FizzBuzz2.javaAPI DocExample1456Mon Sep 22 13:30:30 BST 1997None

// This example is from _Java Examples in a Nutshell_. (
// Copyright (c) 1997 by David Flanagan
// This example is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY either expressed or implied.
// You may study, use, modify, and distribute it for non-commercial purposes.
// For any commercial use, see

 * This class is much like the FizzBuzz class, but uses a switch statement
 * instead of repeated if/else statements
public class FizzBuzz2 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) { // count from 1 to 100
      switch(i % 35) {              // What's the remainder when divided by 35?
      case 0:                             // For multiples of 35...
        System.out.print("fizzbuzz ");    // print "fizzbuzz"
        break;                            // Don't forget this statement!
      case 5: case 10: case 15:           // If the remainder is any of these
      case 20: case 25: case 30:          // then the number is a multiple of 5
        System.out.print("fizz ");        // so print "fizz"
      case 7: case 14: case 21: case 28:  // For any multiple of 7...
        System.out.print("buzz ");        // print "buzz"
      default:                            // For any other number...
        System.out.print(i + " ");        // print the number