StringUtil.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12395Fri May 04 22:31:06 BST

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import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;



	Escapes/unescapes strings
public final class StringUtil
	private	StringUtil()	{}
	public final static char	QUOTE_CHAR	= '\"';
	public final static String	QUOTE		= "" + QUOTE_CHAR;
		Line separator as returned by System.getProperty()
	public final static String	LS		= System.getProperty( "line.separator", "\n" );
		public static String
	quote( Object o )
		return( quote( o, QUOTE_CHAR ) );
		public static String
	quote( Object o,  char leftHandChar )
		final String	s	= o == null ? "null" : SmartStringifier.toString( o );
		char	leftChar	= leftHandChar;
		char	rightChar	= leftHandChar;
		if ( leftHandChar == '(' )
			rightChar	= ')';
		else if ( leftHandChar == '{' )
			rightChar	= '}';
		else if ( leftHandChar == '[' )
			rightChar	= ']';
		else if ( leftHandChar == '<' )
			rightChar	= '>';
			// same char on both left and right
		final String	out	= leftChar + s + rightChar;

		return( out );
		public static String
	toHexString( byte theByte )
		String result	= Integer.toHexString( ((int)theByte) & 0x000000FF );
		if ( result.length() == 1 )
			result	= "0" + result;
		return( result );
		public static String
	toHexString( byte[] bytes )
		return( toHexString( bytes, null ) );
		public static String
	toHexString( byte[] bytes, String delim )
		final StringBuffer	buf	= new StringBuffer();
		if ( bytes.length == 0 )
			// nothing
		else if ( delim == null || delim.length() == 0 )
			for( int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i )
				buf.append( toHexString( bytes[ i ] ) );
			for( int i = 0; i < bytes.length; ++i )
				buf.append( toHexString( bytes[ i ] ) + delim );
			// remove trailing delim
			buf.setLength( buf.length() - 1);
		return( buf.toString() );
		public static String
		final String s,
		final String suffix )
		String	result	= s;
		if ( s.endsWith( suffix ) )
			result	= s.substring( 0, s.length() - suffix.length() );
		return( result );
		public static String
		final String s,
		final String fromSuffix,
		final String toSuffix )
		if ( ! s.endsWith( fromSuffix ) )
			throw new IllegalArgumentException( fromSuffix );

		return( stripSuffix( s, fromSuffix ) + toSuffix );
		public static String
		final String s,
		final String prefix )
		String	result	= s;
		if ( s.startsWith( prefix ) )
			result	= s.substring( prefix.length(), s.length() );
		return( result );
		public static String
		final String s,
		final String prefix,
		final String suffix )
		return stripPrefix( stripSuffix( s, suffix ), prefix );

		public static String
	upperCaseFirstLetter( final String s)
		String	result	= s;
		if ( s.length() >= 1 )
			result	= s.substring( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + s.substring( 1, s.length() );

		return( result );
           public static String
    toString( final Object o )
        String  s   = null;
        if ( o instanceof String )
            s   = (String)o;
        else if ( o instanceof Throwable )
            s   = ExceptionUtil.toString( (Throwable)o );
        else if ( o instanceof ObjectName )
            s   = JMXUtil.toString( (ObjectName)o );
        else if ( o instanceof Attribute )
            final Attribute a = (Attribute)o;
            s   = a.getName() + "=" + toString( a.getValue() );
        else if ( o instanceof AttributeList )
            final Map<String,Object>    items   = JMXUtil.attributeListToValueMap( (AttributeList)o );
            s   = "{" + MapUtil.toString( items ) + "}";
        else if ( o instanceof byte[] )
            final byte[]    b   = byte[].class.cast( o );
            s  = "byte[] of length " + b.length;
        else if ( o == null )
            s   = "null";
        else if ( o instanceof Object[] )
            s   = toString( ", ", (Object[])o );
            s   = "" + o;
        return s;

