XMLRequestProcessor.javaAPI DocAzureus May 31 16:36:22 BST 2007org.gudy.azureus2.ui.webplugin.remoteui.xml.server


public class XMLRequestProcessor extends XUXmlWriter

Fields Summary
protected RPRequestHandler
protected org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocument
Constructors Summary
protected XMLRequestProcessor(RPRequestHandler _request_handler, RPRequestAccessController _access_controller, String _client_ip, InputStream _request, OutputStream _reply)

		super( _reply );
		request_handler		= _request_handler;
		writeLineRaw( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" );
			writeLineRaw( "<RESPONSE>" );
			request = SimpleXMLParserDocumentFactory.create( _request );
			process( _client_ip , _access_controller);
		}catch( Throwable e ){
			Debug.printStackTrace( e );
			if ( e instanceof SimpleXMLParserDocumentException ){
				writeTag("ERROR", "Invalid XML Plugin request received - " + exceptionToString(e));
				writeTag("ERROR", e );

			writeLineRaw( "</RESPONSE>" );
Methods Summary
protected java.lang.ObjectdeserialiseObject(org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode node, java.lang.Class cla, java.lang.String indent)

			// hack I'm afraid, when deserialising request objects we need to use the
			// method to correctly deserialise parameters
		String	request_method = null;
		if ( cla == RPRequest.class ){
			request_method = node.getChild( "METHOD" ).getValue().trim();

		// System.out.println(indent + "deser:" + cla.getName());
			Object	obj = cla.newInstance();
			Field[] fields = cla.getDeclaredFields();
			for (int i=0;i<fields.length;i++){
				Field	field = fields[i];
				int	modifiers = field.getModifiers();
				if (( modifiers & ( Modifier.TRANSIENT | Modifier.STATIC )) == 0 ){
					String	name = field.getName();
					Class	type = field.getType();
					SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode child = node.getChild( name );
						// System.out.println( indent + "  field:" + field.getName() + " -> " + child );
					if ( child != null ){

						if ( type.isArray()){
							Class	sub_type = type.getComponentType();
							SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode[] entries = child.getChildren();
							Object array = Array.newInstance( sub_type, entries.length );
								// hack. for request objects we deserialise the parameters
								// array by using the method signature
							if ( request_method != null  ){
									// must be params
								String[]	bits = new String[entries.length];
								int		method_pos = request_method.indexOf( '[" )+1;

								for (int j=0;j<entries.length;j++){
									int	p1 = request_method.indexOf(',",method_pos);
									if ( p1 == -1 ){
										bits[j] = request_method.substring( method_pos, request_method.length()-1).toLowerCase();
										bits[j] = request_method.substring( method_pos, p1 ).toLowerCase();
										method_pos = p1+1;
								for (int j=0;j<entries.length;j++){
									SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode	array_child = entries[j];
									SimpleXMLParserDocumentAttribute index_attr = array_child.getAttribute("index");
									String	index_str = index_attr==null?null:index_attr.getValue().trim();
									int	array_index = index_str==null?j:Integer.parseInt(index_str);
									String	bit = bits[array_index];
									String	sub_value = array_child.getValue().trim();
									if ( bit.equals("string")){
										Array.set( array, array_index, sub_value );
									}else if ( bit.equals("int")){
										Array.set( array, array_index, Integer.valueOf( sub_value));
									}else if ( bit.equals("boolean")){
										Array.set( array, array_index, Boolean.valueOf( sub_value ));
									}else if ( bit.equals("url")){
										Array.set( array, array_index, new URL(sub_value));
									}else if ( bit.equals("byte[]")){
										Array.set( array, array_index, ByteFormatter.decodeString( sub_value ));
											// see if its an object
										SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode	obj_node = array_child.getChild("OBJECT");
										if ( obj_node != null ){
											String	oid_str = obj_node.getChild("_object_id").getValue().trim();
											long oid = Long.parseLong( oid_str );
											RPObject	local_obj = RPObject._lookupLocal( oid );
											Array.set( array, array_index, local_obj );
											throw( new RuntimeException( "not implemented"));										

								for (int j=0;j<entries.length;j++){
									SimpleXMLParserDocumentNode	array_child = entries[j];
									if ( sub_type == String.class ){
										Array.set( array, j, child.getValue().trim());
										throw( new RuntimeException( "not implemented"));
							field.set( obj, array );
							String	value = child.getValue().trim();
							if ( type == String.class ){
								field.set( obj, value );
							}else if ( type == long.class ){
								field.setLong( obj,Long.parseLong( value ));
							}else if ( type == boolean.class ){
								throw( new RuntimeException( "not implemented"));

								//field.set( obj, new Long(Long.parseLong( value )));
							}else if ( type == byte.class ){

								throw( new RuntimeException( "not implemented"));

