Cache.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API13629Wed May 06 22:41:06 BST


public class Cache extends Object
The caching mechanism designed to speed up the process of Certificates/CRLs generation in the case of their repeated generation. It keeps correspondences between Objects (Certificates or CLRs) and arrays of bytes on the base of which the Objects have been generated, and provides the means to determine whether it contains the object built on the base of particular encoded form or not. If there are such objects they are returned from the cache, if not - newly generated objects can be saved in the cache.
The process of Certificate/CRL generation (implemented in X509CertFactoryImpl) is accompanied with prereading of the beginning of encoded form. This prefix is used to determine whether provided form is PEM encoding or not.
So the use of the prefix is the first point to (approximately) determine whether object to be generated is in the cache or not. The failure of the predetermination process tells us that there were not object generated from the encoded form with such prefix and we should generate (decode) the object. If predetermination is successful, we conduct the accurate search on the base of whole encoded form.
So to speed up the object generation process this caching mechanism provides the following functionality:
1. With having of the beginning of the encoded form (prefix) it is possible to predetermine whether object has already been generated on the base of the encoding with the SIMILAR prefix or not. This process is not computationally expensive and takes a little time. But it prevents us from use of expensive full encoding search in the case of its failure.
2. If predetermination ends with success, the whole encoding form should be provided to make the final answer: whether object has already been generated on the base of this PARTICULAR encoded form or not. If it is so - the cached object is returned from the cache, if not - new object should be generated and saved in the cache.
Note: The length of the prefixes of the encoded forms should not be less than correspondence (default value is 28).

Fields Summary
private static final long
private static final long
private static final int
private final int
private final int
private final long[]
private final byte[]
private final Object[]
private final long[]
private int
private boolean
Constructors Summary
public Cache(int pref_size, int size)
Creates the Cache object.

pref_size specifies how many leading/trailing bytes of object's encoded form will be used for hash computation
size capacity of the cache to be created.

        cache_size = size;
        prefix_size = pref_size;
        hashes = new long[cache_size];
        hashes_idx = new long[cache_size];
        encodings = new byte[cache_size][];
        cache = new Object[cache_size];
public Cache(int pref_size)
Creates the Cache object of size of 9.

pref_size specifies how many leading/trailing bytes of object's encoded form will be used for hash computation

        this(pref_size, 9);
public Cache()
Creates the Cache object of size of 9.

        this(28, 9);
Methods Summary
public booleancontains(long prefix_hash)
Checks if there are any object in the cache generated on the base of encoding with prefix corresponding to the specified hash code.

prefix_hash the hash code for the prefix of the encoding (retrieved by method getHash(byte[]))
false if there were not any object generated on the base of encoding with specified hash code, true otherwise.

        int idx = -1*Arrays.binarySearch(hashes_idx, prefix_hash)-1;
        if (idx == cache_size) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return (hashes_idx[idx] & PREFIX_HASH_MASK) == prefix_hash;
public java.lang.Objectget(long hash, byte[] encoding)
Returns the object built on the base on the specified encoded form if it is contained in the cache and null otherwise. This method is computationally expensive and should be called only if the method contains(long) for the hash code returned true.

hash the hash code for the prefix of the encoding (retrieved by method getHash(byte[]))
encoding encoded form of the required object.
the object corresponding to specified encoding or null if there is no such correspondence.

        hash |= getSuffHash(encoding);
        int idx = -1*Arrays.binarySearch(hashes_idx, hash)-1;
        if (idx == cache_size) {
            return null;
        while ((hashes_idx[idx] & HASH_MASK) == hash) {
            int i = (int) (hashes_idx[idx] & INDEX_MASK) - 1;
            if (Arrays.equals(encoding, encodings[i])) {
                return cache[i];
            if (idx == cache_size) {
                return null;
        return null;
public longgetHash(byte[] arr)
Returns the hash code for the array. This code is used to predetermine whether the object was built on the base of the similar encoding or not (by means of contains(long) method), to exactly determine whether object is contained in the cache or not, and to put the object in the cache. Note: parameter array should be of length not less than specified by prefix_size (default 28)

arr the byte array containing at least prefix_size leading bytes of the encoding.
hash code for specified encoding prefix

        long hash = 0;
        for (int i=1; i<prefix_size; i++) {
            hash += (arr[i] & 0xFF);
        } // it takes about 2 bytes for prefix_size == 28

        // shift to the correct place
        hash = hash << 32;
        return hash;
private longgetSuffHash(byte[] arr)

        long hash_addon = 0;
        for (int i=arr.length-1; i>arr.length - prefix_size; i--) {
            hash_addon += (arr[i] & 0xFF);
        return hash_addon << 16;
public voidput(long hash, byte[] encoding, java.lang.Object object)
Puts the object into the cache.

hash hash code for the prefix of the encoding
encoding the encoded form of the object
object the object to be saved in the cache

        // check for empty space in the cache
        if (last_cached == cache_size) {
            // so cache is full, will erase the first entry in the
            // cache (oldest entry). it could be better to throw out
            // rarely used value instead of oldest one..
            last_cached = 0;
            cache_is_full = true;
        // index pointing to the item of the table to be overwritten
        int index = last_cached++;

        // improve the hash value with info from the tail of encoding
        hash |= getSuffHash(encoding);

        if (cache_is_full) {
            // indexing hash value to be overwritten:
            long idx_hash = (hashes[index] | (index+1));
            int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(hashes_idx, idx_hash);
            if (idx < 0) {
                // it will never happen because we use saved hash value
                // (hashes[index])
                System.out.println("WARNING! "+idx); //$NON-NLS-1$
                idx = -(idx + 1);
            long new_hash_idx = (hash | (index + 1));
            int new_idx = Arrays.binarySearch(hashes_idx, new_hash_idx);
            if (new_idx >= 0) {
                // it's possible when we write the same hash in the same cell
                if (idx != new_idx) {
                    // it will never happen because we use the same
                    // hash and the same index in hash table
                    System.out.println("WARNING: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    System.out.println(">> idx: "+idx+" new_idx: "+new_idx); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            } else {
                new_idx = -(new_idx + 1);
                // replace in sorted array
                if (new_idx > idx) {
                    System.arraycopy(hashes_idx, idx+1, hashes_idx, idx,
                            new_idx - idx - 1);
                    hashes_idx[new_idx-1] = new_hash_idx;
                } else if (idx > new_idx) {
                    System.arraycopy(hashes_idx, new_idx, hashes_idx, new_idx+1,
                            idx - new_idx);
                    hashes_idx[new_idx] = new_hash_idx;
                } else { // idx == new_idx
                    hashes_idx[new_idx] = new_hash_idx;
        } else {
            long idx_hash = (hash | (index + 1));
            int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(hashes_idx, idx_hash);
            if (idx < 0) {
                // it will always be true because idx_hash depends on index
                idx = -(idx + 1);
            idx = idx - 1;
            if (idx != cache_size - index - 1) {
                // if not in the cell containing 0 (free cell), do copy:
                System.arraycopy(hashes_idx, cache_size - index,
                        hashes_idx, cache_size - index - 1,
                        idx - (cache_size - index) + 1);
            hashes_idx[idx] = idx_hash;
        // overwrite the values in the tables:
        hashes[index] = hash;
        encodings[index] = encoding;
        cache[index] = object;