UsimDataDownloadHandler.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API13563Thu Mar 12 22:22:54 GMT


public class UsimDataDownloadHandler extends android.os.Handler
Handler for SMS-PP data download messages. See 3GPP TS 31.111 section 7.1.1

Fields Summary
private static final String
private static final int
BER-TLV tag for SMS-PP download. TS 31.111 section 9.1.
private static final int
Device identity value for UICC (destination).
private static final int
Device identity value for network (source).
private static final int
Message containing new SMS-PP message to process.
private static final int
Response to SMS-PP download envelope command.
private static final int
Result of writing SM to UICC (when SMS-PP service is not available).
private final
Constructors Summary
public UsimDataDownloadHandler( commandsInterface)

        mCi = commandsInterface;
Methods Summary
private voidacknowledgeSmsWithError(int cause)

        mCi.acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSms(false, cause, null);
private static intgetEnvelopeBodyLength(int scAddressLength, int tpduLength)
Return the size in bytes of the envelope to send to the UICC, excluding the SMS-PP download tag byte and length byte(s). If the size returned is <= 127, the BER-TLV length will be encoded in 1 byte, otherwise 2 bytes are required.

scAddressLength the length of the SMSC address, or zero if not present
tpduLength the length of the TPDU from the SMS-PP message
the number of bytes to allocate for the envelope command

        // Add 4 bytes for device identities TLV + 1 byte for SMS TPDU tag byte
        int length = tpduLength + 5;
        // Add 1 byte for TPDU length, or 2 bytes if length > 127
        length += (tpduLength > 127 ? 2 : 1);
        // Add length of address tag, if present (+ 2 bytes for tag and length)
        if (scAddressLength != 0) {
            length = length + 2 + scAddressLength;
        return length;
private voidhandleDataDownload(SmsMessage smsMessage)

        int dcs = smsMessage.getDataCodingScheme();
        int pid = smsMessage.getProtocolIdentifier();
        byte[] pdu = smsMessage.getPdu();           // includes SC address

        int scAddressLength = pdu[0] & 0xff;
        int tpduIndex = scAddressLength + 1;        // start of TPDU
        int tpduLength = pdu.length - tpduIndex;

        int bodyLength = getEnvelopeBodyLength(scAddressLength, tpduLength);

        // Add 1 byte for SMS-PP download tag and 1-2 bytes for BER-TLV length.
        // See ETSI TS 102 223 Annex C for encoding of length and tags.
        int totalLength = bodyLength + 1 + (bodyLength > 127 ? 2 : 1);

        byte[] envelope = new byte[totalLength];
        int index = 0;

        // SMS-PP download tag and length (assumed to be < 256 bytes).
        envelope[index++] = (byte) BER_SMS_PP_DOWNLOAD_TAG;
        if (bodyLength > 127) {
            envelope[index++] = (byte) 0x81;    // length 128-255 encoded as 0x81 + length
        envelope[index++] = (byte) bodyLength;

        // Device identities TLV
        envelope[index++] = (byte) (0x80 | ComprehensionTlvTag.DEVICE_IDENTITIES.value());
        envelope[index++] = (byte) 2;
        envelope[index++] = (byte) DEV_ID_NETWORK;
        envelope[index++] = (byte) DEV_ID_UICC;

        // Address TLV (if present). Encoded length is assumed to be < 127 bytes.
        if (scAddressLength != 0) {
            envelope[index++] = (byte) ComprehensionTlvTag.ADDRESS.value();
            envelope[index++] = (byte) scAddressLength;
            System.arraycopy(pdu, 1, envelope, index, scAddressLength);
            index += scAddressLength;

        // SMS TPDU TLV. Length is assumed to be < 256 bytes.
        envelope[index++] = (byte) (0x80 | ComprehensionTlvTag.SMS_TPDU.value());
        if (tpduLength > 127) {
            envelope[index++] = (byte) 0x81;    // length 128-255 encoded as 0x81 + length
        envelope[index++] = (byte) tpduLength;
        System.arraycopy(pdu, tpduIndex, envelope, index, tpduLength);
        index += tpduLength;

        // Verify that we calculated the payload size correctly.
        if (index != envelope.length) {
            Rlog.e(TAG, "startDataDownload() calculated incorrect envelope length, aborting.");

        String encodedEnvelope = IccUtils.bytesToHexString(envelope);
        mCi.sendEnvelopeWithStatus(encodedEnvelope, obtainMessage(
                EVENT_SEND_ENVELOPE_RESPONSE, new int[]{ dcs, pid }));
public voidhandleMessage(android.os.Message msg)
Handle UICC envelope response and send SMS acknowledgement.

msg the message to handle

        AsyncResult ar;

        switch (msg.what) {
                handleDataDownload((SmsMessage) msg.obj);

                ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj;

                if (ar.exception != null) {
                    Rlog.e(TAG, "UICC Send Envelope failure, exception: " + ar.exception);

                int[] dcsPid = (int[]) ar.userObj;
                sendSmsAckForEnvelopeResponse((IccIoResult) ar.result, dcsPid[0], dcsPid[1]);

            case EVENT_WRITE_SMS_COMPLETE:
                ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj;
                if (ar.exception == null) {
                    Rlog.d(TAG, "Successfully wrote SMS-PP message to UICC");
                    mCi.acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSms(true, 0, null);
                } else {
                    Rlog.d(TAG, "Failed to write SMS-PP message to UICC", ar.exception);
                            CommandsInterface.GSM_SMS_FAIL_CAUSE_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR, null);

