JPEGDecodeParam.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API13690Fri Aug 26 14:54:40 BST 2005com.sun.image.codec.jpeg

 * @(#)	1.8 03/12/19
 * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

 *** COPYRIGHT (c) 1997-1998 Eastman Kodak Company.                 ***
 *** As  an unpublished  work pursuant to Title 17 of the United    ***
 *** States Code.  All rights reserved.                             ***

package com.sun.image.codec.jpeg;


 * JPEGDecodeParam encapsulates tables and options necessary to
 * control decoding JPEG datastreams. Parameters are either set explicitly
 * by the application for encoding, or read from the JPEG header for
 * decoding.  In the case of decoding abbreviated data streams the
 * application may need to set some/all of the values it's self.  <p>

 * When working with BufferedImages (@see
 * JPEGImageDecoder.decodeBufferedImage), the codec will attempt to
 * generate an appropriate ColorModel for the JPEG COLOR_ID. This is
 * not always possible (example mappings are listed below) .  In cases
 * where unsupported conversions are required, or unknown encoded
 * COLOR_ID's are in use, the user must request the data as a Raster
 * and perform the transformations themselves.  When decoding into a
 * raster (@see JPEGImageDecoder.decodeRaster) no ColorSpace
 * adjustments are made.
 * Note: The color ids described herein are simply enumerated values
 * that influence data processing by the JPEG codec.  JPEG compression
 * is by definition color blind.  These values are used as hints when
 * decompressing JPEG data.  Of particular interest is the default
 * conversion from YCbCr to sRGB when decoding buffered Images.<P>

 * Note: because JPEG is mostly color-blind color fidelity can not be
 * garunteed.  This will hopefully be rectified in the near future by
 * the wide spread inclusion of ICC-profiles in the JPEG data stream
 * (as a special marker).

 * The following is an example of the conversions that take place.
 * This is only a guide to the types of conversions that are allowed.
 * This list is likely to change in the future so it is
 * <B>strongly</B> recommended that you check for thrown
 * ImageFormatExceptions and check the actual ColorModel associated
 * with the BufferedImage returned rather than make assumtions.
 * <pre>
    JPEG (Encoded) Color ID         BufferedImage ColorSpace
    =======================         ========================
    COLOR_ID_UNKNOWN                ** Invalid **
    COLOR_ID_GRAY                   CS_GRAY
    COLOR_ID_RGB                    CS_sRGB
    COLOR_ID_YCbCr                  CS_sRGB
    COLOR_ID_CMYK                   ** Invalid **
    COLOR_ID_PYCC                   CS_PYCC
    COLOR_ID_RGBA                   CS_sRGB (w/ alpha)
    COLOR_ID_YCbCrA                 CS_sRGB (w/ alpha)
    COLOR_ID_RGBA_INVERTED          ** Invalid **
    COLOR_ID_YCbCrA_INVERTED        ** Invalid **
    COLOR_ID_PYCCA                  CS_PYCC (w/ alpha)
    COLOR_ID_YCCK                   ** Invalid **

 * If the user needs better control over conversion, the user must
 * request the data as a Raster and handle the conversion of the image
 * data themselves.<p>

 * When decoding JFIF files the encoded COLOR_ID will always be one
 * <p>
 * Note that the classes in the com.sun.image.codec.jpeg package are not
 * part of the core Java APIs.  They are a part of Sun's JDK and JRE
 * distributions.  Although other licensees may choose to distribute these
 * classes, developers cannot depend on their availability in non-Sun
 * implementations.  We expect that equivalent functionality will eventually
 * be available in a core API or standard extension.
 * <p>

public interface JPEGDecodeParam extends Cloneable {
    /** Unknown or Undefined Color ID */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_UNKNOWN = 0;
    /** Monochrome */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_GRAY = 1;

    /** Red, Green, and Blue */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_RGB = 2;

    /** YCbCr */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_YCbCr = 3;

    /** CMYK */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_CMYK = 4;

    /** PhotoYCC */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_PYCC = 5;
    /** RGB-Alpha */
	public final static int COLOR_ID_RGBA = 6;
    /** YCbCr-Alpha */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_YCbCrA = 7;

