DumpMapping.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12640Fri May 04 22:34:44 BST 2007com.sun.jdo.api.persistence.model.util


public class DumpMapping extends Object

Fields Summary
private static Model
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static voiddumpClassLoaderCache( stream)
Print out the cache of classLoaders to the specified PrintStream.

stream PrintStream used to dump the info

		stream.println("ClassLoader cache (class names -> ClassLoaders)"); //NOI18N
		for (Iterator i = model.getClassLoaderCache().entrySet().iterator(); 
			Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
			String className = (String)entry.getKey();
			ClassLoader classLoader = (ClassLoader)entry.getValue();
			stream.println("\t" + className + " ->\t" + classLoader);  //NOI18N
public static voiddumpMappingCache( stream)
Print out the cache of MappingClassElements to the specified PrintStream.

stream PrintStream used to dump the info

		// initialize the model reference
		stream.println("Mapping cache (class names -> MappingClassElements)"); // NOI18N
		for (Iterator i = model.getMappingCache().entrySet().iterator(); 
			Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
			String className = (String)entry.getKey();
			MappingClassElement mce =  (MappingClassElement)entry.getValue();
			String mceRepr = mce.getClass() + "@" + // NOI18N
			stream.println("\t" + className + " ->\t" + mceRepr); //NOI18N
static java.lang.StringgetObjectIdentityTypeRepr(int objectIdentityType)

		String repr;
		switch (objectIdentityType)
		case PersistenceClassElement.APPLICATION_IDENTITY:
		case PersistenceClassElement.DATABASE_IDENTITY:
		case PersistenceClassElement.UNMANAGED_IDENTITY:
			return "UNKNOWN";  //NOI18N
static java.lang.StringgetPersistenceTypeRepr(int persistenceType)

		String repr;
		switch (persistenceType)
		case PersistenceFieldElement.PERSISTENT:
			return "PERSISTENT";  //NOI18N
		case PersistenceFieldElement.DERIVED:
			return "DERIVED";  //NOI18N
		case PersistenceFieldElement.TRANSIENT:
			return "TRANSIENT";  //NOI18N
			return "UNKNOWN";  //NOI18N
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

		for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
			String className = args[i];
			println(0, "\nClass " + className + ":");  //NOI18N

				MappingClassElementImpl mce = (MappingClassElementImpl)model.getMappingClass(className);
				if (mce != null)
					println(0, "Cannot find mapping info for class " + className + " (getMappingClass returns null)");  //NOI18N
			catch (Exception e)
				println(0, "Problems during accessing mapping info for class " + className);  //NOI18N
public static voidprintConcurrencyGroupElements(int tabs, ConcurrencyGroupElement[] groups)

		if ((groups != null) && (groups.length > 0))
			println(tabs, "--> concurrency groups");  //NOI18N
			for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++)
				ConcurrencyGroupElement cg = groups[i];
				println(tabs, "[" + i + "] " + cg.getClass());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "name           = " + cg.getName());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "declaringClass = " + cg.getDeclaringClass());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "fields         = " + cg.getFields());  //NOI18N
			println(tabs, "<-- concurrency groups");  //NOI18N
public static voidprintMappingClassElement(MappingClassElement mce)

		println(0, "\n--> MappingClassElement");  //NOI18N
		println(1, "databaseRoot = " + mce.getDatabaseRoot());  //NOI18N
		printMappingTableElements(1, mce.getTables());
		printMappingFieldElements(1, mce.getFields());

		println(0, "<-- MappingClassElement");  //NOI18N
public static voidprintMappingFieldElements(int tabs, java.util.ArrayList fields)

		final int count = ((fields != null) ? fields.size() : 0);

		if (count > 0)
			println(tabs, "--> fields ");  //NOI18N
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				MappingFieldElementImpl mfe = (MappingFieldElementImpl) fields.get(i);
				println(tabs, "[" + i + "] " + mfe.getClass());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "name            = " + mfe.getName());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "fetchGroup      = " + mfe.getFetchGroup());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "columns         = " + mfe.getColumns());  //NOI18N
				if (!(mfe instanceof MappingRelationshipElement))
					println(tabs+1, "columnObjects	 = " + mfe.getColumnObjects());  //NOI18N
					MappingRelationshipElementImpl mre = (MappingRelationshipElementImpl) mfe;

					ArrayList columnObjects = mre.getColumnObjects();
					int colCount = 
						((columnObjects != null) ? columnObjects.size() : 0);
					if (colCount > 0)
						println(tabs+1, "--> columnsObjects ");  //NOI18N
						for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++)
							ColumnPairElement fce = (ColumnPairElement) columnObjects.get(j);
							ColumnElement rce = (fce!=null)?fce.getReferencedColumn():null;
							println(tabs+1, "[" + j + "] " + fce + " -> " + rce);  //NOI18N
						println(tabs+1, "<-- columnsObjects ");  //NOI18N
					println(tabs+1, "associatedColumns = " + mre.getAssociatedColumns());  //NOI18N

