ConstCollector.javaAPI DocAndroid 1.5 API13102Wed May 06 22:41:02 BST


public class ConstCollector extends Object
Collects constants that are used more than once at the top of the method block. This increases register usage by about 5% but decreases insn size by about 3%.

Fields Summary
private static final int
Maximum constants to collect per method. Puts cap on reg use
private static boolean
Also collect string consts, although they can throw exceptions. This is off now because it just doesn't seem to gain a whole lot. TODO if you turn this on, you must change SsaInsn.hasSideEffect() to return false for const-string insns whose exceptions are not caught in the current method.
private static boolean
If true, allow one local var to be involved with a collected const. Turned off because it mostly just inserts more moves.
private final SsaMethod
method we're processing
Constructors Summary
private ConstCollector(SsaMethod ssaMethod)

        this.ssaMeth = ssaMethod;
Methods Summary
private voidfixLocalAssignment(RegisterSpec origReg, RegisterSpec newReg)
Inserts mark-locals if necessary when changing a register. If the definition of origReg is associated with a local variable, then insert a mark-local for newReg just below it. We expect the definition of origReg to ultimately be removed by the dead code eliminator

origReg non-null; original register
newReg non-null; new register that will replace origReg

        for (SsaInsn use: ssaMeth.getUseListForRegister(origReg.getReg())) {
            RegisterSpec localAssignment = use.getLocalAssignment();
            if (localAssignment == null) {

            if (use.getResult() == null) {
                // this is a mark-local. it will be updated when all uses
                // are updated

            LocalItem local = localAssignment.getLocalItem();

             * un-associate original use

             * now add a mark-local to the new reg immediately after
            newReg = newReg.withLocalItem(local);

            SsaInsn newInsn
                    = SsaInsn.makeFromRop(
                        new PlainInsn(Rops.opMarkLocal(newReg),
                        SourcePosition.NO_INFO, null,

            ArrayList<SsaInsn> insns = use.getBlock().getInsns();

            insns.add(insns.indexOf(use) + 1, newInsn);
private java.util.ArrayListgetConstsSortedByCountUse()
Gets all of the collectable constant values used in this method, sorted by most used first. Skips non-collectable consts, such as non-string object constants

non-null; list of constants in most-to-least used order

        int regSz = ssaMeth.getRegCount();

        final HashMap<TypedConstant, Integer> countUses
                = new HashMap<TypedConstant, Integer>();

        // Each collected constant can be used by just one local
        // (used only if COLLECT_ONE_LOCAL is true)
        final HashSet<TypedConstant> usedByLocal
                = new HashSet<TypedConstant>();

        // Count how many times each const value is used
        for (int i = 0; i < regSz; i++) {
            SsaInsn insn = ssaMeth.getDefinitionForRegister(i);

            if (insn == null) continue;

            RegisterSpec result = insn.getResult();

            TypeBearer typeBearer = insn.getResult().getTypeBearer();

            if (!typeBearer.isConstant()) continue;

            TypedConstant cst = (TypedConstant) typeBearer;

            if (insn.canThrow()) {
                 * Don't move anything other than strings -- the risk
                 * of changing where an exception is thrown is too high.                
                if (!(cst instanceof CstString) || !COLLECT_STRINGS) {
                 * We can't move any throwable const whose throw will be caught,
                 * so don't count them.                 
                if (insn.getBlock().getSuccessors().cardinality() > 1) {

            // TODO might be nice to try and figure out which local wins most
            // when collected
            if (ssaMeth.isRegALocal(result)) {
                if (!COLLECT_ONE_LOCAL) {
                } else {
                    if (usedByLocal.contains(cst)) {
                        // Count one local usage only
                    } else {

            Integer has = countUses.get(cst);
            if (has == null) {
                countUses.put(cst, 1);
            } else {
                countUses.put(cst, has + 1);

