MailCmdHandler.javaAPI DocApache James 2.3.114152Fri Jan 12 12:56:26 GMT 2007org.apache.james.smtpserver

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 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *
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package org.apache.james.smtpserver;

import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.logger.AbstractLogEnabled;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable;
import org.apache.james.util.mail.dsn.DSNStatus;
import org.apache.mailet.MailAddress;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

  * Handles MAIL command
public class MailCmdHandler
    extends AbstractLogEnabled
    implements CommandHandler,Configurable, Serviceable {

    private final static String MAIL_OPTION_SIZE = "SIZE";

    private final static String MESG_SIZE = "MESG_SIZE"; // The size of the message

    private boolean checkValidSenderDomain = false;
    private boolean checkAuthClients = false;
    private DNSServer dnsServer = null;
     * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.Configurable#configure(Configuration)
    public void configure(Configuration handlerConfiguration) throws ConfigurationException {
        Configuration configuration = handlerConfiguration.getChild("checkValidSenderDomain",false);
        if(configuration != null) {
           checkValidSenderDomain = configuration.getValueAsBoolean();
           if (checkValidSenderDomain && dnsServer == null) {
               throw new ConfigurationException("checkValidSenderDomain enabled but no DNSServer service provided to SMTPServer");
        Configuration configRelay = handlerConfiguration.getChild("checkAuthClients",false);
        if(configRelay != null) {
            checkAuthClients = configRelay.getValueAsBoolean();
     * @see org.apache.avalon.framework.service.Serviceable#service(ServiceManager)
    public void service(ServiceManager serviceMan) throws ServiceException {
        dnsServer = (DNSServer) serviceMan.lookup(DNSServer.ROLE);
     * handles MAIL command
     * @see org.apache.james.smtpserver.CommandHandler#onCommand(SMTPSession)
    public void onCommand(SMTPSession session) {
        doMAIL(session, session.getCommandArgument());

     * Handler method called upon receipt of a MAIL command.
     * Sets up handler to deliver mail as the stated sender.
     * @param session SMTP session object
     * @param argument the argument passed in with the command by the SMTP client
    private void doMAIL(SMTPSession session, String argument) {
        String responseString = null;
        StringBuffer responseBuffer = session.getResponseBuffer();
        String sender = null;
        boolean badSenderDomain = false;
        if ((argument != null) && (argument.indexOf(":") > 0)) {
            int colonIndex = argument.indexOf(":");
            sender = argument.substring(colonIndex + 1);
            argument = argument.substring(0, colonIndex);
        if (session.getState().containsKey(SMTPSession.SENDER)) {
            responseString = "503 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.DELIVERY_OTHER)+" Sender already specified";
        } else if (!session.getState().containsKey(SMTPSession.CURRENT_HELO_MODE) && session.useHeloEhloEnforcement()) {
            responseString = "503 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.DELIVERY_OTHER)+" Need HELO or EHLO before MAIL";
        } else if (argument == null || !argument.toUpperCase(Locale.US).equals("FROM")
                   || sender == null) {
            responseString = "501 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.DELIVERY_INVALID_ARG)+" Usage: MAIL FROM:<sender>";
        } else {
            sender = sender.trim();
            // the next gt after the first lt ... AUTH may add more <>
            int lastChar = sender.indexOf('>', sender.indexOf('<'));
            // Check to see if any options are present and, if so, whether they are correctly formatted
            // (separated from the closing angle bracket by a ' ').
            if ((lastChar > 0) && (sender.length() > lastChar + 2) && (sender.charAt(lastChar + 1) == ' ')) {
                String mailOptionString = sender.substring(lastChar + 2);

                // Remove the options from the sender
                sender = sender.substring(0, lastChar + 1);

                StringTokenizer optionTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(mailOptionString, " ");
                while (optionTokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
                    String mailOption = optionTokenizer.nextToken();
                    int equalIndex = mailOption.indexOf('=');
                    String mailOptionName = mailOption;
                    String mailOptionValue = "";
                    if (equalIndex > 0) {
                        mailOptionName = mailOption.substring(0, equalIndex).toUpperCase(Locale.US);
                        mailOptionValue = mailOption.substring(equalIndex + 1);