                Rlog.e(TAG, "Ignoring unexpected message, what=" + msg.what);
inthandleUsimDataDownload( ust, SmsMessage smsMessage)
Handle SMS-PP data download messages. Normally these are automatically handled by the radio, but we may have to deal with this type of SM arriving via the IMS stack. If the data download service is not enabled, try to write to the USIM as an SMS, and send the UICC response as the acknowledgment to the SMSC.

ust the UsimServiceTable, to check if data download is enabled
smsMessage the SMS message to process
{@code Activity.RESULT_OK} on success; {@code RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR} on failure

        // If we receive an SMS-PP message before the UsimServiceTable has been loaded,
        // assume that the data download service is not present. This is very unlikely to
        // happen because the IMS connection will not be established until after the ISIM
        // records have been loaded, after the USIM service table has been loaded.
        if (ust != null && ust.isAvailable(
                UsimServiceTable.UsimService.DATA_DL_VIA_SMS_PP)) {
            Rlog.d(TAG, "Received SMS-PP data download, sending to UICC.");
            return startDataDownload(smsMessage);
        } else {
            Rlog.d(TAG, "DATA_DL_VIA_SMS_PP service not available, storing message to UICC.");
            String smsc = IccUtils.bytesToHexString(
            mCi.writeSmsToSim(SmsManager.STATUS_ON_ICC_UNREAD, smsc,
            return Activity.RESULT_OK;  // acknowledge after response from write to USIM

private static booleanis7bitDcs(int dcs)
Returns whether the DCS is 7 bit. If so, set TP-UDL to the septet count of TP-UD; otherwise, set TP-UDL to the octet count of TP-UD.

dcs the TP-Data-Coding-Scheme field from the original download SMS
true if the DCS specifies 7 bit encoding; false otherwise

        // See 3GPP TS 23.038 section 4
        return ((dcs & 0x8C) == 0x00) || ((dcs & 0xF4) == 0xF0);
private voidsendSmsAckForEnvelopeResponse( response, int dcs, int pid)
Handle the response to the ENVELOPE command.

response UICC response encoded as hexadecimal digits. First two bytes are the UICC SW1 and SW2 status bytes.

        int sw1 = response.sw1;
        int sw2 = response.sw2;

        boolean success;
        if ((sw1 == 0x90 && sw2 == 0x00) || sw1 == 0x91) {
            Rlog.d(TAG, "USIM data download succeeded: " + response.toString());
            success = true;
        } else if (sw1 == 0x93 && sw2 == 0x00) {
            Rlog.e(TAG, "USIM data download failed: Toolkit busy");
        } else if (sw1 == 0x62 || sw1 == 0x63) {
            Rlog.e(TAG, "USIM data download failed: " + response.toString());
            success = false;
        } else {
            Rlog.e(TAG, "Unexpected SW1/SW2 response from UICC: " + response.toString());
            success = false;

        byte[] responseBytes = response.payload;
        if (responseBytes == null || responseBytes.length == 0) {
            if (success) {
                mCi.acknowledgeLastIncomingGsmSms(true, 0, null);
            } else {

        byte[] smsAckPdu;
        int index = 0;
        if (success) {
            smsAckPdu = new byte[responseBytes.length + 5];
            smsAckPdu[index++] = 0x00;      // TP-MTI, TP-UDHI
            smsAckPdu[index++] = 0x07;      // TP-PI: TP-PID, TP-DCS, TP-UDL present
        } else {
            smsAckPdu = new byte[responseBytes.length + 6];
            smsAckPdu[index++] = 0x00;      // TP-MTI, TP-UDHI
            smsAckPdu[index++] = (byte)
                    CommandsInterface.GSM_SMS_FAIL_CAUSE_USIM_DATA_DOWNLOAD_ERROR;  // TP-FCS
            smsAckPdu[index++] = 0x07;      // TP-PI: TP-PID, TP-DCS, TP-UDL present

        smsAckPdu[index++] = (byte) pid;
        smsAckPdu[index++] = (byte) dcs;

        if (is7bitDcs(dcs)) {
            int septetCount = responseBytes.length * 8 / 7;
            smsAckPdu[index++] = (byte) septetCount;
        } else {
            smsAckPdu[index++] = (byte) responseBytes.length;

        System.arraycopy(responseBytes, 0, smsAckPdu, index, responseBytes.length);

                IccUtils.bytesToHexString(smsAckPdu), null);
public intstartDataDownload(SmsMessage smsMessage)
Start an SMS-PP data download for the specified message. Can be called from a different thread than this Handler is running on.

smsMessage the message to process
{@code Activity.RESULT_OK} on success; {@code RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR} on failure

        if (sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_START_DATA_DOWNLOAD, smsMessage))) {
            return Activity.RESULT_OK;  // we will send SMS ACK/ERROR based on UICC response
        } else {
            Rlog.e(TAG, "startDataDownload failed to send message to start data download.");
            return Intents.RESULT_SMS_GENERIC_ERROR;