SlideShowDumper.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.112808Mon Jan 01 18:55:34 GMT


public class SlideShowDumper extends Object
This class provides a way to "peek" inside a powerpoint file. It will print out all the types it find, and for those it know aren't atoms, what they contain To figure out what things are, and if they are atoms or not, used the list in hslf.record.RecordTypes To peek inside PPDrawings, which hold Escher drawings, we use the DDF package from POI (but we can fake it by using the Escher listings from hslf.record.RecordTypes also)
Nick Burch

Fields Summary
private InputStream
private POIFSFileSystem
private byte[]
private boolean
Do we try to use DDF to understand the escher objects?
private boolean
Do we use our own built-in basic escher groker to understand the escher objects?
Constructors Summary
public SlideShowDumper(String fileName)
Constructs a Powerpoint dump from fileName. Parses the document and dumps out the contents

fileName The name of the file to read.
IOException if there is a problem while parsing the document.

  	this(new FileInputStream(fileName));
public SlideShowDumper(InputStream inputStream)
Constructs a Powerpoint dump from an input stream. Parses the document and dumps out the contents

inputStream the source of the data
IOException if there is a problem while parsing the document.

	//do Ole stuff
	this(new POIFSFileSystem(inputStream));
	istream = inputStream;
public SlideShowDumper(POIFSFileSystem filesystem)
Constructs a Powerpoint dump from a POIFS Filesystem. Parses the document and dumps out the contents

filesystem the POIFS FileSystem to read from
IOException if there is a problem while parsing the document.

	this.filesystem = filesystem;

	// Get the main document stream
	DocumentEntry docProps =
		(DocumentEntry)filesystem.getRoot().getEntry("PowerPoint Document");

	// Grab the document stream
	_docstream = new byte[docProps.getSize()];
	filesystem.createDocumentInputStream("PowerPoint Document").read(_docstream);
Methods Summary
public voidclose()
Shuts things down. Closes underlying streams etc


	if(istream != null) {
	filesystem = null;
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)
right now this function takes one parameter: a ppt file, and outputs a dump of what it contains

	if(args.length == 0) {
		System.err.println("Useage: SlideShowDumper [-escher|-basicescher] <filename>");

	String filename = args[0];
	if(args.length > 1) {
		filename = args[1];

	SlideShowDumper foo = new SlideShowDumper(filename);

	if(args.length > 1) {
		if(args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("-escher")) {
		} else {

public java.lang.StringmakeHex(int i)

	String hex = Integer.toHexString(i).toUpperCase();
	if(hex.length() == 1) { return "000" + hex; }
	if(hex.length() == 2) { return "00" + hex; }
	if(hex.length() == 3) { return "0" + hex; }
	return hex;
public java.lang.StringmakeHex(short s)

	String hex = Integer.toHexString((int)s).toUpperCase();
	if(hex.length() == 1) { return "0" + hex; }
	return hex;
public voidprintDump()

	// The format of records in a powerpoint file are:
	//   <little endian 2 byte "info">
	//   <little endian 2 byte "type">
	//   <little endian 4 byte "length">
	// If it has a zero length, following it will be another record
	//		<xx xx yy yy 00 00 00 00> <xx xx yy yy zz zz zz zz>
	// If it has a length, depending on its type it may have children or data
	// If it has children, these will follow straight away
	//		<xx xx yy yy zz zz zz zz <xx xx yy yy zz zz zz zz>>
	// If it has data, this will come straigh after, and run for the length
	//      <xx xx yy yy zz zz zz zz dd dd dd dd dd dd dd>
	// All lengths given exclude the 8 byte record header
	// (Data records are known as Atoms)

	// Document should start with:
	//   0F 00 E8 03 ## ## ## ##
    //     (type 1000 = document, info 00 0f is normal, rest is document length)
	//   01 00 E9 03 28 00 00 00
	//     (type 1001 = document atom, info 00 01 normal, 28 bytes long)

	// When parsing a document, look to see if you know about that type
	//  of the current record. If you know it's a type that has children, 
	//  process the record's data area looking for more records
	// If you know about the type and it doesn't have children, either do
	//  something with the data (eg TextRun) or skip over it
	// Otherwise, check the first byte. If you do a BINARY_AND on it with
	//  0x0f (15) and get back 0x0f, you know it has children. Otherwise
	//  it doesn't

public voidsetBasicEscher(boolean grok)
Control dumping of any Escher records found - should our built in basic groker be used?

	basicEscher = grok;
	ddfEscher = !(grok);
public voidsetDDFEscher(boolean grok)
Control dumping of any Escher records found - should DDF be used?

	ddfEscher = grok;
	basicEscher = !(grok);
public voidwalkEscherBasic(int indent, int pos, int len)
Use the basic record format groking code to walk the Escher records

	if(len < 8) { return; }

	String ind = "";
	for(int i=0; i<indent; i++) { ind += " "; }

	long type = LittleEndian.getUShort(_docstream,pos+2);
	long atomlen = LittleEndian.getUInt(_docstream,pos+4);
	String typeS = makeHex((int)type);

	System.out.println(ind + "At position " + pos + " (" + makeHex(pos) + "):");
	System.out.println(ind + "Type is " + type + " (" + typeS + "), len is " + atomlen + " (" + makeHex((int)atomlen) + ")");

	String typeName = RecordTypes.recordName((int)type);
	if(typeName != null) {
		System.out.println(ind + "That's an Escher Record: " + typeName);
	} else {
		System.out.println(ind + "(Unknown Escher Record)");

