ASLauncherConfig.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API13875Fri May 04 22:24:30 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.servermgmt.launch


public class ASLauncherConfig extends Object
This class is used to read the processLauncer.xml file, parse it and provide a useful structure for use in the ProcessLauncher class. processLauncher.xml File layout prefix="/export/home/basler/test.jar" .... processes - Docroot element that has the defined process element as its children process - Main element that can be mapped 1-to-1 to a process definition that is to be executed through the ProcessLauncher name - Name of the process definition type. Must be unique within the processLauncher.xml file. sysproperty - Defines system properties for the java command to be executed. A "-D" is pre-pended to the property key unless the key starts with "-X". An equal sign ("=") with the value is appended to the key if the value attribute exists. The property will not be added if the "if" system property designated by the associated attribute is not present. The com.sun.enterprise.util.RelativePathResolver class will be used to resolve system property tokens in the values of the sysproperty elements. key - Name of system property value - Value for the system property. This value is optional. An equals sign "=" will not be appended to the key if this value doesn't exist. if - System property that must exist for this system property to be added. This attribute is optional. main_class - Element that denotes the main class to execute in the java command. classname - Fully qualified class name of the class to run classpath - Element that builds the classpath portion of the java command. dir - This attribute holds the fully qualified path to the lib directory where the jar exists. This is optional, but if it is not entered the "includes" & "excludes" attributes are not used. This is to allow for a known fully qualified classpath to be enter via the "prefix" attritbute. The com.sun.enterprise.util.RelativePathResolver class will be used to resolve system property tokens in this attribute. includes - A comma delimited list of jar names to include in the classpath if they exist in the lib directory specified in the "dir" attribute. The names can contain a regular expression to assist name resolution. For users who are not familiar with regular expressions a short-cut has been added to allow a "*" as a wildcard prefix (e.g. "*.jar"). This functionality was added for backwards compatibility with the Apache Commons Launcher and for future uses the equivalent regular expression ".*jar$" should be used. excludes - A comma delimited list of jar names to exclude in the classpath if they exist in the lib directory specified in the "dir" attribute. The names can contain a regular expression to assist name resolution. For users who are not familiar with regular expressions a short-cut has been added to allow a "*" as a wildcard prefix (e.g. "*.jar"). This functionality was added for backwards compatibility with the Apache Commons Launcher and for future uses the equivalent regular expression ".*jar$" should be used. prefix - A list of fully qualified classpath jars. The com.sun.enterprise.util.RelativePathResolver class will be used to resolve system property tokens in this attribute. This attribute can also be used if a classpath is known before execution time. The java default system property "${path.separator}" should be used as the path delimiter to keep the profile platform agnostic.

Fields Summary
private String
private String
private String
private String
private String
private String
private String
private String
private String
private com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager
private Properties
private static boolean
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
private static final String
Constructors Summary
protected ASLauncherConfig()

protected ASLauncherConfig(String configFile, String process)
Overloaded construnctor to intialize the process artifacts into a struncture that can be read by the ProcessLauncher in one shot

        initializeConfig(configFile, process);
Methods Summary
protected java.lang.StringgetClasspathExcludes()

        return _classpathExcludes;
protected java.lang.StringgetClasspathIncludes()

        return _classpathIncludes;
protected java.lang.StringgetClasspathJ2se14Prefix()

        return _classpathJ2se14Prefix;
protected java.lang.StringgetClasspathJ2se15OrLaterPrefix()

        return _classpathJ2se15OrLaterPrefix;
protected java.lang.StringgetClasspathLibDir()

        return _classpathLibDir;
protected java.lang.StringgetClasspathPrefix()

        return _classpathPrefix;
protected java.lang.StringgetConfigFile()

        return _configFile;
protected java.lang.StringgetMainClass()

        return _mainClass;
protected java.util.PropertiesgetSystemProperties()

        return _sysProperties;
protected voidinitializeConfig(java.lang.String configFile, java.lang.String process)
This method read the processLauncher.xml file and calls a method that loads the named process configuration into the a struncture that can be used by the processlauncher

        // set internal variables
        _sysProperties=new Properties();

        try {
            // read in config
            boolean bFoundProcess=false;
            String key=null;
            Document doc=readDOM(configFile);
            Element element=null;
            NodeList nl=doc.getElementsByTagName(PROCESS);

            for(int ii=0;ii < nl.getLength(); ii++) {
                // find correct process
                if(key.equals(process)) {
                    // found correct process, extract information

            if(!bFoundProcess) {
                // error flaguser
                throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("launcher.process_launcher_config_not_found", 
                    new String[]{process, configFile}));
        } catch (ConfigException ce) {
            throw ce;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ConfigException(_strMgr.getString("launcher.process_launcher_config_exception", _configFile), e);
protected voidloadProcess(org.w3c.dom.Element process)
This methods digests the name process into a struncture that can be used by the ProcessLauncer

        // read in process
        String key=null, value=null, ifx=null;
        Element element=null;

        // load system properties specificaly for this process
        NodeList nl=process.getChildNodes();
        for(int ii=0;ii < nl.getLength(); ii++) {

            if(nl.item(ii) instanceof Element) {

                if(element.getTagName().equals(SYSTEM_PROPERTY)) {
                    // system_properties and add to config

                    // get attribte always returns "" if it doesn't exist
                    if(!key.equals("")) {
                        // check to see if there is a condition on the property
                        if(ifx.equals("") || System.getProperty(ifx) != null) {
                            // add system properties
                            _sysProperties.setProperty(key, RelativePathResolver.resolvePath(value));

                } else if(element.getTagName().equals(MAIN_CLASS)) {
                    // main class add to config

                } else if(element.getTagName().equals(CLASSPATH)) {
                    // classpath add to config
protected org.w3c.dom.DocumentreadDOM(java.lang.String file)
readDOM - This method reads in XML into a DOM

file - A qualified file where to read the XML
Document - The read in DOM
- Any thrown exception that may occur during the read process

        DocumentBuilderFactory dbf=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
        DocumentBuilder db=dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
        return db.parse(new File(file));