ModelMBeanNotificationInfo.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API14660Tue Jun 10 00:26:16 BST

 * @(#)file
 * @(#)author    IBM Corp.
 * @(#)version   1.40
 * @(#)lastedit      05/12/29
 * Copyright IBM Corp. 1999-2000.  All rights reserved.
 * The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or implied,
 * including the warranty of non-infringement and the implied warranties of
 * merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose. IBM will not be
 * liable for any damages suffered by you or any third party claim against 
 * you regarding the Program.
 * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * Use is subject to license terms.
 * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  Tous droits reserves.
 * Ce logiciel est propriete de Sun Microsystems, Inc.
 * Distribue par des licences qui en restreignent l'utilisation. 




import com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.GetPropertyAction;
import com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace;         

 * The ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object describes a notification emitted 
 * by a ModelMBean.
 * It is a subclass of MBeanNotificationInfo with the addition of an 
 * associated Descriptor and an implementation of the Descriptor interface.
 * <P>
 * The fields in the descriptor are defined, but not limited to, 
 * the following: 
 * <PRE>
 * name           : notification name 
 * descriptorType : must be "notification"
 * severity       : 0-6 where 0: unknown; 1: non-recoverable;
 *                  2: critical, failure; 3: major, severe;
 *                  4: minor, marginal, error; 5: warning;
 *                  6: normal, cleared, informative
 * messageID      : unique key for message text (to allow translation,
 *                  analysis)
 * messageText    : text of notification
 * log            : T - log message F - do not log message
 * logfile        : string fully qualified file name appropriate for 
 *                  operating system
 * visibility     : 1-4 where 1: always visible 4: rarely visible
 * presentationString : xml formatted string to allow presentation of data
 * </PRE>
 * The default descriptor contains the name, descriptorType, displayName  
 * and severity(=6) fields.
 * <p>The <b>serialVersionUID</b> of this class is <code>-7445681389570207141L</code>.
 * @since 1.5

// Sun Microsystems, Sept. 2002: Revisited for JMX 1.2 (DF)
public class ModelMBeanNotificationInfo
    extends MBeanNotificationInfo
    implements DescriptorAccess {

    // Serialization compatibility stuff:
    // Two serial forms are supported in this class. The selected form 
    // depends on system property "jmx.serial.form":
    //  - "1.0" for JMX 1.0
    //  - any other value for JMX 1.1 and higher
    // Serial version for old serial form 
    private static final long oldSerialVersionUID = -5211564525059047097L;
    // Serial version for new serial form 
    private static final long newSerialVersionUID = -7445681389570207141L;
    // Serializable fields in old serial form
    private static final ObjectStreamField[] oldSerialPersistentFields = 
      new ObjectStreamField("notificationDescriptor", Descriptor.class),
      new ObjectStreamField("currClass", String.class)
    // Serializable fields in new serial form
    private static final ObjectStreamField[] newSerialPersistentFields = 
      new ObjectStreamField("notificationDescriptor", Descriptor.class)
    // Actual serial version and serial form
    private static final long serialVersionUID;
     * @serialField notificationDescriptor Descriptor The descriptor 
     *   containing the appropriate metadata for this instance
    private static final ObjectStreamField[] serialPersistentFields;
    private static boolean compat = false;  
    static {
	try {
	    GetPropertyAction act = new GetPropertyAction("jmx.serial.form");
	    String form = AccessController.doPrivileged(act);
	    compat = (form != null && form.equals("1.0"));
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    // OK: No compat with 1.0
	if (compat) {
	    serialPersistentFields = oldSerialPersistentFields;
	    serialVersionUID = oldSerialVersionUID;
	} else {
	    serialPersistentFields = newSerialPersistentFields;
	    serialVersionUID = newSerialVersionUID;
    // END Serialization compatibility stuff

     * @serial The descriptor containing the appropriate metadata for 
     *         this instance
    private Descriptor notificationDescriptor;

    private static final String currClass = "ModelMBeanNotificationInfo";

     * Constructs a ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object with a default 
     * descriptor.
     * @param notifTypes The array of strings (in dot notation) containing 
     *     the notification types that may be emitted.
     * @param name The name of the Notification class.
     * @param description A human readable description of the 
     *     Notification. Optional.
    public ModelMBeanNotificationInfo(String[] notifTypes,
				      String name,
				      String description) {

     * Constructs a ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object.
     * @param notifTypes The array of strings (in dot notation) 
     *        containing the notification types that may be emitted.
     * @param name The name of the Notification class.
     * @param description A human readable description of the Notification.
     *        Optional.
     * @param descriptor An instance of Descriptor containing the 
     *        appropriate metadata for this instance of the 
     *        MBeanNotificationInfo. If it is null a default descriptor 
     *        will be created. If the descriptor does not contain the 
     *        fields "displayName" or "severity" these fields are added
     *        in the  descriptor with their default values.
     * @exception RuntimeOperationsException Wraps an 
     *    {@link IllegalArgumentException}. The descriptor is invalid, or 
     *    descriptor field "name" is not equal to parameter name, or 
     *    descriptor field "DescriptorType" is not equal to "notification".
    public ModelMBeanNotificationInfo(String[] notifTypes,
				      String name,
				      String description, 
				      Descriptor descriptor) {
	super(notifTypes, name, description);
	if (tracing())

     * Constructs a new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object from this 
     * ModelMBeanNotfication Object.
     * @param inInfo the ModelMBeanNotificationInfo to be duplicated
    public ModelMBeanNotificationInfo(ModelMBeanNotificationInfo inInfo) {

