LocationFudger.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API14024Thu Mar 12 22:22:42 GMT


public class LocationFudger extends Object
Contains the logic to obfuscate (fudge) locations for coarse applications.

The goal is just to prevent applications with only the coarse location permission from receiving a fine location.

Fields Summary
private static final boolean
private static final String
private static final float
Default coarse accuracy in meters.
private static final float
Minimum coarse accuracy in meters.
private static final String
Secure settings key for coarse accuracy.
public static final long
This is the fastest interval that applications can receive coarse locations.
private static final long
The duration until we change the random offset.
private static final double
The percentage that we change the random offset at every interval.

0.0 indicates the random offset doesn't change. 1.0 indicates the random offset is completely replaced every interval.

private static final double
private static final double
private static final int
This number actually varies because the earth is not round, but 111,000 meters is considered generally acceptable.
private static final double
Maximum latitude.

We pick a value 1 meter away from 90.0 degrees in order to keep cosine(MAX_LATITUDE) to a non-zero value, so that we avoid divide by zero fails.

private final Object
private final SecureRandom
private final android.database.ContentObserver
Used to monitor coarse accuracy secure setting for changes.
private final android.content.Context
Used to resolve coarse accuracy setting.
private double
private double
private long
private float
Best location accuracy allowed for coarse applications. This value should only be set by {@link #setAccuracyInMetersLocked(float)}.
private double
The distance between grids for snap-to-grid. See {@link #createCoarse}. This value should only be set by {@link #setAccuracyInMetersLocked(float)}.
private double
Standard deviation of the (normally distributed) random offset applied to coarse locations. It does not need to be as large as {@link #COARSE_ACCURACY_METERS} because snap-to-grid is the primary obfuscation method. See further details in the implementation. This value should only be set by {@link #setAccuracyInMetersLocked(float)}.
Constructors Summary
public LocationFudger(android.content.Context context, android.os.Handler handler)

        mContext = context;
        mSettingsObserver = new ContentObserver(handler) {
            public void onChange(boolean selfChange) {
                COARSE_ACCURACY_CONFIG_NAME), false, mSettingsObserver);

        float accuracy = loadCoarseAccuracy();
        synchronized (mLock) {
            mOffsetLatitudeMeters = nextOffsetLocked();
            mOffsetLongitudeMeters = nextOffsetLocked();
            mNextInterval = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + CHANGE_INTERVAL_MS;
Methods Summary
private android.location.LocationaddCoarseLocationExtraLocked(android.location.Location location)

        Location coarse = createCoarseLocked(location);
        location.setExtraLocation(Location.EXTRA_COARSE_LOCATION, coarse);
        return coarse;
private android.location.LocationcreateCoarseLocked(android.location.Location fine)
Create a coarse location.

Two techniques are used: random offsets and snap-to-grid.

First we add a random offset. This mitigates against detecting grid transitions. Without a random offset it is possible to detect a users position very accurately when they cross a grid boundary. The random offset changes very slowly over time, to mitigate against taking many location samples and averaging them out.

Second we snap-to-grid (quantize). This has the nice property of producing stable results, and mitigating against taking many samples to average out a random offset.

        Location coarse = new Location(fine);

        // clean all the optional information off the location, because
        // this can leak detailed location information

        double lat = coarse.getLatitude();
        double lon = coarse.getLongitude();

        // wrap
        lat = wrapLatitude(lat);
        lon = wrapLongitude(lon);

        // Step 1) apply a random offset
        // The goal of the random offset is to prevent the application
        // from determining that the device is on a grid boundary
        // when it crosses from one grid to the next.
        // We apply the offset even if the location already claims to be
        // inaccurate, because it may be more accurate than claimed.
        // perform lon first whilst lat is still within bounds
        lon += metersToDegreesLongitude(mOffsetLongitudeMeters, lat);
        lat += metersToDegreesLatitude(mOffsetLatitudeMeters);
        if (D) Log.d(TAG, String.format("applied offset of %.0f, %.0f (meters)",
                mOffsetLongitudeMeters, mOffsetLatitudeMeters));

        // wrap
        lat = wrapLatitude(lat);
        lon = wrapLongitude(lon);

        // Step 2) Snap-to-grid (quantize)
        // This is the primary means of obfuscation. It gives nice consistent
        // results and is very effective at hiding the true location
        // (as long as you are not sitting on a grid boundary, which
        // step 1 mitigates).
        // Note we quantize the latitude first, since the longitude
        // quantization depends on the latitude value and so leaks information
        // about the latitude
        double latGranularity = metersToDegreesLatitude(mGridSizeInMeters);
        lat = Math.round(lat / latGranularity) * latGranularity;
        double lonGranularity = metersToDegreesLongitude(mGridSizeInMeters, lat);
        lon = Math.round(lon / lonGranularity) * lonGranularity;

