MergeProcessor.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API13840Wed May 06 22:41:16 BST


public final class MergeProcessor extends com.vladium.emma.Processor implements com.vladium.emma.IAppErrorCodes
Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003

Fields Summary
private File[]
private File
private int
private static final Class[]
Constructors Summary
private MergeProcessor()

        m_dataPath = IConstants.EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY;
Methods Summary
protected void_run(com.vladium.util.IProperties toolProperties)

        final Logger log = m_log;

        final boolean verbose = m_log.atVERBOSE ();
        if (verbose)
            log.verbose (IAppConstants.APP_VERBOSE_BUILD_ID);
            // [assertion: m_dataPath != null]
            log.verbose ("input data path:");
            log.verbose ("{");
            for (int p = 0; p < m_dataPath.length; ++ p)
                final File f = m_dataPath [p];
                final String nonexistent = f.exists () ? "" : "{nonexistent} ";
                log.verbose ("  " + nonexistent + f.getAbsolutePath ());
            log.verbose ("}");
   ("processing input files ...");
        // get the data out settings:
        File sdataOutFile = m_sdataOutFile;
            if (sdataOutFile == null)
                sdataOutFile = new File (toolProperties.getProperty (EMMAProperties.PROPERTY_SESSION_DATA_OUT_FILE,
        RuntimeException failure = null;
            IMetaData mdata = null;
            ICoverageData cdata = null;
            // merge all data files:
                final long start = log.atINFO () ? System.currentTimeMillis () : 0;
                for (int f = 0; f < m_dataPath.length; ++ f)
                    final File dataFile = m_dataPath [f];
                    if (verbose) log.verbose ("processing input file [" + dataFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] ...");
                    final IMergeable [] fileData = DataFactory.load (dataFile);
                    final IMetaData _mdata = (IMetaData) fileData [DataFactory.TYPE_METADATA];
                    if (_mdata != null)
                        if (verbose) log.verbose ("  loaded " + _mdata.size () + " metadata entries");
                        if (mdata == null)
                            mdata = _mdata;
                            mdata = (IMetaData) mdata.merge (_mdata); // note: later datapath entries override earlier ones
                    final ICoverageData _cdata = (ICoverageData) fileData [DataFactory.TYPE_COVERAGEDATA];
                    if (_cdata != null)
                        if (verbose) log.verbose ("  loaded " + _cdata.size () + " coverage data entries");
                        if (cdata == null)
                            cdata = _cdata;
                            cdata = (ICoverageData) cdata.merge (_cdata); // note: later datapath entries override earlier ones
                    ++ m_dataFileCount;
                if (log.atINFO ())
                    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
           (m_dataFileCount + " file(s) read and merged in " + (end - start) + " ms");
                if (((mdata == null) || mdata.isEmpty ()) && ((cdata == null) || cdata.isEmpty ()))
                    log.warning ("nothing to do: no metadata or coverage data found in any of the input files");
                    // TODO: throw exception or exit quietly?
            catch (IOException ioe)
                // TODO: handle
                ioe.printStackTrace (System.out);

