DefaultDOLVisitor.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API14033Fri May 04 22:31:58 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util

 * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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 * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
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package com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;

import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Descriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.BundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbBundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodPermission;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebService;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ContainerTransaction;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.types.EjbReference;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.types.MessageDestinationReferencer;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ServiceReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.JmsDestinationReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MessageDestinationDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MessageDestinationReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ResourceReferenceDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.RoleReference;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EnvironmentProperty;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.FieldDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.QueryDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.RelationshipDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebBundleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ApplicationClientDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebComponentDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionCapable;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.InjectionTarget;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.TypeUtil;

 * Default implementation of all the DOL visitor interface for convenience
 * @author  Jerome Dochez
 * @version 

public class DefaultDOLVisitor implements ApplicationVisitor, EjbBundleVisitor, EjbVisitor, ConnectorVisitor, WebBundleVisitor, AppClientVisitor {
   protected BundleDescriptor bundleDescriptor = null;

    /** Creates new TraceVisitor */
    public DefaultDOLVisitor() {
     * visit an application object
     * @param the application descriptor
    public void accept(Application application) {
     * visits an ejb bundle descriptor
     * @param an ejb bundle descriptor
    public void accept(EjbBundleDescriptor bundleDescriptor) {
        this.bundleDescriptor = bundleDescriptor;
     * visits an ejb descriptor
     * @param ejb descriptor
    public void accept(EjbDescriptor ejb) {

     * visits a connector descriptor
     * @param connectordescriptor
    public void accept(ConnectorDescriptor conDesc) {
    public void accept(InjectionCapable injectable) {
     * visits an ejb reference for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param the ejb reference
    public void accept(EjbReference ejbRef) {

    public void accept(MessageDestinationReferencer msgDestReferencer) {

     * visits a web service reference descriptor
     * @param serviceRef 
    public void accept(ServiceReferenceDescriptor serviceRef) {

     * visits a web service definition
     * @param web service
    public void accept(WebService webService) {

     * visits a method permission and permitted methods  for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param method permission 
     * @param the methods associated with the above permission
    public void accept(MethodPermission pm, Iterator methods) {
     * visits a role reference  for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param role reference
    public void accept(RoleReference roleRef) {
     * visists a method transaction  for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param method descriptor the method
     * @param container transaction
    public void accept(MethodDescriptor method, ContainerTransaction ct) {
     * visits an environment property  for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param the environment property
    public void accept(EnvironmentProperty envEntry) {

     * visits an resource reference for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param the resource reference
    public void accept(ResourceReferenceDescriptor resRef) {

     * visits an jms destination reference for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param the jms destination reference
    public void accept(JmsDestinationReferenceDescriptor jmsDestRef) {

     * visits an message destination reference for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param the message destination reference
    public void accept(MessageDestinationReferenceDescriptor msgDestRef) {

     * visits an message destination for the last J2EE component visited
     * @param the message destination
    public void accept(MessageDestinationDescriptor msgDest) {

     * visits a appclient descriptor
     * @param appclientdescriptor
    public void accept(ApplicationClientDescriptor appclientdescriptor) {
       bundleDescriptor = appclientdescriptor;

     * @return an implementation of the ejbBundleVisitor (if any)
     * to visit ejb bundle descriptors
    public EjbBundleVisitor getEjbBundleVisitor() {
        return this;
     * @return a EjbVisitor (if ejbs should be visited) 
    public EjbVisitor getEjbVisitor() {
        return this;

     * @return a ConnectorVisitor (if connector should be visited) 
    public ConnectorVisitor getConnectorVisitor() {
        return this;

     * @return a AppClientVisitor (if app client should be visited) 
    public AppClientVisitor getAppClientVisitor() {
        return this;
     * visits a CMP field definition (for CMP entity beans)
     * @param field descriptor for the CMP field
    public void accept(FieldDescriptor fd) {
     * visits a query method
     * @param method descriptor for the method
     * @param query descriptor
    public void accept(MethodDescriptor method, QueryDescriptor qd) {
     * visits an ejb relationship descriptor
     * @param the relationship descriptor
    public void accept(RelationshipDescriptor descriptor) {
     * visits a J2EE descriptor
     * @param the descriptor
    public void accept(Descriptor descriptor) {
     * @return an implementation of the ejbBundleVisitor (if any)
     * to visit ejb bundle descriptors
    public WebBundleVisitor getWebBundleVisitor() {
        return this;
     * visit a web bundle descriptor
     * @param the web bundle descriptor
    public void accept(WebBundleDescriptor descriptor) {
        this.bundleDescriptor = descriptor;
     * visit a web component descriptor
     * @param the web component
    public void accept(WebComponentDescriptor descriptor) {

    // we need to split the accept(InjectionCapable) into two parts:
    // one needs classloader and one doesn't. This is needed because 
    // in the standalone war case, the classloader is not created
    // untill the web module is being started.

    protected void acceptWithCL(InjectionCapable injectable) {
        // If parsed from deployment descriptor, we need to determine whether
        // the inject target name refers to an injection field or an
        // injection method for each injection target
        for (InjectionTarget target : injectable.getInjectionTargets()) {
            if( (target.getFieldName() == null) &&
                    (target.getMethodName() == null) ) {

                String injectTargetName = target.getTargetName();
                String targetClassName  = target.getClassName();
                ClassLoader classLoader = getBundleDescriptor().getClassLoader();

                Class targetClazz = null;

                try {

                    targetClazz = classLoader.loadClass(targetClassName);

                } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
                    // @@@
                    // Don't treat this as a fatal error for now.  One known issue
                    // is that all .xml, even web.xml, is processed within the
                    // appclient container during startup.  In that case, there
                    // are issues with finding .classes in .wars due to the
                    // structure of the returned client .jar and the way the
                    // classloader is formed.
                            ("Injection class " + targetClassName + " not found for " +

                // Spec requires that we attempt to match on method before field.
                boolean matched = false;

                // The only information we have is method name, so iterate
                // through the methods find a match.  There is no overloading
                // allowed for injection methods, so any match is considered
                // the only possible match.

                String setterMethodName = TypeUtil.

                // method can have any access type so use getDeclaredMethods()
                for(Method next : targetClazz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                    // only when the method name matches and the method
                    // has exactly one parameter, we find a match
                    if( next.getName().equals(setterMethodName) && 
                        next.getParameterTypes().length == 1) {
                        if( injectable.getInjectResourceType() == null ) {
                            Class[] paramTypes = next.getParameterTypes();
                            if (paramTypes.length == 1) {
                                String resourceType = paramTypes[0].getName();
                        matched = true;

               if( !matched ) {

                    // In the case of injection fields, inject target name ==
                    // field name.  Field can have any access type.
                    try {
                        Field f = targetClazz.getDeclaredField(injectTargetName);
                        if( injectable.getInjectResourceType() == null ) {
                            String resourceType = f.getType().getName();
                        matched = true;
                    } catch(NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
                        String msg = "No matching injection setter method or " +
                                "injection field found for injection property " +
                                injectTargetName + " on class " + targetClassName +
                                " for component dependency " + injectable;

                        throw new RuntimeException(msg, nsfe);

    protected void acceptWithoutCL(InjectionCapable injectable) {

     * @return the bundleDescriptor we are visiting
    protected BundleDescriptor getBundleDescriptor() {
        return bundleDescriptor;