					ArrayList associatedColumnObjects = mre.getAssociatedColumnObjects();
					colCount = ((associatedColumnObjects != null) ? 
						associatedColumnObjects.size() : 0);
					if (colCount > 0)
						println(tabs+1, "--> associatedColumnObjects ");  //NOI18N
						for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++)
							ColumnPairElement fce = (ColumnPairElement) associatedColumnObjects.get(j);
							ColumnElement rce = (fce!=null)?fce.getReferencedColumn():null;
							println(tabs+1, "[" + j + "] " + fce + " -> " + rce);  //NOI18N
						println(tabs+1, "<-- associatedColumnObjects ");  //NOI18N
			println(tabs, "<-- fields ");  //NOI18N

public static voidprintMappingRefKeyElements(int tabs, java.util.ArrayList refKeys)

		final int count = ((refKeys != null) ? refKeys.size() : 0);

		if (count > 0)
			println(tabs, "--> tables ");  //NOI18N
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				MappingReferenceKeyElement mrke = (MappingReferenceKeyElement)refKeys.get(i);

				println(tabs, "[" + i + "] " + mrke.getClass());  //NOI18N

				println(tabs+1, "table           = " + mrke.getDeclaringTable());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "pairs           = " + mrke.getColumnPairNames());  //NOI18N
			println(tabs, "<-- tables ");  //NOI18N
public static voidprintMappingTableElements(int tabs, java.util.ArrayList tables)

		final int count = ((tables != null) ? tables.size() : 0);

		if (count > 0)
			println(tabs, "--> tables ");  //NOI18N
			for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				MappingTableElementImpl mte = (MappingTableElementImpl) tables.get(i);

				println(tabs, "[" + i + "] " + mte.getClass());  //NOI18N

				println(tabs+1, "table           = " + mte.getTable());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "tableObject     = " + mte.getTableObject());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "key             = " + mte.getKey());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "keyObjects      = " + mte.getKeyObjects());  //NOI18N
				printMappingRefKeyElements(tabs+1, mte.getReferencingKeys());
			println(tabs, "<-- tables ");  //NOI18N
public static voidprintPersistenceClassElement(PersistenceClassElement pce)

		println(0, "\n--> PersistenceClassElement ");  //NOI18N
		println(1, "package  = " + pce.getPackage());  //NOI18N
		println(1, "name     = " + pce.getName());  //NOI18N
		println(1, "identity = " + getObjectIdentityTypeRepr(pce.getObjectIdentityType()));  //NOI18N
		println(1, "keyClass = " + pce.getKeyClass());  //NOI18N

		printPersistenceFieldElements(1, pce.getFields());
		printConcurrencyGroupElements(1, pce.getConcurrencyGroups());

		println(0, "<-- PersistenceClassElement\n ");  //NOI18N
public static voidprintPersistenceFieldElements(int tabs, PersistenceFieldElement[] fields)

		if ((fields != null) && (fields.length > 0))
			println(tabs, "--> fields ");  //NOI18N
			for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
				PersistenceFieldElement pfe = fields[i];
				println(tabs, "[" + i + "] " + pfe.getClass());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "name             = " + pfe.getName());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "declaringClass   = " + pfe.getDeclaringClass());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "fieldNumber      = " + pfe.getFieldNumber());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "persistenceType  = " + getPersistenceTypeRepr(pfe.getPersistenceType()));  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "read / write     = " + pfe.isReadSensitive() + " / " + pfe.isWriteSensitive());  //NOI18N
				println(tabs+1, "isKey            = " + pfe.isKey());  //NOI18N
				if (pfe instanceof RelationshipElement)
					RelationshipElement re = (RelationshipElement) pfe;
					println(tabs+1, "bounds          = " + re.getLowerBound() + " / " +  re.getUpperBound());  //NOI18N
					println(tabs+1, "deleteAction    = " + re.getDeleteAction());  //NOI18N
					println(tabs+1, "updateAction    = " + re.getUpdateAction());  //NOI18N
					println(tabs+1, "collectionClass = " + re.getCollectionClass());  //NOI18N
					println(tabs+1, "elementClass	 = " + re.getElementClass());  //NOI18N
					println(tabs+1, "isPrefetch      = " + re.isPrefetch());  //NOI18N
				printConcurrencyGroupElements(tabs+1, pfe.getConcurrencyGroups());
			println(tabs, "<-- fields ");			  //NOI18N
static voidprintln(int indent, java.lang.String text)

		for (int i = 0; i < indent; i++)
			System.out.print("\t");  //NOI18N
public static voidsetModel(Model newModel)
Sets the internal model reference used by the DumpMapping methods to the specified Model instance.

newModel the Model instance to be used by DumpMapping

		model = newModel;