            if (verbose)
                if (mdata != null)
                    log.verbose ("  merged metadata contains " + mdata.size () + " entries");
                if (cdata != null)
                    log.verbose ("  merged coverage data contains " + cdata.size () + " entries");
            // write merged data into output file:
                $assert.ASSERT (sdataOutFile != null, "sdataOutFile not null");
                // the case of the output file being one of the input files is
                // supported; however, for safety reasons we create output in
                // a temp file and rename it only when the data is safely persisted:
                boolean rename = false;
                File tempDataOutFile = null;
                final File canonicalDataOutFile = Files.canonicalizeFile (sdataOutFile);
                for (int f = 0; f < m_dataPath.length; ++ f)
                    final File canonicalDataFile = Files.canonicalizeFile (m_dataPath [f]);
                    if (canonicalDataOutFile.equals (canonicalDataFile))
                        rename = true;
                if (rename) // create a temp out file
                    File tempFileDir = canonicalDataOutFile.getParentFile ();
                    if (tempFileDir == null) tempFileDir = new File ("");
                    // length > 3:
                    final String tempFileName = Files.getFileName (canonicalDataOutFile) + IAppConstants.APP_NAME_LC;
                    final String tempFileExt = EMMAProperties.PROPERTY_TEMP_FILE_EXT;
                        tempDataOutFile = Files.createTempFile (tempFileDir, tempFileName, tempFileExt);
                    catch (IOException ioe)
                        // TODO: error code
                        throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
                    log.warning ("the specified output file is one of the input files [" + canonicalDataOutFile + "]");
                    log.warning ("all merged data will be written to a temp file first [" + tempDataOutFile.getAbsolutePath ()  + "]");
                // persist merged session data:
                    final long start = log.atINFO () ? System.currentTimeMillis () : 0;
                    File persistFile = null;
                        persistFile = tempDataOutFile != null ? tempDataOutFile : canonicalDataOutFile;
                        // TODO: the persister API is ugly, redesign
                        if ((mdata == null) || mdata.isEmpty ())
                            DataFactory.persist (cdata, persistFile, false); // never merge to enforce compaction behavior
                        else if ((cdata == null) || cdata.isEmpty ())
                            DataFactory.persist (mdata, persistFile, false); // never merge to enforce compaction behavior
                            DataFactory.persist (new SessionData (mdata, cdata), persistFile, false); // never merge to enforce compaction behavior
                    catch (IOException ioe)
                        if (persistFile != null) persistFile.delete ();
                        // TODO: error code
                        throw new EMMARuntimeException (ioe);
                    catch (Error e)
                        if (persistFile != null) persistFile.delete ();
                        throw e; // re-throw
                    if (rename) // rename-with-delete temp out file into the desired out file
                        if (! Files.renameFile (tempDataOutFile, canonicalDataOutFile, true)) // overwrite the original archive
                            // error code
                            throw new EMMARuntimeException ("could not rename temporary file [" + tempDataOutFile.getAbsolutePath () + "] to [" + canonicalDataOutFile + "]: make sure the original file is not locked and can be deleted");
                    if (log.atINFO ())
                        final long end = System.currentTimeMillis ();
               ("merged/compacted data written to [" + canonicalDataOutFile + "] {in " + (end - start) + " ms}");
        catch (SecurityException se)
            failure = new EMMARuntimeException (SECURITY_RESTRICTION, new String [] {IAppConstants.APP_NAME}, se);
        catch (RuntimeException re)
            failure = re;
            reset ();
        if (failure != null)
            if (Exceptions.unexpectedFailure (failure, EXPECTED_FAILURES))
                throw new EMMARuntimeException (UNEXPECTED_FAILURE,
                                                new Object [] {failure.toString (), IAppConstants.APP_BUG_REPORT_LINK},
                throw failure;
public static

        return new MergeProcessor ();
private voidreset()

        m_dataFileCount = 0;
public final synchronized voidsetDataPath(java.lang.String[] path)

path [null is equivalent to an empty array]

        if ((path == null) || (path.length == 0))
            m_dataPath = IConstants.EMPTY_FILE_ARRAY;
            m_dataPath = Files.pathToFiles (path, true);
public final synchronized voidsetSessionOutFile(java.lang.String fileName)
NOTE: there is no setter for merge attribute because this processor always overwrites the out file [to ensure compaction]

fileName [null unsets the previous override setting]

        if (fileName == null)
            m_sdataOutFile = null;
            final File _file = new File (fileName);
            if (_file.exists () && ! _file.isFile ())
                throw new IllegalArgumentException ("not a file: [" + _file.getAbsolutePath () + "]");
            m_sdataOutFile = _file;
protected voidvalidateState()

        super.validateState ();
        if (m_dataPath == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException ("data path not set");
        // [m_sdataOutFile can be null]
        // [m_propertyOverrides can be null]