TableSearcher.javaAPI DocApache Lucene 2.1.012190Wed Feb 14 10:46:10 GMT 2007org.apache.lucene.swing.models


public class TableSearcher extends AbstractTableModel
This is a TableModel that encapsulates Lucene search logic within a TableModel implementation. It is implemented as a TableModel decorator, similar to the TableSorter demo from Sun that decorates a TableModel and provides sorting functionality. The benefit of this architecture is that you can decorate any TableModel implementation with this searching table model -- making it easy to add searching functionaliy to existing JTables -- or making new search capable table lucene.

This decorator works by holding a reference to a decorated ot inner TableModel. All data is stored within that table model, not this table model. Rather, this table model simply manages links to data in the inner table model according to the search. All methods on TableSearcher forward to the inner table model with subtle filtering or alteration according to the search criteria.

Using the table model: Pass the TableModel you want to decorate in at the constructor. When the TableModel initializes, it displays all search results. Call the search method with any valid Lucene search String and the data will be filtered by the search string. Users can always clear the search at any time by searching with an empty string. Additionally, you can add a button calling the clearSearch() method.

Jonathan Simon -

Fields Summary
protected TableModel
The inner table model we are decorating
private TableModelListener
This listener is used to register this class as a listener to the decorated table model for update events
private ArrayList
these keeps reference to the decorated table model for data only rows that match the search criteria are linked
private RAMDirectory
In memory lucene index
private Analyzer
Cached lucene analyzer
private static final String
Links between this table model and the decorated table model are maintained through links based on row number. This is a key constant to denote "row number" for indexing
private String
Cache the current search String. Also used internally to key whether there is an active search running or not. i.e. if searchString is null, there is no active search.
Constructors Summary
public TableSearcher(TableModel tableModel)

tableModel The table model to decorate

        analyzer = new WhitespaceAnalyzer();
        tableModelListener = new TableModelHandler();
Methods Summary
private voidclearSearchingState()
Clear the currently active search Resets the complete dataset of the decorated table model.

        searchString = null;
        for (int t=0; t<tableModel.getRowCount(); t++){
            rowToModelIndex.add(new Integer(t));
public org.apache.lucene.analysis.AnalyzergetAnalyzer()

The current lucene analyzer

        return analyzer;
public java.lang.ClassgetColumnClass(int column)

        return tableModel.getColumnClass(column);
public intgetColumnCount()

        return (tableModel == null) ? 0 : tableModel.getColumnCount();
public java.lang.StringgetColumnName(int column)

        return tableModel.getColumnName(column);
private intgetModelRow(int row)

        return ((Integer) rowToModelIndex.get(row)).intValue();
public intgetRowCount()

        return (tableModel == null) ? 0 : rowToModelIndex.size();
public javax.swing.table.TableModelgetTableModel()

The inner table model this table model is decorating

        return tableModel;
public java.lang.ObjectgetValueAt(int row, int column)

        return tableModel.getValueAt(getModelRow(row), column);
public booleanisCellEditable(int row, int column)

        return tableModel.isCellEditable(getModelRow(row), column);
private booleanisSearching()

        return searchString != null;
private voidreindex()
Reset the search results and links to the decorated (inner) table model from this table model.

        try {
            // recreate the RAMDirectory
            directory = new RAMDirectory();
            IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(directory, analyzer, true);

            // iterate through all rows
            for (int row=0; row < tableModel.getRowCount(); row++){

                //for each row make a new document
                Document document = new Document();
                //add the row number of this row in the decorated table model
                //this will allow us to retrive the results later
                //and map this table model's row to a row in the decorated
                //table model
                document.add(new Field(ROW_NUMBER, "" + row, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
                //iterate through all columns
                //index the value keyed by the column name
                //NOTE: there could be a problem with using column names with spaces
                for (int column=0; column < tableModel.getColumnCount(); column++){
                    String columnName = tableModel.getColumnName(column);
                    String columnValue = String.valueOf(tableModel.getValueAt(row, column)).toLowerCase();
                    document.add(new Field(columnName, columnValue, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
        } catch (Exception e){
private voidresetSearchResults( hits)

hits The new result set to set this table to.

        try {
            //clear our index mapping this table model rows to
            //the decorated inner table model
            //iterate through the hits
            //get the row number stored at the index
            //that number is the row number of the decorated
            //tabble model row that we are mapping to
            for (int t=0; t<hits.length(); t++){
                Document document = hits.doc(t);
                Fieldable field = document.getField(ROW_NUMBER);
                rowToModelIndex.add(new Integer(field.stringValue()));
        } catch (Exception e){
public voidsearch(java.lang.String searchString)
Run a new search.

searchString Any valid lucene search string

        //if search string is null or empty, clear the search == search all
        if (searchString == null || searchString.equals("")){

        try {
            //cache search String
            this.searchString = searchString;

            //make a new index searcher with the in memory (RAM) index.
            IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(directory);

            //make an array of fields - one for each column
            String[] fields = new String[tableModel.getColumnCount()];
            for (int t=0; t<tableModel.getColumnCount(); t++){

            //build a query based on the fields, searchString and cached analyzer
            //NOTE: This is an area for improvement since the MultiFieldQueryParser
            // has some weirdness.
            MultiFieldQueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(fields, analyzer);
            Query query = parser.parse(searchString);
            //run the search
            Hits hits =;
            //reset this table model with the new results
        } catch (Exception e){

        //notify all listeners that the table has been changed
public voidsetAnalyzer(org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer analyzer)

analyzer The new analyzer to use

        this.analyzer = analyzer;
        //reindex from the model with the new analyzer

        //rerun the search if there is an active search
        if (isSearching()){
public voidsetTableModel(javax.swing.table.TableModel tableModel)
Set the table model used by this table model

tableModel The new table model to decorate

        //remove listeners if there...
        if (this.tableModel != null) {

        this.tableModel = tableModel;
        if (this.tableModel != null) {

        //recalculate the links between this table model and
        //the inner table model since the decorated model just changed

        // let all listeners know the table has changed
public voidsetValueAt(java.lang.Object aValue, int row, int column)

        tableModel.setValueAt(aValue, getModelRow(row), column);