     * Creates and returns a new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo which is a 
     * duplicate of this ModelMBeanNotificationInfo.
    public Object clone () {
	if (tracing())
	return(new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo(this));

     * Returns a copy of the associated Descriptor for the
     * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo.
     * @return Descriptor associated with the
     * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo object.
     * @see #setDescriptor
    public Descriptor getDescriptor() {
	if (tracing())
	if (notificationDescriptor == null) {
	    // Dead code. Should never happen.
	    if (tracing())
		      "Received null for new descriptor value, " +
		      "setting descriptor to default values");
	    notificationDescriptor = createDefaultDescriptor();


     * Sets associated Descriptor (full replace) for the
     * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo If the new Descriptor is null,
     * then the associated Descriptor reverts to a default
     * descriptor.  The Descriptor is validated before it is
     * assigned.  If the new Descriptor is invalid, then a
     * RuntimeOperationsException wrapping an
     * IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
     * @param inDescriptor replaces the Descriptor associated with the 
     * ModelMBeanNotification interface
     * @exception RuntimeOperationsException Wraps an
     * {@link IllegalArgumentException} for invalid Descriptor.
     * @see #getDescriptor
    public void setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor) {
	if (tracing())

     * Returns a human readable string containing 
     * ModelMBeanNotificationInfo.
     * @return a string describing this object.
    public String toString() {
	if (tracing())
	final StringBuffer retStr = new StringBuffer();

	retStr.append("ModelMBeanNotificationInfo: ")

	retStr.append(" ; Description: ")

	retStr.append(" ; Descriptor: ")

	retStr.append(" ; Types: ");
	String[] nTypes = this.getNotifTypes();
	for (int i=0; i < nTypes.length; i++) {
	    if (i > 0) retStr.append(", ");
	return retStr.toString();

     * Creates default descriptor for notification as follows:
     * descriptorType=notification,
     * name=this.getName(),displayname=this.getName(),severity=6
    private final Descriptor createDefaultDescriptor() {
	if (tracing())
	return new DescriptorSupport(new 
	    String[] {"descriptorType=notification",
		      ("name=" + this.getName()),
		      ("displayName=" + this.getName()),

     * Tests that the descriptor is valid and adds appropriate default 
     * fields not already specified. Field values must be correct for 
     * field names. 
     * Descriptor must have the same name as the notification, 
     * the descriptorType field must be "notification",
    private boolean isValid(Descriptor inDesc) {
	boolean results = true;
	String badField = "none";

	if (inDesc == null) {
	    return false;

	if (!inDesc.isValid()) {
	    // checks for empty descriptors, null,
	    // checks for empty name and descriptorType adn valid 
	    // values for fields.
	    results = false;
	} else if (!((String)inDesc.getFieldValue("name")).
		   equalsIgnoreCase(this.getName())) {
	    results = false;
	} else if (! ((String)inDesc.getFieldValue("descriptorType")).
		   equalsIgnoreCase("notification")) {
	    results = false;
	if (tracing()) trace("isValid()",("Returning " + results + 
				": Invalid field is " + badField));
	return results;

     * The following fields will be defaulted if they are not already 
     * set:
     * displayName=this.getName(),severity=6
     * @return the given descriptor, possibly modified.
    private final Descriptor setDefaults(Descriptor descriptor) {
	if ((descriptor.getFieldValue("displayName")) == null) {
	if ((descriptor.getFieldValue("severity")) == null) {
	return descriptor;

     * Set the given descriptor as this.notificationDescriptor.
     * Creates a default descriptor if the given descriptor is null.
     * If the given descriptor is null, check its validity.
     * If it is valid, clones it and set the defaults fields 
     * "displayName" and "severity", if not present.
     * If it is not valid, throws an exception.
     * This method is called both by the constructors and by
     * setDescriptor().
     * @see #setDefaults
     * @see #setDescriptor
    private final void applyDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor,
				       String ftag) {
	if (descriptor == null) {
	    if (tracing())
		      "Received null for new descriptor value, " +
		      "setting descriptor to default values");
	    notificationDescriptor = createDefaultDescriptor();
	} else if (isValid(descriptor)) {
	    notificationDescriptor = 
	} else {
	    throw new RuntimeOperationsException(new 
	        "Invalid descriptor passed in parameter"), 
	        "Exception occurred in ModelMBeanNotificationInfo " + ftag);

    // SUN Trace and debug functions
    private boolean tracing() {
	//      return true;
	return Trace.isSelected(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MODELMBEAN);

    private void trace(String inClass, String inMethod, String inText) {
	Trace.send(Trace.LEVEL_TRACE, Trace.INFO_MODELMBEAN, inClass,
		   inMethod,  Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode()) + 
		   " " + inText); 

    private void trace(String inMethod, String inText) {
	trace(currClass, inMethod, inText);

     * Deserializes a {@link ModelMBeanNotificationInfo} from an 
     * {@link ObjectInputStream}.
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in)
	throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
	// New serial form ignores extra field "currClass"

     * Serializes a {@link ModelMBeanNotificationInfo} to an 
     * {@link ObjectOutputStream}.
    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out)
	throws IOException {
	if (compat) {
	    // Serializes this instance in the old serial form
	    ObjectOutputStream.PutField fields = out.putFields();
	    fields.put("notificationDescriptor", notificationDescriptor);
	    fields.put("currClass", currClass);
	} else {
	    // Serializes this instance in the new serial form