        // Collect constants that have been reused
        Iterator<TypedConstant> it = countUses.keySet().iterator();
        ArrayList<TypedConstant> constantList = new ArrayList<TypedConstant>();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            TypedConstant cst =;

            if (countUses.get(cst) > 1) {

        // Sort by use, with most used at the beginning of the list
        Collections.sort(constantList, new Comparator<Constant>() {
            public int compare(Constant a, Constant b) {
                int ret;
                ret = countUses.get(b) - countUses.get(a);

                if (ret == 0) {
                     * Provide sorting determinisim for constants with same
                     * usage count.
                    ret = a.compareTo(b);

                return ret;
            public boolean equals (Object obj) {
                return obj == this;
        return constantList;
public static voidprocess(SsaMethod ssaMethod)
Process a method.

ssaMethod non-null; method to process

        ConstCollector dc;

        dc = new ConstCollector(ssaMethod);
private voidrun()
Applies the optimization.

        int regSz = ssaMeth.getRegCount();

        ArrayList<TypedConstant> constantList
                = getConstsSortedByCountUse();
        int toCollect = Math.min(constantList.size(), MAX_COLLECTED_CONSTANTS);

        SsaBasicBlock start = ssaMeth.getEntryBlock();

        // Constant to new register containing the constant
        HashMap<TypedConstant, RegisterSpec> newRegs
                = new HashMap<TypedConstant, RegisterSpec> (toCollect);

        for (int i = 0; i < toCollect; i++) {
            TypedConstant cst = constantList.get(i);
            RegisterSpec result
                    = RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), cst);

            Rop constRop = Rops.opConst(cst);

            if (constRop.getBranchingness() == Rop.BRANCH_NONE) {
                        new PlainCstInsn(Rops.opConst(cst),
                                SourcePosition.NO_INFO, result,
                                RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, cst));
            } else {
                // We need two new basic blocks along with the new insn
                SsaBasicBlock entryBlock = ssaMeth.getEntryBlock();
                SsaBasicBlock successorBlock
                        = entryBlock.getPrimarySuccessor();

                 * Insert a block containing the const insn
                SsaBasicBlock constBlock
                        = entryBlock.insertNewSuccessor(successorBlock);

                        new ThrowingCstInsn(constRop, SourcePosition.NO_INFO,
                                StdTypeList.EMPTY, cst));

                 * Insert a block containing the move-result-pseudo insn

                SsaBasicBlock resultBlock
                        = constBlock.insertNewSuccessor(successorBlock);

                        new PlainInsn(
                                result, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));

            newRegs.put(cst, result);

        updateConstUses(newRegs, regSz);
private voidupdateConstUses(java.util.HashMap newRegs, int origRegCount)
Updates all uses of various consts to use the values in the newly assigned registers.

newRegs non-null; mapping between constant and new reg
origRegCount >=0; original SSA reg count, not including newly added constant regs

        // Set of constants associated with a local variable
        // Used only if COLLECT_ONE_LOCAL is true
        final HashSet<TypedConstant> usedByLocal
                = new HashSet<TypedConstant>();

        final ArrayList<SsaInsn>[] useList = ssaMeth.getUseListCopy();

        for (int i = 0; i < origRegCount; i++) {
            SsaInsn insn = ssaMeth.getDefinitionForRegister(i);

            if (insn == null) {

            final RegisterSpec origReg = insn.getResult();
            TypeBearer typeBearer = insn.getResult().getTypeBearer();

            if (!typeBearer.isConstant()) continue;

            TypedConstant cst = (TypedConstant) typeBearer;
            final RegisterSpec newReg = newRegs.get(cst);

            if (newReg == null) {

            if (ssaMeth.isRegALocal(origReg)) {
                if (!COLLECT_ONE_LOCAL) {
                } else {
                    // TODO if the same local gets the same cst multiple times,
                    // it would be nice to reuse the register
                    if (usedByLocal.contains(cst)) {
                    } else {
                        fixLocalAssignment(origReg, newRegs.get(cst));

            // Maps an original const register to the new collected register
            RegisterMapper mapper = new RegisterMapper() {
                public int getNewRegisterCount() {
                    return ssaMeth.getRegCount();

                public RegisterSpec map(RegisterSpec registerSpec) {
                    if (registerSpec.getReg() == origReg.getReg()) {
                        return newReg.withLocalItem(registerSpec.getLocalItem());

                    return registerSpec;

            for (SsaInsn use: useList[origReg.getReg()]) {
                if (use.canThrow()
                        && use.getBlock().getSuccessors().cardinality() > 1) {