Board.javaAPI DocJ2ME MIDP 2.013348Thu Nov 07 12:02:20 GMT 2002example.pushpuzzle


public class Board extends Object
The class Board knows how the pieces move, handles undo, and handles reading of screens.

Fields Summary
private int
private byte[]
private byte[]
private int
private int
private int
private int
private int
private byte[]
private int
private int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final byte
Constructors Summary
public Board()
Creates new Board initialized to a simple puzzle.

	// If the pusher is there

        moves = new byte[200];
Methods Summary
private intdx(int dir)
Convert a left/right direction into an offset.

        if (dir == LEFT)
            return -1;
        if (dir == RIGHT)
            return +1;
        return 0;
private intdy(int dir)
Convert a up/down direction into an offset.

        if (dir == UP)
            return -1;
        if (dir == DOWN)
            return +1;
        return 0;
private voidfindTarget(int t, byte pathlen)
Find the shortest path to the pusher via a fill search algorithm

        if (array[t] > STORE)
            return;	// Either a wall or looped back to player

	// Already tried here and this way is longer
        if (pathmap[t] <= pathlen)

        pathmap[t] = pathlen++;	// set path length to this location
        if (t == pusher)

        findTarget(t - 1, pathlen);	// to previous cell
        findTarget(t + 1, pathlen);	// to next cell
        findTarget(t - width, pathlen);	// to previous row
        findTarget(t + width, pathlen);	// to next row
public byteget(int x, int y)
Return the pieces at the location.

x location in the board.
y location in the board.
flags indicating what pieces are in this board location. Bit flags; combinations of WALL, PUSHER, STORE, PACKET.

        int offset = index(x, y);
        if (offset == pusher)
            return (byte)(array[offset] | PUSHER);
            return array[offset];
public intgetHeight()
Get the height of the board.

        return height;
public intgetMoves()
Get the number of moves to get this far.

        return nmoves;
public intgetPusherLocation()
Get the location of the pusher. It is returned as an int with the lower 16 bits being the x index and the upper 16 bits being the y index.

the encoded location of the pusher.

	int x = pusher % width;
	int y = pusher / width;
	return (y << 16) + x;
public intgetPushes()
Get the number of packets pushed around.

        return npushes;
public intgetStored()
Get the number of packets stored.

        return stored;
public intgetWidth()
Get the width of the game board.

        return width;
private intindex(int x, int y)
Compute the index in the array of the x, y location.

        if (x < 0 || x >= width ||
        y < 0 || y >= height)
            return -1;

        return y * width + x;
private intindexOffset(int move)
Compute the offset in the array of the cell relative to the current pusher location in the direction of the move. Note: the walls around the edge always make a +/- guard band. Also, the order of evaluation should never try to get to +/- 2.

        switch (move & 3) {
            case LEFT:
                return -1;
            case RIGHT:
                return +1;
            case UP:
                return -width;
            case DOWN:
                return +width;
        return 0;
public intmove(int move)
Move the pusher in the direction indicated. If there is a wall, don't move. if there is a packet in that direction, try to move it.

move the direction; one of LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN
the direction actually moved, -1 if not moved

        int obj = pusher + indexOffset(move);

        // Handle the simple cases
        if ((array[obj] & WALL) != 0)
            return -1;

        int m = movePacket(obj, move);
        if (m < 0)
            return -1;	// If can't move packet, done!

        pusher = obj;	// move the pusher to the new spot
	return m;
private intmovePacket(int index, int move)
Move the packet in the direction indicated relative to the pusher. If it fits into a store position remember.

-1 if can't be moved or the updated move including the packet flag if there was a packet to move.

        if ((array[index] & PACKET) == 0)
            return move;	// no packet to move

        int dest = index + indexOffset(move);
        if (array[dest] > STORE)
            return -1;	// can't move packet into next spot.