								//field.set( obj, new Long(Long.parseLong( value )));
							}else if ( type == char.class ){
								field.setChar( obj, value.charAt(0));
							}else if ( type == double.class ){
								field.setDouble( obj, Double.parseDouble( value));
							}else if ( type == float.class ){
								field.setFloat( obj, Float.parseFloat( value));
							}else if ( type == int.class ){
								field.setInt( obj, Integer.parseInt( value));
							}else if ( type == short.class ){
								field.setShort( obj, (Short.parseShort( value )));
							}else if ( type == Long.class || type == long.class ){
								field.set( obj, new Long(Long.parseLong( value )));
								field.set( obj, deserialiseObject( child, type, indent + "    " ));
			return( obj );
		}catch( Throwable e ){
			Debug.printStackTrace( e );
			throw( new RuntimeException( e.toString()));
protected java.lang.StringexceptionToString(java.lang.Throwable e)

		Throwable cause = e.getCause();
		if ( cause != null ){
			String	m = cause.getMessage();
			if ( m != null ){
				return( m );
			return( cause.toString());
		String	m = e.getMessage();
		if ( m != null ){
			return( m );
		return( e.toString());
protected voidprocess(java.lang.String client_ip, RPRequestAccessController access_controller)

		// request.print();
		RPRequest	req_obj = (RPRequest)deserialiseObject( request, RPRequest.class, "" );
		req_obj.setClientIP( client_ip );
		RPReply reply = request_handler.processRequest( req_obj, access_controller );

			// void methods result in null return

		if ( reply != null ){
			Map	props = reply.getProperties();
			Iterator it = props.keySet().iterator();
			while( it.hasNext()){
				String	name 	= (String);
				String	value 	= (String)props.get(name);
				writeTag( name, value );
				Object	response = reply.getResponse();
					// null responses are represented by no response
				if ( response != null ){
					serialiseObject( response, "", 0xffffffff );
			}catch( RPException e ){
				Debug.printStackTrace( e );
				writeTag("ERROR", e );
protected voidserialiseObject(java.lang.Object obj, java.lang.String indent, int original_modifier_filter)

		int modifier_filter = original_modifier_filter & (~(Modifier.TRANSIENT | Modifier.STATIC));
		Class	cla = obj.getClass();
		// System.out.println(indent + "ser:" + cla.getName());
		if ( cla.isArray()){
			int	len = Array.getLength( obj );
				// byte[] -> hex chars
			if ( cla.getComponentType() == byte.class ){
				byte[] data = (byte[])obj;
				writeLineEscaped( ByteFormatter.nicePrint( data, true ));
				for (int i=0;i<len;i++){
					Object	entry = Array.get( obj, i );
						writeLineRaw( "<ENTRY index=\""+i+"\">" );
						serialiseObject( entry, indent+"  ", original_modifier_filter);
						writeLineRaw( "</ENTRY>");
		if ( cla == String.class ){
			writeLineEscaped( "" + (String)obj);
		}else if ( cla == Integer.class ){
			writeLineEscaped( "" + ((Integer)obj).intValue());
		}else if ( cla == Boolean.class ){
			writeLineEscaped( "" + ((Boolean)obj).booleanValue());
			while( cla != null ){
					Field[] fields = cla.getDeclaredFields();
					for (int i=0;i<fields.length;i++){
						Field	field = fields[i];
						int	modifiers = field.getModifiers();
						if ((( modifiers | modifier_filter ) == modifier_filter )){
							String	name = field.getName();
							Class	type = field.getType();
							// System.out.println( indent + "  field:" + field.getName() + ", type = " + type );
								writeLineRaw( "<" + name + ">" );
								if ( type == String.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( (String)field.get( obj ));
								}else if ( type == File.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( "" + ((File)field.get( obj )).toString());
								}else if ( type == Integer.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+((Integer)field.get( obj )).intValue());
								}else if ( type == Boolean.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+((Boolean)field.get( obj )).booleanValue());
								}else if ( type == long.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getLong( obj ));
								}else if ( type == boolean.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getBoolean( obj ));
								}else if ( type == byte.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getByte( obj ));
								}else if ( type == char.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getChar( obj ));
								}else if ( type == double.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getDouble( obj ));
								}else if ( type == float.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getFloat( obj ));
								}else if ( type == int.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getInt( obj ));
								}else if ( type == short.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.getShort( obj ));
								}else if ( type == Long.class ){
									writeLineEscaped( ""+field.get( obj ));
									serialiseObject( field.get(obj), indent + "    ", original_modifier_filter );
								writeLineRaw( "</" + name + ">" );
				}catch( Throwable e ){
					Debug.printStackTrace( e );
					throw( new RuntimeException( e.toString()));
				cla = cla.getSuperclass();
protected voidwriteTag(java.lang.String tag, java.lang.Throwable e)

		writeLineRaw( "<ERROR>");

		writeLineEscaped( exceptionToString(e));
		if ( e instanceof RPException && e.getCause() != null ){
			e = e.getCause();
		serialiseObject( e, "    ", ~Modifier.PRIVATE );
		writeLineRaw( "</ERROR>" );