    /** RGB-Alpha with R, G, and B inverted.*/
    public final static int COLOR_ID_RGBA_INVERTED = 8;
    /** YCbCr-Alpha with Y, Cb, and Cr inverted.*/
    public final static int COLOR_ID_YCbCrA_INVERTED = 9;
    /** PhotoYCC-Alpha */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_PYCCA = 10;

    /** YCbCrK */
    public final static int COLOR_ID_YCCK = 11;	    

    /** Number of color ids defined. */
    final static int NUM_COLOR_ID = 12;

	/** Number of allowed Huffman and Quantization Tables */
    final static int  NUM_TABLES = 4;  
	/** The X and Y units simply indicate the aspect ratio of the pixels. */
	public  final static int DENSITY_UNIT_ASPECT_RATIO = 0;
	/** Pixel density is in pixels per inch. */
	public  final static int DENSITY_UNIT_DOTS_INCH    = 1;
	/** Pixel density is in pixels per centemeter. */
	public  final static int DENSITY_UNIT_DOTS_CM      = 2;
	/** The max known value for DENSITY_UNIT */
	final static int NUM_DENSITY_UNIT = 3;

	/** APP0 marker - JFIF info */
	public final static int APP0_MARKER  = 0xE0;
	/** APP1 marker */
	public final static int APP1_MARKER  = 0xE1;
	/** APP2 marker */
	public final static int APP2_MARKER  = 0xE2;
	/** APP3 marker */
	public final static int APP3_MARKER  = 0xE3;
	/** APP4 marker */
	public final static int APP4_MARKER  = 0xE4;
	/** APP5 marker */
	public final static int APP5_MARKER  = 0xE5;
	/** APP6 marker */
	public final static int APP6_MARKER  = 0xE6;
	/** APP7 marker */
	public final static int APP7_MARKER  = 0xE7;
	/** APP8 marker */
	public final static int APP8_MARKER  = 0xE8;
	/** APP9 marker */
	public final static int APP9_MARKER  = 0xE9;
	/** APPA marker */
	public final static int APPA_MARKER  = 0xEA;
	/** APPB marker */
	public final static int APPB_MARKER  = 0xEB;
	/** APPC marker */
	public final static int APPC_MARKER  = 0xEC;
	/** APPD marker */
	public final static int APPD_MARKER  = 0xED;
	/** APPE marker - Adobe info */
	public final static int APPE_MARKER  = 0xEE;
	/** APPF marker */
	public final static int APPF_MARKER  = 0xEF;

	/** Adobe marker indicates presence/need for Adobe marker. */
	public final static int COMMENT_MARKER = 0XFE;

	public Object clone();
	 * Get the image width
	 * @return int the width of the image data in pixels.
	public int  getWidth();
	/** Get the image height
	 * @return The height of the image data in pixels.
	public int  getHeight();

	 * Return the Horizontal subsampling factor for requested
	 * Component.  The Subsample factor is the number of input pixels
	 * that contribute to each output pixel.  This is distinct from
	 * the way the JPEG to each output pixel.  This is distinct from
	 * the way the JPEG standard defines this quantity, because
	 * fractional subsampling factors are not allowed, and it was felt
	 * @param component The component of the encoded image to return
	 * the subsampling factor for.
	 * @return The subsample factor.
	public int getHorizontalSubsampling(int component);

	 * Return the Vertical subsampling factor for requested
	 * Component.  The Subsample factor is the number of input pixels
	 * that contribute to each output pixel.  This is distinct from
	 * the way the JPEG to each output pixel.  This is distinct from
	 * the way the JPEG standard defines this quantity, because
	 * fractional subsampling factors are not allowed, and it was felt
	 * @param component The component of the encoded image to return
	 * the subsampling factor for.
	 * @return The subsample factor.
	public int getVerticalSubsampling(int component);

	 * Returns the coefficient quantization tables or NULL if not
	 * defined. tableNum must range in value from 0 - 3.
	 * @param tableNum the index of the table to be returned.
	 * @return Quantization table stored at index tableNum.
	public JPEGQTable  getQTable(int tableNum );

