LED.javaAPI DocExample1443Fri Mar 15 11:43:20 GMT 2002None

// by D Mullier 3/2001
//demonstrates a simple Thread by drawing a blinking LED light

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.lang.Runnable; //step 1

public class LED extends Applet implements Runnable //step 2
	Thread LEDThread; //step 3 = new Thread(this,"LED");
	boolean LEDon=true; //I just set this to true so it always blinks 
	boolean LEDlight=false;
	public void init()
		LEDThread = new Thread(this,"LED"); //step 4
		LEDThread.start();	//step 5

	}//end init
	public void paint(Graphics g)
	{//here the paint method is reading a variable that is changed by our thread
		//run changes LEDlight every 1/2 second, notice that run explicitally calls repaint()
		//which calls paint()
		if (LEDlight == true) //LEDon?
		else						//if not black
	}//end paint
	public void run() //step 6
		for(;;)//loop forever
			while (LEDon == true)
				LEDlight = !LEDlight; //flip the LED status
				repaint();	//call paint so it draws the LED in its new state
				try{//we'll talk about try..catch next week (they are exceptions)
					LEDThread.sleep(500); //wait for 500 milliseconds (1/2 second)
				}catch(InterruptedException e) 
					showStatus("Thread timed out");
				showStatus("LED = "+LEDlight);
			}//end while
}//end applet