Name.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12329Fri May 04 22:33:16 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.common

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package com.sun.enterprise.admin.common;

import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Iterator;

    A Class to represent a name in the namespace. The name follows the
    syntactical rules defined in BNF. This class is made Serializable as it is
    very easily done and potentially the Names can be transmitted over wire
    between client and server processes.
    Serialization is not mandatory, even if
    a Name is to be shared between remote processes, as the String representation
    of this Class guarantees a full and lossless reproduction. In other words,
    new Name( name.toString() ).equals( name ) always returns <strong> true
	@author Kedar Mhaswade
	@version 1.0

public final class Name implements Serializable
	/* javac 1.3 generated serialVersionUID */
	public static final long serialVersionUID					= 4479037048166596417L;
    public static final     int         kInvalidIndex           = -1;

    private                 String      mString                 = null;
        A vector of strings of name-parts. Note that if there are
        n delimiters, (n+1) are stored into this vector. In other words, for
        a valid name, this vector contains at least one element.
    private                 Vector      mNameParts              = null;

        The only constructor to create an instance of Name. If a Name can
        be created from given string representation, it is valid and unique
        in NameSpace. It is to be noted that a Name can represent name of an
        attribute or it can represent a Notation.
        e.g. a.b.c represents a Name, whereas a.b.c.* represents a Notation.
        The actual parsing technique is transperant to the client of this class.
        @param nameString a string representation of name
        @throws MalformedNameException if the given string represents an illegal

    public Name(String nameString) throws MalformedNameException
        //ArgChecker.check(nameString != null && nameString.length() > 0,
        //                "null string for name");

        NameParser parser   =       new NameParser();
        Iterator iter       =       parser.getParts();
        mNameParts          =       new Vector();

        while (iter.hasNext())
            Object element =;

        mString             =   nameString;
      Returns a Name instance that represents mth part of Name such that,
      0 <= m <= n,
      where n is the number of delimiters (excludig escaped ones)in the string.
      0 is applied for the first part.
      e.g. For a name "abc.xy.c[5].d",
      name-part with partNum = 0 is "abc".
      name-part with partNum = 1 is "xy".
      name-part with partNum = 2 is "c[5]" and so on.
      if there are no delimiters, then this name itself is returned.
      @param    partNum is an integer denoting the name-part.
      @return   instance of Name that represents nth name-part.

    public Name getNamePart(int partNum)
        Name    namePart            =       null;
        String namePartString       =       null;
        int lowerLimit              =       -1;                    //lower limit on index
        int upperLimit              =       mNameParts.size();     //upper limit on index

        //ArgChecker.check(partNum, lowerLimit, upperLimit, "number is invalid");

        namePartString              =   (String)mNameParts.elementAt(partNum);

            namePart                =   new Name(namePartString);
        catch(Exception e)
            //ExceptionUtil.ignoreException(e); // this is actually assertion
        return namePart;

        Returns the Parent Name of this Name. This method is particularly
        useful in determining location of this Name in hierarchy of Names.
        Following are the rules applied to determine parent of a Name:
            a.b.c is always parent of a.b.c.d
            a.b.c is always parent of a.b.c[n], where n is any valid index
            a.b.c is always parent of a.b.c.*
            a.b.c[n] is always the parent of a.b.c[n].d
            null is always the parent of any string that does not contain
                any delimiter.

        @return the Name that represents Parent of this Name

    public Name getParent()
        Name parentName     =       null;

        //Assert.assert(! mNameParts.isEmpty(), "Vector of name-parts can't be empty");

        int size            =   mNameParts.size();

        if(size > 1)
            String nameSubstring = createPartialNameString(0, size - 1);
                parentName = new Name(nameSubstring);
            catch(MalformedNameException e)
                //this is actually assertion and should never happen
        return ( parentName );

        Returns the number of name-parts in this name. A valid name contains
        at least one name-part, in which case it is this name itself. Every
        name-part is delimited by Tokens.kDelimiterChar.

        @return number of name-parts in this name

    public int getNumParts()
        return ( mNameParts.size() );

        A method to determine whether this Name represents an Indexed Name. An
        Indexed name represents a collection of other Names. Each indexed
        Name can refer to other Names using different values for the index.
        An example of an Indexed Name is a.b.c[10].
        Note that a.b[0].c is <it> not </it> an Indexed Name.
        An Indexed Name is different than Name of an Attribute that has multiple
        values. e.g. a.b.c can have 3 values, none of which can be independently
        referred to as e.g. a.b.c[1].

        @return true if this Name represents an Indexed Name, false otherwise

    public boolean isIndexed()
        boolean indexed             =       false;

        /* It is already made sure that the length will be greater than zero */

        if(mString.charAt(mString.length() - 1) == Tokens.kSubScriptEnderChar)
            indexed     =   true;

        return ( indexed );

        Returns the index beginning at 0 for a Name that is Indexed. It returns
        Name.kInvalidIndex for a name i.e. not indexed.
        (e.g. a.b.c or a.b[0].c, as none of these is indexed).
        In general, index of an indexed name a.b.c[n] is n.
        Calling methods have to compare the return value with Name.kInvalidIndex

    public int getIndex()
        int         index       =       kInvalidIndex;
        String      indexString =       null;
        int         startPos, endPos;

        if (isIndexed())
                Note that a[3].b[7].c.d[4] has an index of 4 and that's why
                we have to taken last index of '[' and ']'. If the name parses
                correct, then the string between last '[' and last ']' is
                bound to be the index of this name.
            startPos    = mString.lastIndexOf(Tokens.kSubScriptBeginnerChar);
            endPos      = mString.lastIndexOf(Tokens.kSubScriptEnderChar);

            //Assert.assert(endPos > startPos, "this should not be indexed!");

            indexString     =       mString.substring(startPos + 1, endPos);
                index   =   Integer.parseInt(indexString);
            catch(NumberFormatException e)
                //ExceptionUtil.ignoreException(e); // this should NEVER happen
        return index;

        Returns a string that represents this name. Guarantees to return
        non null String.

        @return String representing the name

    public String toString()
        return ( mString );

        Checks if the given Object is same as this name. It returns true if
        and only if the argument is non null and represents same character
        sequence as that in this name. It is guaranteed that two objects that
        are equal in this way, will always return equal Strings when toString()
        is called on them.

        @param other the object that this name is to be compared with
        @return true if the objects are equal, false otherwise.

    public boolean equals(Object other)
        boolean isSame      =   false;

        if (other instanceof Name)
            Name otherName = (Name) other;
            if (this.mString.equals(otherName.mString))
                isSame = true;
        return ( isSame );

        Instances of this class can be used as keys in a Hashtable. Since the
        equals() method is overridden by this class, it is necessary that
        hashCode() is also overridden, to guarantee that equal instances of
        this class guarantee to produce equal hashcodes.

        @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
        @return integer representing hashcode for this Name

    public int hashCode()
        return ( mString.length() * 2 + 1 );

    private String createPartialNameString(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
        boolean isInputValid = (beginIndex <= endIndex) &&
                               (endIndex < mNameParts.size()) &&
                               (beginIndex >= 0);
        //ArgChecker.check(isInputValid, "indices are invalid");
        StringBuffer nameBuffer =  new StringBuffer();
        for(int i = beginIndex ; i < endIndex ; i++)
            String aPart = (String)mNameParts.elementAt(i);
            if(i < endIndex - 1)

        return ( nameBuffer.toString() );