	// Code to print the first 8 bytes
//	System.out.print(ind);
//	for(int i=0; i<8; i++) {
//		short bv = _docstream[i+pos];
//		if(bv < 0) { bv += 256; }
//		System.out.print(i + "=" + bv + " (" + makeHex(bv) + ")  ");
//	}
//	System.out.println("");

	// Record specific dumps
	if(type == 61453l) {
		// Text Box. Print out first 8 bytes of data, then 8 4 later
		for(int i=8; i<16; i++) {
			short bv = _docstream[i+pos];
			if(bv < 0) { bv += 256; }
			System.out.print(i + "=" + bv + " (" + makeHex(bv) + ")  ");
		for(int i=20; i<28; i++) {
			short bv = _docstream[i+pos];
			if(bv < 0) { bv += 256; }
			System.out.print(i + "=" + bv + " (" + makeHex(bv) + ")  ");

	// Blank line before next entry

	// Look in children if we are a container
	if(type == 61443l || type == 61444l) {
		walkEscherBasic((indent+3), pos+8, (int)atomlen);

	// Keep going if not yet at end
	if(atomlen < len) {
		int atomleni = (int)atomlen;
		walkEscherBasic(indent, pos+atomleni+8, len-atomleni-8);
public voidwalkEscherDDF(int indent, int pos, int len)
Use the DDF code to walk the Escher records

	if(len < 8) { return; }

	String ind = "";
	for(int i=0; i<indent; i++) { ind += " "; }

	byte[] contents = new byte[len];
	DefaultEscherRecordFactory erf = new DefaultEscherRecordFactory();
	EscherRecord record = erf.createRecord(contents,0);

	// For now, try filling in the fields

	long atomType = LittleEndian.getUShort(contents,2);
	// This lacks the 8 byte header size
	long atomLen = LittleEndian.getUShort(contents,4);
	// This (should) include the 8 byte header size
	int recordLen = record.getRecordSize();

	System.out.println(ind + "At position " + pos + " (" + makeHex(pos) + "):");
	System.out.println(ind + "Type is " + atomType + " (" + makeHex((int)atomType) + "), len is " + atomLen + " (" + makeHex((int)atomLen) + ") (" + (atomLen+8) + ") - record claims " + recordLen);

	// Check for corrupt / lying ones
	if(recordLen != 8 && (recordLen != (atomLen+8))) {
		System.out.println(ind + "** Atom length of " + atomLen + " (" + (atomLen+8) + ") doesn't match record length of " + recordLen);

	// Print the record's details
	if(record instanceof EscherContainerRecord) {
		EscherContainerRecord ecr = (EscherContainerRecord)record;
		System.out.println(ind + ecr.toString());
		walkEscherDDF((indent+3), pos + 8, (int)atomLen );
	} else {
		System.out.println(ind + record.toString());

	// Handle records that seem to lie
	if(atomType == 61451l) {
		// Normally claims a size of 8
		recordLen = (int)atomLen + 8;
	if(atomType == 61453l) {
		// Returns EscherContainerRecord, but really msofbtClientTextbox
		recordLen = (int)atomLen + 8;
		record.fillFields( contents, 0, erf );
		if(! (record instanceof EscherTextboxRecord)) {
			System.out.println(ind + "** Really a msofbtClientTextbox !");

	// Decide on what to do, based on how the lenghts match up
	if(recordLen == 8 && atomLen > 8 ) {
		// Assume it has children, rather than being corrupted
		walkEscherDDF((indent+3), pos + 8, (int)atomLen );

		// Wind on our length + our header
		pos += atomLen;
		pos += 8;
		len -= atomLen;
		len -= 8;
	} else {
		// No children, wind on our real length
		pos += atomLen;
		pos += 8;
		len -= atomLen;
		len -= 8;

	// Move on to the next one, if we're not at the end yet
	if(len >= 8) {
		walkEscherDDF(indent, pos, len );
public voidwalkTree(int depth, int startPos, int maxLen)

	int pos = startPos;
	int endPos = startPos + maxLen;
	int indent = depth;
	while(pos <= endPos - 8) {
		long type = LittleEndian.getUShort(_docstream,pos+2);
		long len = LittleEndian.getUInt(_docstream,pos+4);
		byte opt = _docstream[pos];

		String ind = "";
		for(int i=0; i<indent; i++) { ind += " "; }

		System.out.println(ind + "At position " + pos + " (" + makeHex(pos) + "):");
		System.out.println(ind + "Type is " + type + " (" + makeHex((int)type) + "), len is " + len + " (" + makeHex((int)len) + ")");

		// See if we know about the type of it
		String recordName = RecordTypes.recordName((int)type);

		// Jump over header, and think about going on more
		pos += 8;
		if(recordName != null) {
			System.out.println(ind + "That's a " + recordName);

			// Now check if it's a container or not
			int container = (int)opt & 0x0f;

			// BinaryTagData seems to contain records, but it
			//  isn't tagged as doing so. Try stepping in anyway
			if(type == 5003L && opt == 0L) {
				container = 0x0f;

			if(type == 0L || (container != 0x0f)) {
			} else if (type == 1035l || type == 1036l) {
				// Special Handling of 1035=PPDrawingGroup and 1036=PPDrawing

				if(ddfEscher) {
					// Seems to be:
				} else if(basicEscher) {
			} else {
				// General container record handling code
		} else {
			System.out.println(ind + "** unknown record **");
		pos += (int)len;