BeanInfoManager.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12138Sat May 05 19:17:26 BST 2007org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl


public class BeanInfoManager extends Object

Manages the BeanInfo for one class - contains the BeanInfo, and also a mapping from property name to BeanInfoProperty. There are also static methods for accessing the BeanInfoManager for a class - those mappings are cached permanently so that once the BeanInfoManager is calculated, it doesn't have to be calculated again.

Nathan Abramson - Art Technology Group
$Change: 181181 $$DateTime: 2001/06/26 09:55:09 $$Author: tcfujii $

Fields Summary
static Map
Constructors Summary
BeanInfoManager(Class pBeanClass)

    mBeanClass = pBeanClass;
Methods Summary
voidcheckInitialized(Logger pLogger)
Makes sure that this class has been initialized, and synchronizes the initialization if it's required.

    if (!mInitialized) {
      synchronized (this) {
	if (!mInitialized) {
	  initialize (pLogger);
	  mInitialized = true;
static synchronized org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.BeanInfoManagercreateBeanInfoManager(java.lang.Class pClass)
Creates and registers the BeanInfoManager for the given class if it isn't already registered.

    // Because this method is synchronized statically, the
    // BeanInfoManager is not initialized at this time (otherwise it
    // could end up being a bottleneck for the entire system).  It is
    // put into the map in an uninitialized state.  The first time
    // someone tries to use it, it will be initialized (with proper
    // synchronizations in place to make sure it is only initialized
    // once).

    BeanInfoManager ret = (BeanInfoManager) 
      mBeanInfoManagerByClass.get (pClass);
    if (ret == null) {
      ret = new BeanInfoManager (pClass);
      mBeanInfoManagerByClass.put (pClass, ret);
    return ret;
public java.lang.ClassgetBeanClass()

 return mBeanClass; 
java.beans.BeanInfogetBeanInfo(Logger pLogger)
Returns the BeanInfo for the class

    checkInitialized (pLogger);
    return mBeanInfo;
public static BeanInfoIndexedPropertygetBeanInfoIndexedProperty(java.lang.Class pClass, java.lang.String pIndexedPropertyName, Logger pLogger)
Returns the BeanInfoIndexedProperty for the specified property in the given class, or null if not found.

    return getBeanInfoManager 
      (pClass).getIndexedProperty (pIndexedPropertyName, pLogger);
public static org.apache.taglibs.standard.lang.jstl.BeanInfoManagergetBeanInfoManager(java.lang.Class pClass)
Returns the BeanInfoManager for the specified class

    BeanInfoManager ret = (BeanInfoManager) 
      mBeanInfoManagerByClass.get (pClass);
    if (ret == null) {
      ret = createBeanInfoManager (pClass);
    return ret;
public static BeanInfoPropertygetBeanInfoProperty(java.lang.Class pClass, java.lang.String pPropertyName, Logger pLogger)
Returns the BeanInfoProperty for the specified property in the given class, or null if not found.

    return getBeanInfoManager (pClass).getProperty (pPropertyName, pLogger);
public java.beans.EventSetDescriptorgetEventSet(java.lang.String pEventSetName, Logger pLogger)
Returns the EventSetDescriptor for the given event set name, or null if not found.

    checkInitialized (pLogger);
    return (EventSetDescriptor) mEventSetByName.get (pEventSetName);
public BeanInfoIndexedPropertygetIndexedProperty(java.lang.String pIndexedPropertyName, Logger pLogger)
Returns the BeanInfoIndexedProperty for the given property name, or null if not found.

    checkInitialized (pLogger);
    return (BeanInfoIndexedProperty) 
      mIndexedPropertyByName.get (pIndexedPropertyName);
public BeanInfoPropertygetProperty(java.lang.String pPropertyName, Logger pLogger)
Returns the BeanInfoProperty for the given property name, or null if not found.

    checkInitialized (pLogger);
    return (BeanInfoProperty) mPropertyByName.get (pPropertyName);
static java.lang.reflect.MethodgetPublicMethod(java.lang.reflect.Method pMethod)
Returns a publicly-accessible version of the given method, by searching for a public declaring class.

    if (pMethod == null) {
      return null;

    // See if the method is already available from a public class
    Class cl = pMethod.getDeclaringClass ();
    if (Modifier.isPublic (cl.getModifiers ())) {
      return pMethod;

    // Otherwise, try to find a public class that declares the method
    Method ret = getPublicMethod (cl, pMethod);
    if (ret != null) {
      return ret;
    else {
      return pMethod;
static java.lang.reflect.MethodgetPublicMethod(java.lang.Class pClass, java.lang.reflect.Method pMethod)
If the given class is public and has a Method that declares the same name and arguments as the given method, then that method is returned. Otherwise the superclass and interfaces are searched recursively.

    // See if this is a public class declaring the method
    if (Modifier.isPublic (pClass.getModifiers ())) {
      try {
        Method m;
        try {
	  m = pClass.getDeclaredMethod (pMethod.getName (),
					     pMethod.getParameterTypes ());
        } catch ( ex) {
	  // kludge to accommodate J2EE RI's default settings
	  // TODO: see if we can simply replace
          //       getDeclaredMethod() with getMethod() ...?
          m = pClass.getMethod(pMethod.getName (),
                                             pMethod.getParameterTypes ());
	if (Modifier.isPublic (m.getModifiers ())) {
	  return m;
      catch (NoSuchMethodException exc) {}

    // Search the interfaces
      Class [] interfaces = pClass.getInterfaces ();
      if (interfaces != null) {
	for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
	  Method m = getPublicMethod (interfaces [i], pMethod);
	  if (m != null) {
	    return m;

    // Search the superclass
      Class superclass = pClass.getSuperclass ();
      if (superclass != null) {
	Method m = getPublicMethod (superclass, pMethod);
	if (m != null) {
	  return m;

    return null;
voidinitialize(Logger pLogger)
Initializes by mapping property names to BeanInfoProperties

    try {
      mBeanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo (mBeanClass);

      mPropertyByName = new HashMap ();
      mIndexedPropertyByName = new HashMap ();
      PropertyDescriptor [] pds = mBeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors ();
      for (int i = 0; pds != null && i < pds.length; i++) {
	// Treat as both an indexed property and a normal property
	PropertyDescriptor pd = pds [i];
	if (pd instanceof IndexedPropertyDescriptor) {
	  IndexedPropertyDescriptor ipd = (IndexedPropertyDescriptor) pd;
	  Method readMethod = getPublicMethod (ipd.getIndexedReadMethod ());
	  Method writeMethod = getPublicMethod (ipd.getIndexedWriteMethod ());
	  BeanInfoIndexedProperty property = new BeanInfoIndexedProperty

	  mIndexedPropertyByName.put (ipd.getName (), property);

	Method readMethod = getPublicMethod (pd.getReadMethod ());
	Method writeMethod = getPublicMethod (pd.getWriteMethod ());
	BeanInfoProperty property = new BeanInfoProperty

	mPropertyByName.put (pd.getName (), property);

      mEventSetByName = new HashMap ();
      EventSetDescriptor [] esds = mBeanInfo.getEventSetDescriptors ();
      for (int i = 0; esds != null && i < esds.length; i++) {
	EventSetDescriptor esd = esds [i];
	mEventSetByName.put (esd.getName (), esd);
    catch (IntrospectionException exc) {
      if (pLogger.isLoggingWarning ()) {
	   mBeanClass.getName ());