Provider.javaAPI DocJava SE 6 API12296Tue Jun 10 00:27:16 BST


public abstract class Provider extends Object
Service provider for ServiceDelegate and Endpoint objects.

JAX-WS 2.0

Fields Summary
public static final String
A constant representing the property used to lookup the name of a Provider implementation class.
private static final String
A constant representing the name of the default Provider implementation class.
Constructors Summary
protected Provider()
Creates a new instance of Provider

Methods Summary
public abstract address, java.lang.Object implementor)
Creates and publishes an endpoint object with the specified address and implementation object.

address A URI specifying the address and transport/protocol to use. A http: URI MUST result in the SOAP 1.1/HTTP binding being used. Implementations may support other URI schemes.
implementor A service implementation object to which incoming requests will be dispatched. The corresponding class MUST be annotated with all the necessary Web service annotations.
The newly created endpoint.

public abstract bindingId, java.lang.Object implementor)
Creates an endpoint object with the provided binding and implementation object.

bindingId A URI specifying the desired binding (e.g. SOAP/HTTP)
implementor A service implementation object to which incoming requests will be dispatched. The corresponding class MUST be annotated with all the necessary Web service annotations.
The newly created endpoint.

public abstract wsdlDocumentLocation, javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName, java.lang.Class serviceClass)
Creates a service delegate object.

wsdlDocumentLocation A URL pointing to the WSDL document for the service, or null if there isn't one.
serviceName The qualified name of the service.
serviceClass The service class, which MUST be either or a subclass thereof.
The newly created service delegate.

public abstract address, javax.xml.namespace.QName serviceName, javax.xml.namespace.QName portName, java.util.List metadata, java.lang.String wsdlDocumentLocation, java.util.List referenceParameters)
Factory method to create a W3CEndpointReference.

This method can be used to create a W3CEndpointReference for any endpoint by specifying the address property along with any other desired properties. This method can also be used to create a W3CEndpointReference for an endpoint that is published by the same Java EE application. To do so the address property can be provided or this method can automatically determine the address of an endpoint that is published by the same Java EE application and is identified by the serviceName and portName propeties. If the address is null and the serviceName and portName do not identify an endpoint published by the same Java EE application, a javax.lang.IllegalStateException MUST be thrown.

address Specifies the address of the target endpoint
serviceName Qualified name of the service in the WSDL.
portName Qualified name of the endpoint in the WSDL.
metadata A list of elements that should be added to the W3CEndpointReference instances wsa:metadata element.
wsdlDocumentLocation URL for the WSDL document location for the service.
referenceParameters Reference parameters to be associated with the returned EndpointReference instance.
the W3CEndpointReference created from serviceName, portName, metadata, wsdlDocumentLocation and referenceParameters. This method never returns null.
  • If the address, serviceName and portName are all null.
  • If the serviceName service is null and the portName> is NOT null.
  • If the address property is null and the serviceName and portName do not specify a valid endpoint published by the same Java EE application.
  • If the serviceNameis NOT null and is not present in the specified WSDL.
  • If the portName port is not null and it is not present in serviceName service in the WSDL.
  • If the wsdlDocumentLocation is NOT null and does not represent a valid WSDL.
WebServiceException If an error occurs while creating the W3CEndpointReference.
JAX-WS 2.1

public abstract TgetPort( endpointReference, java.lang.Class serviceEndpointInterface, features)
The getPort method returns a proxy. If there are any reference parameters in the endpointReference, then those reference parameters MUST appear as SOAP headers, indicating them to be reference parameters, on all messages sent to the endpoint. The parameter serviceEndpointInterface specifies the service endpoint interface that is supported by the returned proxy. The parameter endpointReference specifies the endpoint that will be invoked by the returned proxy. In the implementation of this method, the JAX-WS runtime system takes the responsibility of selecting a protocol binding (and a port) and configuring the proxy accordingly from the WSDL metadata of the serviceEndpointInterface and the EndpointReference. For this method to successfully return a proxy, WSDL metadata MUST be available and the endpointReference MUST contain an implementation understood serviceName metadata.

endpointReference the EndpointReference that will be invoked by the returned proxy.
serviceEndpointInterface Service endpoint interface
features A list of WebServiceFeatures to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the features parameter will have their default values.
Object Proxy instance that supports the specified service endpoint interface
  • If there is an error during creation of the proxy
  • If there is any missing WSDL metadata as required by this method}
  • If this endpointReference is illegal
  • If an illegal serviceEndpointInterface is specified
  • If a feature is enabled that is not compatible with this port or is unsupported.
JAX-WS 2.1

public static
Creates a new provider object.

The algorithm used to locate the provider subclass to use consists of the following steps:

  • If a resource with the name of META-INF/services/ exists, then its first line, if present, is used as the UTF-8 encoded name of the implementation class.
  • If the $java.home/lib/ file exists and it is readable by the java.util.Properties.load(InputStream) method and it contains an entry whose key is, then the value of that entry is used as the name of the implementation class.
  • If a system property with the name is defined, then its value is used as the name of the implementation class.
  • Finally, a default implementation class name is used.

        try {
            Object provider =
            if (!(provider instanceof Provider)) {
                Class pClass = Provider.class;
                String classnameAsResource = pClass.getName().replace('.", '/") + ".class";
                ClassLoader loader = pClass.getClassLoader();
                if(loader == null) {
                    loader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
                URL targetTypeURL  = loader.getResource(classnameAsResource);
                throw new LinkageError("ClassCastException: attempting to cast" + 
                       provider.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(classnameAsResource) +
                       "to" + targetTypeURL.toString() );
            return (Provider) provider;
        } catch (WebServiceException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new WebServiceException("Unable to createEndpointReference Provider", ex);
public abstract eprInfoset)
read an EndpointReference from the infoset contained in eprInfoset.

the EndpointReference unmarshalled from eprInfoset. This method never returns null.
WebServiceException If there is an error creating the EndpointReference from the specified eprInfoset.
NullPointerException If the null eprInfoset value is given.
JAX-WS 2.1