                    // Handle the SIZE extension keyword

                    if (mailOptionName.startsWith(MAIL_OPTION_SIZE)) {
                        if (!(doMailSize(session, mailOptionValue, sender))) {
                    } else {
                        // Unexpected option attached to the Mail command
                        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                            StringBuffer debugBuffer =
                                new StringBuffer(128)
                                    .append("MAIL command had unrecognized/unexpected option ")
                                    .append(" with value ")
            if (!sender.startsWith("<") || !sender.endsWith(">")) {
                responseString = "501 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.ADDRESS_SYNTAX_SENDER)+" Syntax error in MAIL command";
                if (getLogger().isErrorEnabled()) {
                    StringBuffer errorBuffer =
                        new StringBuffer(128)
                            .append("Error parsing sender address: ")
                            .append(": did not start and end with < >");
            MailAddress senderAddress = null;
            //Remove < and >
            sender = sender.substring(1, sender.length() - 1);
            if (sender.length() == 0) {
                //This is the <> case.  Let senderAddress == null
            } else {
                if (sender.indexOf("@") < 0) {
                    sender = sender + "@localhost";
                try {
                    senderAddress = new MailAddress(sender);
                } catch (Exception pe) {
                    responseString = "501 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.ADDRESS_SYNTAX_SENDER)+" Syntax error in sender address";
                    if (getLogger().isErrorEnabled()) {
                        StringBuffer errorBuffer =
                            new StringBuffer(256)
                                    .append("Error parsing sender address: ")
                                    .append(": ")
            // check only if senderAddress is not null
            if (checkValidSenderDomain == true && senderAddress != null) {
                 * don't check if the ip address is allowed to relay. Only check if it is set in the config. 
                if (checkAuthClients || !session.isRelayingAllowed()) {
                    // Maybe we should build a static method in org.apache.james.dnsserver.DNSServer ?
                    Collection records;
                    records = dnsServer.findMXRecords(senderAddress.getHost());
                    if (records == null || records.size() == 0) {
                        badSenderDomain = true;
                    // try to resolv the provided domain in the senderaddress. If it can not resolved do not accept it.
                    if (badSenderDomain) {
                        responseString = "501 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.ADDRESS_SYNTAX_SENDER)+ " sender " + senderAddress + " contains a domain with no valid MX records";
            if (!badSenderDomain) {
                session.getState().put(SMTPSession.SENDER, senderAddress);
                responseBuffer.append("250 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.SUCCESS,DSNStatus.ADDRESS_OTHER)+" Sender <")
                              .append("> OK");
                responseString = session.clearResponseBuffer();

     * Handles the SIZE MAIL option.
     * @param session SMTP session object
     * @param mailOptionValue the option string passed in with the SIZE option
     * @param tempSender the sender specified in this mail command (for logging purpose)
     * @return true if further options should be processed, false otherwise
    private boolean doMailSize(SMTPSession session, String mailOptionValue, String tempSender) {
        int size = 0;
        try {
            size = Integer.parseInt(mailOptionValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException pe) {
            // This is a malformed option value.  We return an error
            String responseString = "501 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.DELIVERY_INVALID_ARG)+" Syntactically incorrect value for SIZE parameter";
            getLogger().error("Rejected syntactically incorrect value for SIZE parameter.");
            return false;
        if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            StringBuffer debugBuffer =
                new StringBuffer(128)
                    .append("MAIL command option SIZE received with value ")
        long maxMessageSize = session.getConfigurationData().getMaxMessageSize();
        if ((maxMessageSize > 0) && (size > maxMessageSize)) {
            // Let the client know that the size limit has been hit.
            String responseString = "552 "+DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT,DSNStatus.SYSTEM_MSG_TOO_BIG)+" Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size";
            StringBuffer errorBuffer =
                new StringBuffer(256)
                    .append("Rejected message from ")
                    .append(tempSender != null ? tempSender : null)
                    .append(" from host ")
                    .append(" (")
                    .append(") of size ")
                    .append(" exceeding system maximum message size of ")
                    .append("based on SIZE option.");
            return false;
        } else {
            // put the message size in the message state so it can be used
            // later to restrict messages for user quotas, etc.
            session.getState().put(MESG_SIZE, new Integer(size));
        return true;
