call before)
		icq.add(start, new ArrayList());

		// LOOP!
		while (!icq.isEmpty()){
			InstructionContext u;
			ArrayList ec;
			if (!DEBUG){
				int r = random.nextInt(icq.size());
				u = icq.getIC(r);
				ec = icq.getEC(r);
				u  = icq.getIC(0);
				ec = icq.getEC(0);
			ArrayList oldchain = (ArrayList) (ec.clone());
			ArrayList newchain = (ArrayList) (ec.clone());

			if ((u.getInstruction().getInstruction()) instanceof RET){
				// We can only follow _one_ successor, the one after the
				// JSR that was recently executed.
				RET ret = (RET) (u.getInstruction().getInstruction());
				ReturnaddressType t = (ReturnaddressType) u.getOutFrame(oldchain).getLocals().get(ret.getIndex());
				InstructionContext theSuccessor = cfg.contextOf(t.getTarget());

				// Sanity check
				InstructionContext lastJSR = null;
				int skip_jsr = 0;
				for (int ss=oldchain.size()-1; ss >= 0; ss--){
					if (skip_jsr < 0){
						throw new AssertionViolatedException("More RET than JSR in execution chain?!");
					if (((InstructionContext) oldchain.get(ss)).getInstruction().getInstruction() instanceof JsrInstruction){
						if (skip_jsr == 0){
							lastJSR = (InstructionContext) oldchain.get(ss);
					if (((InstructionContext) oldchain.get(ss)).getInstruction().getInstruction() instanceof RET){
				if (lastJSR == null){
					throw new AssertionViolatedException("RET without a JSR before in ExecutionChain?! EC: '"+oldchain+"'.");
				JsrInstruction jsr = (JsrInstruction) (lastJSR.getInstruction().getInstruction());
				if ( theSuccessor != (cfg.contextOf(jsr.physicalSuccessor())) ){
					throw new AssertionViolatedException("RET '"+u.getInstruction()+"' info inconsistent: jump back to '"+theSuccessor+"' or '"+cfg.contextOf(jsr.physicalSuccessor())+"'?");
				if (theSuccessor.execute(u.getOutFrame(oldchain), newchain, icv, ev)){
					icq.add(theSuccessor, (ArrayList) newchain.clone());
			else{// "not a ret"
				// Normal successors. Add them to the queue of successors.
				InstructionContext[] succs = u.getSuccessors();
				for (int s=0; s<succs.length; s++){
					InstructionContext v = succs[s];
					if (v.execute(u.getOutFrame(oldchain), newchain, icv, ev)){
						icq.add(v, (ArrayList) newchain.clone());
			}// end "not a ret"

			// Exception Handlers. Add them to the queue of successors.
			// [subroutines are never protected; mandated by JustIce]
			ExceptionHandler[] exc_hds = u.getExceptionHandlers();
			for (int s=0; s<exc_hds.length; s++){
				InstructionContext v = cfg.contextOf(exc_hds[s].getHandlerStart());
				// TODO: the "oldchain" and "newchain" is used to determine the subroutine
				// we're in (by searching for the last JSR) by the InstructionContext
				// implementation. Therefore, we should not use this chain mechanism
				// when dealing with exception handlers.
				// Example: a JSR with an exception handler as its successor does not
				// mean we're in a subroutine if we go to the exception handler.
				// We should address this problem later; by now we simply "cut" the chain
				// by using an empty chain for the exception handlers.
				//if (v.execute(new Frame(u.getOutFrame(oldchain).getLocals(), new OperandStack (u.getOutFrame().getStack().maxStack(), (exc_hds[s].getExceptionType()==null? Type.THROWABLE : exc_hds[s].getExceptionType())) ), newchain), icv, ev){
					//icq.add(v, (ArrayList) newchain.clone());
				if (v.execute(new Frame(u.getOutFrame(oldchain).getLocals(), new OperandStack (u.getOutFrame(oldchain).getStack().maxStack(), (exc_hds[s].getExceptionType()==null? Type.THROWABLE : exc_hds[s].getExceptionType())) ), new ArrayList(), icv, ev)){
					icq.add(v, new ArrayList());

