ThingImpl.javaAPI DocApache Axis 1.41476Sat Apr 22 18:57:26 BST 2006test.wsdl.wrapped_holders


public class ThingImpl extends Object implements test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.Thing
This test verify's that arrays in a wrapped doc/lit service get holders generated for them, and that they work.
Tom Jordahl

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidfind_aThing(java.lang.String aThing, test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.holders.AThingArrayHolder aThingUnbounded, test.wsdl.wrapped_holders.holders.OtherDataArrayHolder otherDataUnbounded)

        // Verify we get a string in aThing input argument
        String input = aThing;
        if (input == null || !input.equals("This is a test")) {
            String error = "Input argument did not match expected string, got: ";
            error += input != null ? "'" + input + "'" : "NULL";
            error += " Expected: 'This is a test'";
            throw new java.rmi.RemoteException(error);
        // now send something back
        String[] things = new String[2];
        things[0] = new String("Thing one");
        things[1] = new String("Thing two");
        aThingUnbounded.value = things;
        String[] others = new String[2];
        others[0] = new String("Other 1");
        others[1] = new String("Other 2");
        otherDataUnbounded.value = others;