URLPatternSpec.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API13381Fri May 04 22:36:00 BST


public class URLPatternSpec extends
This class extends the URLPattern class and is used to represent URLPatternSpec objects. URLPatternSpec objects occur withing WebResourcePermission and WebUserDataPermission objects.

Ron Monzillo
Gary Ellison

Fields Summary
private static String
private static String
private transient int
private String
private final String
Constructors Summary
public URLPatternSpec(String urlPatternSpec)
Creates a new URLPatternSpec that identifies the web resources to which a WebResourcePermission or WebUserDataPermission applies. The syntax of the name parameter is as follows:

URLPatternList ::= URLPattern | URLPatternList colon URLPattern

URLPatternSpec ::= URLPattern | URLPattern colon URLPatternList

name ::= URLPatternSpec

The first URLPattern in a URLPatternSpec may be any of the pattern types, exact, path-prefix, extension, or default as defined in the Java Servlet Specification). When a URLPatternSpec includes a URLPatternList, the patterns of the URLPatternList identify the resources to which the permission does NOT apply and depend on the pattern type and value of the first pattern as follows:

  • No pattern may exist in the URLPatternList that matches the first pattern.
  • If the first pattern is a path-prefix pattern, only exact patterns matched by the first pattern and path-prefix patterns matched by, but different from, the first pattern may occur in the URLPatternList.
  • If the first pattern is an extension pattern, only exact patterns that are matched by the first pattern and path-prefix patterns may occur in the URLPatternList.
  • If the first pattern is the default pattern, "/", any pattern except the default pattern may occur in the URLPatternList.
  • If the first pattern is an exact pattern a URLPatternList must not be present in the URLPatternSpec.

urlPatternSpec a String containing a URLPatternSpec that identifies the application specific web resources to which the permission pertains. All URLPatterns in the URLPatternSpec are relative to the context path of the deployed web application module, and the same URLPattern must not occur more than once in a URLPatternSpec.


	int colon = urlPatternSpec.indexOf(":");
	if (colon >= 0) {
	    urlPatternList = urlPatternSpec.substring(colon+1);
	else urlPatternList = null;
Methods Summary
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object o)

	if (o == null || ! (o instanceof URLPatternSpec)) return false;

	URLPatternSpec that = (URLPatternSpec) o;

	return this.toString().equals(that.toString());
private static java.lang.StringgetFirstPattern(java.lang.String urlPatternSpec)

	if (urlPatternSpec == null)
	    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URLPatternSpec");
	int colon = urlPatternSpec.indexOf(":");
	if (colon < 0) return urlPatternSpec;
	else if (colon > 0) return urlPatternSpec.substring(0,colon);
	else if (colon == 0) return EMPTY_STRING;
	throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid URLPatternSpec");
public java.lang.StringgetURLPattern()
This method returns a String containing the first URLPattern in this URLPatternSpec.

	return super.toString();
public inthashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this URLPatternSpec properties of the returned hash code must be as follows:

  • During the lifetime of a Java application, the hashCode method must return the same integer value, every time it is called on a URLPatternSpec object. The value returned by hashCode for a particular URlPatternSpec need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another.
  • If two URLPatternSpec objects are equal according to the equals method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result (within an application).

the integer hash code value for this object.

	if (hashCodeValue == 0)
	    hashCodeValue = this.toString().hashCode();

	return hashCodeValue;
public booleanimplies( that)
Determines if the argument URLPatternSpec is "implied by" this URLPatternSpec. For this to be the case, all of the following must be true:

  • The argument is an instanceof URLPatternSpec, and
  • The first Pattern in the argument URLPatternSpec is matched by the first URLPattern of this URLPatternSpec.
  • The first Pattern in the argument URLPatternSpec is NOT matched by any URLPattern in the URLPatternList of this URLPatternSpec.
  • If the first Pattern in the argument URLPatternSpec matches the first Pattern in this URLPatternSpec, then every URLPattern in the URLPatternList of this URLPatternSpec is matched by a URLPattern in the URLPatternList of the argument URLPatternSpec.