		}// while (!icq.isEmpty()) END
		InstructionHandle ih = start.getInstruction();
			if ((ih.getInstruction() instanceof ReturnInstruction) && (!(cfg.isDead(ih)))) {
				InstructionContext ic = cfg.contextOf(ih);
				Frame f = ic.getOutFrame(new ArrayList()); // TODO: This is buggy, we check only the top-level return instructions this way.
				LocalVariables lvs = f.getLocals();
				for (int i=0; i<lvs.maxLocals(); i++){
					if (lvs.get(i) instanceof UninitializedObjectType){
						this.addMessage("Warning: ReturnInstruction '"+ic+"' may leave method with an uninitialized object in the local variables array '"+lvs+"'.");
				OperandStack os = f.getStack();
				for (int i=0; i<os.size(); i++){
					if (os.peek(i) instanceof UninitializedObjectType){
						this.addMessage("Warning: ReturnInstruction '"+ic+"' may leave method with an uninitialized object on the operand stack '"+os+"'.");
		}while ((ih = ih.getNext()) != null);
public VerificationResultdo_verify()
Pass 3b implements the data flow analysis as described in the Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition. Later versions will use LocalVariablesInfo objects to verify if the verifier-inferred types and the class file's debug information (LocalVariables attributes) match [TODO].


		if (! myOwner.doPass3a(method_no).equals(VerificationResult.VR_OK)){
			return VerificationResult.VR_NOTYET;

		// Pass 3a ran before, so it's safe to assume the JavaClass object is
		// in the BCEL repository.
		JavaClass jc = Repository.lookupClass(myOwner.getClassName());

		ConstantPoolGen constantPoolGen = new ConstantPoolGen(jc.getConstantPool());
		// Init Visitors
		InstConstraintVisitor icv = new InstConstraintVisitor();
		ExecutionVisitor ev = new ExecutionVisitor();
		Method[] methods = jc.getMethods(); // Method no "method_no" exists, we ran Pass3a before on it!


			MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(methods[method_no], myOwner.getClassName(), constantPoolGen);

			////////////// DFA BEGINS HERE ////////////////
			if (! (mg.isAbstract() || mg.isNative()) ){ // IF mg HAS CODE (See pass 2)
				ControlFlowGraph cfg = new ControlFlowGraph(mg);

				// Build the initial frame situation for this method.
				Frame f = new Frame(mg.getMaxLocals(),mg.getMaxStack());
				if ( !mg.isStatic() ){
					if (mg.getName().equals(Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)){
						f._this = new UninitializedObjectType(new ObjectType(jc.getClassName()));
						f.getLocals().set(0, f._this);
						f._this = null;
						f.getLocals().set(0, new ObjectType(jc.getClassName()));
				Type[] argtypes = mg.getArgumentTypes();
				int twoslotoffset = 0;
				for (int j=0; j<argtypes.length; j++){
					if (argtypes[j] == Type.SHORT || argtypes[j] == Type.BYTE || argtypes[j] == Type.CHAR || argtypes[j] == Type.BOOLEAN){
						argtypes[j] = Type.INT;
					f.getLocals().set(twoslotoffset + j + (mg.isStatic()?0:1), argtypes[j]);
					if (argtypes[j].getSize() == 2){
						f.getLocals().set(twoslotoffset + j + (mg.isStatic()?0:1), Type.UNKNOWN);
				circulationPump(cfg, cfg.contextOf(mg.getInstructionList().getStart()), f, icv, ev);
		catch (VerifierConstraintViolatedException ce){
			ce.extendMessage("Constraint violated in method '"+methods[method_no]+"':\n","");
			return new VerificationResult(VerificationResult.VERIFIED_REJECTED, ce.getMessage());
		catch (RuntimeException re){
			// These are internal errors

			StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
			PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);

			throw new AssertionViolatedException("Some RuntimeException occured while verify()ing class '"+jc.getClassName()+"', method '"+methods[method_no]+"'. Original RuntimeException's stack trace:\n---\n"+sw+"---\n");
		return VerificationResult.VR_OK;
public intgetMethodNo()
Returns the method number as supplied when instantiating.

		return method_no;