        // wrap again
        lat = wrapLatitude(lat);
        lon = wrapLongitude(lon);

        // apply
        coarse.setAccuracy(Math.max(mAccuracyInMeters, coarse.getAccuracy()));

        if (D) Log.d(TAG, "fudged " + fine + " to " + coarse);
        return coarse;
public voiddump( fd, pw, java.lang.String[] args)

        pw.println(String.format("offset: %.0f, %.0f (meters)", mOffsetLongitudeMeters,
public android.location.LocationgetOrCreate(android.location.Location location)
Get the cached coarse location, or generate a new one and cache it.

        synchronized (mLock) {
            Location coarse = location.getExtraLocation(Location.EXTRA_COARSE_LOCATION);
            if (coarse == null) {
                return addCoarseLocationExtraLocked(location);
            if (coarse.getAccuracy() < mAccuracyInMeters) {
                return addCoarseLocationExtraLocked(location);
            return coarse;
private floatloadCoarseAccuracy()
Loads the coarse accuracy value from secure settings.

        String newSetting = Settings.Secure.getString(mContext.getContentResolver(),
        if (D) {
            Log.d(TAG, "loadCoarseAccuracy: newSetting = \"" + newSetting + "\"");
        if (newSetting == null) {
            return DEFAULT_ACCURACY_IN_METERS;
        try {
            return Float.parseFloat(newSetting);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return DEFAULT_ACCURACY_IN_METERS;
private static doublemetersToDegreesLatitude(double distance)

private static doublemetersToDegreesLongitude(double distance, double lat)
Requires latitude since longitudinal distances change with distance from equator.

        return distance / APPROXIMATE_METERS_PER_DEGREE_AT_EQUATOR / Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat));
private doublenextOffsetLocked()

        return mRandom.nextGaussian() * mStandardDeviationInMeters;
private voidsetAccuracyInMeters(float accuracyInMeters)
Same as setAccuracyInMetersLocked without the pre-lock requirement.

        synchronized (mLock) {
private voidsetAccuracyInMetersLocked(float accuracyInMeters)
This is the main control: call this to set the best location accuracy allowed for coarse applications and all derived values.

        mAccuracyInMeters = Math.max(accuracyInMeters, MINIMUM_ACCURACY_IN_METERS);
        if (D) {
            Log.d(TAG, "setAccuracyInMetersLocked: new accuracy = " + mAccuracyInMeters);
        mGridSizeInMeters = mAccuracyInMeters;
        mStandardDeviationInMeters = mGridSizeInMeters / 4.0;
private voidupdateRandomOffsetLocked()
Update the random offset over time.

If the random offset was new for every location fix then an application can more easily average location results over time, especially when the location is near a grid boundary. On the other hand if the random offset is constant then if an application found a way to reverse engineer the offset they would be able to detect location at grid boundaries very accurately. So we choose a random offset and then very slowly move it, to make both approaches very hard.

The random offset does not need to be large, because snap-to-grid is the primary obfuscation mechanism. It just needs to be large enough to stop information leakage as we cross grid boundaries.

        long now = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        if (now < mNextInterval) {

        if (D) Log.d(TAG, String.format("old offset: %.0f, %.0f (meters)",
                mOffsetLongitudeMeters, mOffsetLatitudeMeters));

        // ok, need to update the random offset
        mNextInterval = now + CHANGE_INTERVAL_MS;

        mOffsetLatitudeMeters *= PREVIOUS_WEIGHT;
        mOffsetLatitudeMeters += NEW_WEIGHT * nextOffsetLocked();
        mOffsetLongitudeMeters *= PREVIOUS_WEIGHT;
        mOffsetLongitudeMeters += NEW_WEIGHT * nextOffsetLocked();

        if (D) Log.d(TAG, String.format("new offset: %.0f, %.0f (meters)",
                mOffsetLongitudeMeters, mOffsetLatitudeMeters));
private static doublewrapLatitude(double lat)

         if (lat > MAX_LATITUDE) {
             lat = MAX_LATITUDE;
         if (lat < -MAX_LATITUDE) {
             lat = -MAX_LATITUDE;
         return lat;
private static doublewrapLongitude(double lon)

        lon %= 360.0;  // wraps into range (-360.0, +360.0)
        if (lon >= 180.0) {
            lon -= 360.0;
        if (lon < -180.0) {
            lon += 360.0;
        return lon;