WebServiceDeployer.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12813Tue Jul 03 12:35:54 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend


public class WebServiceDeployer extends Object
This class is responsible for handling all generation/process that has to happen during web services deployment
Jerome Dochez

Fields Summary
private static com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager
private DeploymentRequest
Constructors Summary
public WebServiceDeployer(DeploymentRequest request)
Creates a new instance of WebServiceDeployer

        this.request = request;
Methods Summary
public voiddoWebServiceDeployment(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application app, appDir)
We need to replace the servlet-class for each servlet endpoint with a pre-written servlet that has access to the container and the JAXRPC runtime. The original servlet-class was already saved in the runtime information by j2eec. Also, generate the final WSDL for each web service by filling in the endpoint address field, and publish to client if necessary.

        ClassLoader loader = app.getClassLoader();
        Collection webBundles = new HashSet();
        Collection webServices = new HashSet();

        // First collect all web applications and web service descriptors.
        webBundles.addAll( app.getWebBundleDescriptors() );
        webServices.addAll( app.getWebServiceDescriptors() );
        // swap the deployment descriptors context-root with the one 
        // provided in the deployment request.
        if (request.getContextRoot()!=null) {
            if (app.isVirtual()) {
                ((WebBundleDescriptor) webBundles.iterator().next()).setContextRoot(request.getContextRoot());
        // Swap the application written servlet implementation class for
        // one provided by the container.  The original class is stored
        // as runtime information since it will be used as the servant at
        // dispatch time.
        for(Iterator<WebBundleDescriptor> iter = webBundles.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            doWebServiceDeployment(, appDir);
        // Generate final wsdls for all web services and store them in
        // the application repository directory.
        for(Iterator<WebService> iter = webServices.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            WsUtil wsUtil = new WsUtil();
            WebService next =;
            // Endpoint with HTTP bindings need not have WSDLs; In which case
            // there is no need for WSDL publishing
            if( (next.getWsdlFileUrl() == null) &&
                 (next.getMappingFileUri() == null) ) {
                for(WebServiceEndpoint wsep : next.getEndpoints()) {
                    /*if(!(HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING.equals(wsep.getProtocolBinding()))) {
                        throw new Exception(
                            "Service {0} has an endpoint with non-HTTP binding but there is no WSDL; Deployment cannot proceed",
                            new Object[] {next.getName()}));                   

            URL clientPublishLocation = next.getClientPublishUrl();

            // Even if deployer specified a wsdl file 
            // publish location, server can't assume it can access that 
            // file system.  Plus, it's cleaner to depend on a file stored
            // within the application repository rather than one directly
            // exposed to the deployer. Name of final wsdl is derived based
            // on the location of its associated module.  This prevents us
            // from having write the module to disk in order to store the
            // modified runtime info.
            URL url = next.getWsdlFileUrl();
            // Create the generated WSDL in the generated directory; for that create the directories first
            File genXmlDir = request.getGeneratedXMLDirectory();
            if(request.isApplication()) {
                // Add module name to the generated xml dir for apps
                String subDirName = next.getBundleDescriptor().getModuleDescriptor().getArchiveUri();
                genXmlDir = new File(genXmlDir, subDirName.replaceAll("\\.", "_"));
            File genWsdlFile = null;
            if (!next.hasWsdlFile()) {                
                // no wsdl file was specified at deployment or it was an http location
                // we must have downloaded it or created one when 
                // deploying into the generated directory directly. pick it up from there, 
                // but generate it into a temp 
                genWsdlFile = new File(url.toURI());
                genWsdlFile = File.createTempFile("gen_","", genWsdlFile.getParentFile());
            } else {
                String wsdlFileDir = next.getWsdlFileUri().substring(0, next.getWsdlFileUri().lastIndexOf('/"));
                (new File(genXmlDir, wsdlFileDir)).mkdirs();
                genWsdlFile = new File(genXmlDir, next.getWsdlFileUri());
            wsUtil.generateFinalWsdl(url, next, wsUtil.getWebServerInfo(request), genWsdlFile); 
            if (!next.hasWsdlFile()) {
                // Two renaming operations followed by a delete
                // are required because, on windows, a File.delete and 
                // a File.renameTo are not foolproof
                File finalName = new File(url.toURI());
                File tmpName = new File(genWsdlFile.getAbsolutePath() + ".TMP");
                // Rename wsgen generated / downloaded WSDL to .TMP
                boolean renameDone = finalName.renameTo(tmpName);
                if(!renameDone) {
                    // On windows rename operation fails occassionaly;
                    // so use the iostream way to do the rename
                    FileUtils.moveFile(finalName.getAbsolutePath(), tmpName.getAbsolutePath());
                // Rename soap:address fixed WSDL to wsgen generated WSDL
                renameDone = genWsdlFile.renameTo(finalName);
                if(!renameDone) {
                    // On windows rename operation fails occassionaly;
                    // so use the iostream way to do the rename
                    FileUtils.moveFile(genWsdlFile.getAbsolutePath(), finalName.getAbsolutePath());
                // Remove the original WSDL file
public voiddoWebServiceDeployment(com.sun.enterprise.deployment.WebBundleDescriptor web, outDir)
We need to replace the servlet-class for each servlet endpoint with a pre-written servlet that has access to the container and the JAXRPC runtime. The original servlet-class was already saved in the runtime information by j2eec. Also, generate the final WSDL for each web service by filling in the endpoint address field, and publish to client if necessary.

        Collection endpoints = web.getWebServices().getEndpoints();
        ClassLoader loader = web.getClassLoader();
        boolean writeModule = !endpoints.isEmpty();
        for(Iterator endpointIter = endpoints.iterator();
            endpointIter.hasNext();) {
            WebServiceEndpoint nextEndpoint = (WebServiceEndpoint)
            WebComponentDescriptor webComp = nextEndpoint.getWebComponentImpl();
            String servletImplClass = nextEndpoint.getServletImplClass();
            if( !nextEndpoint.hasServletImplClass() ) {
                throw new Exception(
                "Runtime settings error.  Cannot find servlet-impl-class for endpoint {0} ",
                new Object[] {nextEndpoint.getEndpointName()}));
            if( !nextEndpoint.getWebService().hasFilePublishing() ) {
                // @@@ add security attributes as well????
                String publishingUri = nextEndpoint.getPublishingUri();
                String publishingUrlPattern =
                (publishingUri.charAt(0) == '/") ?
                publishingUri : "/" + publishingUri + "/*";
            Class servletImplClazz  = loader.loadClass(servletImplClass);
            String containerServlet;
            // For versions above 1.1, use JAXWSServlet
            if("1.1".compareTo(web.getWebServices().getSpecVersion())<0) {
                containerServlet = "com.sun.enterprise.webservice.JAXWSServlet";                                    
            } else {
                containerServlet =
                SingleThreadModel.class.isAssignableFrom(servletImplClazz) ?
                "com.sun.enterprise.webservice.SingleThreadJAXRPCServlet" :