URLPattern matching is performed using the Servlet matching rules where two URL patterns match if they are related as follows:

  • their pattern values are String equivalent, or
  • this pattern is the path-prefix pattern "/*", or
  • this pattern is a path-prefix pattern (that is, it starts with "/" and ends with "/*") and the argument pattern starts with the substring of this pattern, minus its last 2 characters, and the next character of the argument pattern, if there is one, is "/", or
  • this pattern is an extension pattern (that is, it starts with "*.") and the argument pattern ends with this pattern, or
  • the reference pattern is the special default pattern, "/", which matches all argument patterns.

All of the comparisons described above are case sensitive.

that "this" URLPatternSpec is checked to see if it implies the argument URLPatternSpec.

true if the specified URLPatternSpec is implied by this URLPatternSpec, false if not.

	if (that == null) return false;

	if (!super.implies(that)) return false;
	for (int i=0; urlPatternArray != null && i<urlPatternArray.length; i++)

	    if (urlPatternArray[i] != null &&
		urlPatternArray[i].implies(that)) return false;

	if (urlPatternArray != null && ((URLPattern)that).implies(this)) {

	    if (that.urlPatternArray == null) return false;

	    boolean flags[] = new boolean[urlPatternArray.length];

	    for (int i=0; i<flags.length; i++) flags[i] = false;

	    int count = 0;
	    for (int j=0; j<that.urlPatternArray.length; j++) {

		for (int i=0; i<flags.length; i++) {

		    if (!flags[i])
			if (urlPatternArray[i] == null || 
			    (that.urlPatternArray[j] != null &&
			     (urlPatternArray[i]))) {

			    count += 1;			
			    flags[i] = true;
			    if (count == flags.length) return true;

	    return (count == flags.length);

	return true;
private voidsetURLPatternArray()

	if (urlPatternArray == null && urlPatternList != null) {

	    String[] tokens = urlPatternList.split(":",-1);

	    int count = tokens.length;

	    if (count == 0) 
		throw new IllegalArgumentException
		    ("colon followed by empty URLPatternList");
	    urlPatternArray = new URLPattern[count];
	    int firstType = this.patternType();

	    for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {

		urlPatternArray[i] = new URLPattern(tokens[i]);

		if (urlPatternArray[i].implies(this)) 
		    throw new IllegalArgumentException
			("pattern in URLPatternList implies first pattern");

		switch(firstType) {
		case URLPattern.PT_PREFIX:
		case URLPattern.PT_EXTENSION:
		    switch (urlPatternArray[i].patternType()) {
		    case URLPattern.PT_PREFIX:
			if (firstType == URLPattern.PT_PREFIX) {
			    if (super.equals(urlPatternArray[i]) ||
				throw new IllegalArgumentException
				  ("Invalid prefix pattern in URLPatternList");
		    case URLPattern.PT_EXACT:
			if (!super.implies(urlPatternArray[i]))
			    throw new IllegalArgumentException
				("Invalid exact pattern in URLPatternList");
			throw new IllegalArgumentException
			    ("Invalid pattern type in URLPatternList");
		case URLPattern.PT_DEFAULT:
		    if (super.equals(urlPatternArray[i]))
			throw new IllegalArgumentException
			    ("Invalid default pattern in URLPatternList");
		case URLPattern.PT_EXACT: 
		    throw new IllegalArgumentException 
			("invalid URLPatternSpec");
		    throw new IllegalArgumentException
			("Invalid pattern type in URLPatternList");


	    for (int i=0; i<urlPatternArray.length; i++) {
		if (urlPatternArray[i] != null) {
		    switch(urlPatternArray[i].patternType()) {
		    case URLPattern.PT_PREFIX:
			for (int j=i+1; j<urlPatternArray.length; j++)
			    if (urlPatternArray[i].implies(urlPatternArray[j]))
				urlPatternArray[j] = null;
public java.lang.StringtoString()

	if (canonicalSpec == null) {

	    if (urlPatternList == null) 
		canonicalSpec = new String(super.toString());

	    else {

		StringBuffer s = null;

		for (int i=0; i<urlPatternArray.length; i++) {
		    if (urlPatternArray[i] != null) {
			if (s == null) 
			   s = new StringBuffer(urlPatternArray[i].toString());
			else s.append(":" + urlPatternArray[i].toString());

		if (s == null) canonicalSpec = new String(super.toString());
		else canonicalSpec = 
		    new String(super.toString() + ":" + s.toString());

	return canonicalSpec;