        // Remove packet from current location
        array[index] &= ~PACKET;
        if ((array[index] & STORE) != 0)

        // Insert packet into new location
        array[dest] |= PACKET;
        if ((array[dest] & STORE) != 0)

        npushes++;	// count pushes done
        return move + MOVEPACKET;
public voidread( is, int l)
Read a board from a stream. Read it into a fixed size array and then shrink to fit.

        final int W = 20;
        final int H = 20;
        byte[] b = new byte[W * H];
        // Add resize code later.
        int c, w = 0;
        int x = 0, y = 0, xn = 0, yn = 0, npackets = 0;
        try {
            while ((c = != -1) {
                switch (c) {
                    case '\n":
                        if (x > w) {
                            w = x;

                        x = 0;

                    case '$":
                        b[y * W + x++] = PACKET;

                    case '#":
                        b[y * W + x++] = WALL;

                    case ' ":
                        b[y * W + x++] = GROUND;

                    case '.":
                        b[y * W + x++] = STORE;

                    case '*":
                        b[y * W + x] = PACKET;
                        b[y * W + x++] |= STORE;

                    case '+":	// player and store in same place
                        b[y * W + x++] = STORE;
                    case '@":
                        xn = x;
                        yn = y;
        } catch ( ex) {

        if (y > 0) {
            array = new byte[w * y];
            if (y > w) {	// Switch x for y while copying
                width = y;
                height = w;
                for (y = 0; y < width; y++) {
                    for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
                        array[index(y, x)] = b[y * W + x];
                pusher = index(yn, xn);
            } else {
                width = w;
                height = y;
                array = new byte[width * height];
                for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                    for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
                        array[index(x, y)] = b[y * W + x];
                pusher = index(xn, yn);
            stored = 0;
            packets = npackets;
            level = l;
            nmoves = 0;
            npushes = 0;
public intrunTo(int x, int y, int max)
Move the player to the position (x,y), if possible. Return the direction it moved if successful, otherwise -1. The position (x,y) must be empty.

x window coordinate
y window coordinate
the direction that it moved, -1 is not moved; See LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, MOVEPACKET

        int target = index(x, y);
        if (target < 0 || target >= array.length)
            return -1;
        if (target == pusher)
            return -1;	// already there

	/* Fill the path map */
        if (pathmap == null || pathmap.length != array.length) {
            pathmap = new byte[array.length];
        // Fill with unset value.
        for (int i = 0; i < pathmap.length; i++)
            pathmap[i] = 127;

        // flood fill search to find a shortest path to the push point.
        findTarget(target, (byte)0);

	 * if we didn't make it back to the players position,
	 * there is no valid path to that place.
        if (pathmap[pusher] == 127) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            // We made it back, so let's walk the path we just built up
	    // Save the final move to return
            int pathlen = pathmap[pusher];
            int pathmin = pathlen - max;
	    int dir = -1;
            for (pathlen--; pathlen >= pathmin; pathlen--) {
                if (pathmap[pusher - 1] == pathlen) {
		    dir = LEFT;
                } else if (pathmap[pusher + 1] == pathlen) {
		    dir = RIGHT;
                } else if (pathmap[pusher - width] == pathlen) {
		    dir = UP;
                    pusher -= width;
                } else if (pathmap[pusher + width] == pathlen) {
		    dir = DOWN;
                    pusher += width;
                } else {
		     * if we get here, something is SERIOUSLY wrong,
		     * so we should abort
                    throw new RuntimeException("runTo abort");
	    return dir;
private voidsaveMove(int move)

        if (nmoves >= moves.length) {
            byte[] n = new byte[moves.length + 50];
            System.arraycopy(moves, 0, n, 0, moves.length);
            moves = n;
        moves[nmoves++] = (byte)move;
public voidscreen0()
Create the hard coded simple game board.

        width = 9;
        height = 7;
        array = new byte[width * height];
        level = 0;
        nmoves = 0;
        npushes = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
                byte t = (x == 0 || y == 0 ||
                x == width - 1 || y == height - 1) ?
                WALL : GROUND;
                set(x, y, t);
        packets = 2;
        stored = 0;
        set(2, 2, PACKET);
        set(4, 4, PACKET);
        set(4, 2, STORE);
        set(6, 4, STORE);
        pusher = index(1, 1);
private voidset(int x, int y, byte value)
Set the value of the location.

        array[index(x, y)] = value;
public booleansolved()
Determine if the screen has been solved.

        return packets == stored;
public intundoMove()
Undo the most recent move

the move undone; if none -1 is returned; See LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, and MOVEPACKET

        if (nmoves <= 0)
            return -1;
        int move = moves[--nmoves];
        int rev = (move & 3) ^ 3;	// reverse the direction
        int back = pusher + indexOffset(rev);

        if ((move & MOVEPACKET) != 0) {
            npushes--;	// "unpush"
            movePacket(pusher + indexOffset(move), rev);	// move packet
        pusher = back;
	return move;