        public static String
    toString( final String[] args )
        return toString( ", ", args );
        public static String
    toString( final String delim, final String... args )
        return toString( delim, (Object[])args );
	    Turn an array (or varargs) set of Objects into a String
	    using the specified delimiter.
	    public static String
    toString( final String delim, final Object... args )
        String  result  = null;
        if ( args == null )
            result  = "" + null;
        else if ( args.length == 0 )
            result  = "";
        else if ( args.length == 1 )
            result  = toString( args[ 0 ] );
            final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            for( int i = 0; i < args.length - 1; ++i )
                builder.append( toString( args[ i ] ) );
                builder.append( delim );
            builder.append( toString( args[ args.length - 1 ] ) );
            result  = builder.toString();
        return result;
        @return the prefix found, or null if not found
        public static String
        final Set<String>   prefixes,
        final String        s )
        String  result  = null;
        for( final String prefix : prefixes )
            if ( s.startsWith( prefix ) )
                result  = prefix;
        return result;
        @return the String after stripping the prefix
        @throws IllegalArgumentException if no prefix found
        public static String
        final Set<String>   prefixes,
        final String        s )
        final String  prefix    = getPrefix( prefixes, s );
        if ( prefix == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( s );
        return stripPrefix( s, prefix );
	private static String	NEWLINE_STR		= null;
	    public static String
	    if ( NEWLINE_STR == null )
	        NEWLINE_STR = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
	    return NEWLINE_STR;
        private static String
    zeroPad( final long num )
        String  result  = null;
        if ( num >= 100 )
            result  = "" + num;
        else if ( num >= 10 )
            result  = "0" + num;
            result  = "00" + num;
        return result;
        private static double
    micros( final long nanos )
        return (double)nanos / 1000;
        private static double
    millis( final long nanos )
        return (double)nanos / (1000 * 1000 );
        private static double
    seconds( final long nanos )
        return (double)nanos / (1000 * 1000 * (long)1000 );
        @param nanos    elapsed nanoseconds
        @return a String describing the elapsed duration in seconds
        public static String
    getSecondsString( final long nanos )
        return getTimingString( nanos, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
        @param nanos    elapsed nanoseconds
        @return a String describing the elapsed duration in seconds
        public static String
    getMillisString( final long nanos )
        return getTimingString( nanos, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS );
    private static final String   NANOS_FORMAT = "%l ns";
    private static final String   MICROS_FORMAT = "%.1f micros";
    private static final String   MILLIS_FORMAT = "%.1f ms";
    private static final String   SECONDS_FORMAT = "%.3f sec";
       public static String
        final long      nanos,
        final TimeUnit  timeUnit )
        String result   = null;
        if ( timeUnit == TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS )
            result = String.format( NANOS_FORMAT, nanos );
        else if ( timeUnit == TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS )
            result = String.format( MICROS_FORMAT, micros(nanos) );
        else if ( timeUnit == TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS )
            result = String.format( MILLIS_FORMAT, millis(nanos) );
        else if ( timeUnit == TimeUnit.SECONDS )
            result = String.format( SECONDS_FORMAT, seconds(nanos) );

        return result;

        Get a String representing the specified number of nanoseconds, choosing
        the appropriate units based on magnitude of the value.
        @param nanos    elapsed nanoseconds
        @return a String describing the elapsed duration
        public static String
    getTimingString( final long nanos )
        final long seconds     = nanos / (1000 * 1000 * 1000 );
        final long millis      = nanos % (1000 * 1000 * 1000 ) / ( 1000 * 1000);
        final long micros      = nanos % (1000 * 1000 ) / 1000;
        final long nanosMod    = nanos % 1000;
        String runTimeString = null;
        final long MICROSECOND = 1000;
        final long MILLISECOND = 1000 * MICROSECOND;
        if ( nanos < 10 * 1000 )
            runTimeString   = nanos + " nanoseconds";
        else if ( nanos < 1000 * 10 * 1000 )
            runTimeString   = (nanos / MICROSECOND) + " microseconds";
            runTimeString   = (nanos / MILLISECOND ) + " milliseconds";
        return runTimeString;