	 * Returns the Quantization table for the requested component.
	 * @param component the image component of interest.
	 * @return Quantization table associated with component
	public JPEGQTable getQTableForComponent(int component);

	 * Returns the DC Huffman coding table requested or null if
	 * not defined
	 * @param tableNum the index of the table to be returned.
	 * @return Huffman table stored at index tableNum.  
	public JPEGHuffmanTable getDCHuffmanTable( int tableNum );
	 * Returns the DC Huffman coding table for the requested component.
	 * @param component the image component of interest.
	 * @return Huffman table associated with component
	public JPEGHuffmanTable getDCHuffmanTableForComponent(int component);

	 * Returns the AC Huffman coding table requested or null if
	 * not defined
	 * @param tableNum the index of the table to be returned.
	 * @return Huffman table stored at index tableNum.  
	public JPEGHuffmanTable getACHuffmanTable( int tableNum );
	 * Returns the AC Huffman coding table for the requested component.
	 * @param component the image component of interest.
	 * @return Huffman table associated with component
	public JPEGHuffmanTable getACHuffmanTableForComponent(int component);

	 * Get the number of the DC Huffman table that will be used for
	 * a particular component.
	 * @param component The Component of interest.
	 * @return The table number of the DC Huffman table for component.
	public int getDCHuffmanComponentMapping(int component);
	 * Get the number of the AC Huffman table that will be used for
	 * a particular component.
	 * @param component The Component of interest.
	 * @return The table number of the AC Huffman table for component.
	public int getACHuffmanComponentMapping(int component);
	 * Get the number of the quantization table that will be used for
	 * a particular component.
	 * @param component The Component of interest.
	 * @return The table number of the Quantization table for component.
	public int getQTableComponentMapping(int component);

	 * Returns true if the image information in the ParamBlock is
	 * currently valid.  This indicates if image data was read from
	 * the stream for decoding and weather image data should be
	 * written when encoding.
	public boolean isImageInfoValid();

	 * Returns true if the tables in the ParamBlock are currently
	 * valid.  This indicates that tables were read from the stream
	 * for decoding. When encoding this indicates wether tables should
	 * be written to the stream.
	public boolean isTableInfoValid();

	 * Returns true if at least one instance of the marker is present
	 * in the Parameter object.  For encoding returns true if there
	 * is at least one instance of the marker to be written.
	 * @param marker The marker of interest.
	public boolean getMarker(int marker);

	 * Returns a 'byte[][]' associated with the requested marker in
	 * the parameter object.  Each entry in the 'byte[][]' is the data
	 * associated with one instance of the marker (each marker can
	 * theoretically appear any number of times in a stream).
	 * @param marker The marker of interest.
	 * @return The 'byte[][]' for this marker or null if none
	 *         available.
	public byte[][] getMarkerData(int marker);

	 * Returns the JPEG Encoded color id. This is generally
	 * speaking only used if you are decoding into Rasters.  Note
	 * that when decoding into a Raster no color conversion is
	 * performed.
	 * @return The value of the JPEG encoded data's color id.
    public int getEncodedColorID();

	 * Returns the number of components for the current encoding
	 * @return the number of Components
	public int getNumComponents();

	 * Get the MCUs per restart marker.
	 * @return The number of MCUs between restart markers.
	public int getRestartInterval();

	 * Get the code for pixel size units This value is copied from the
	 * APP0 marker. It isn't used by the JPEG codec.  If the APP0
	 * marker wasn't present then you can not rely on this value.
	 * @return Value indicating the density unit one of the
	 * DENSITY_UNIT_* constants.
	public int getDensityUnit();

	 * Get the horizontal pixel density This value is copied from the
	 * APP0 marker. It isn't used by the JPEG code.  If the APP0
	 * marker wasn't present then you can not rely on this value.
	 * @return The horizontal pixel density, in units described by
	 * @see #getDensityUnit()
	public int getXDensity();
	 * Get the vertical pixel density This value is copied into the
	 * APP0 marker. It isn't used by the JPEG code. If the APP0 marker
	 * wasn't present then you can not rely on this value.
	 * @return The verticle pixel density, in units described by
	 * @see #getDensityUnit()
	public int getYDensity();
