BaseProcessor.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API12056Fri May 04 22:34:48 BST

 * Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
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 * General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
 * and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
 * a copy of the License at
 * or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
 * language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
 * file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
 * Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
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import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentEventInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentRequest;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentStatus;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.IASDeploymentException;

import com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.I18NHelper;
import com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.database.DatabaseConstants;
import com.sun.jdo.spi.persistence.utility.logging.Logger;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

 * @author pramodg
abstract public class BaseProcessor  
        implements DatabaseConstants {

    /** The logger */
    protected  static final Logger logger = LogHelperEJBCompiler.getLogger();
    /** I18N message handler */
    protected  final static ResourceBundle messages = I18NHelper.loadBundle(
        "", // NOI18N

    protected Application application;
    protected DeploymentEventInfo info;
    protected DeploymentStatus status;
     * True if this event results in creating new tables.
    protected  boolean create;
    protected  String cliCreateTables;
    protected  String cliDropAndCreateTables;
    protected  String cliDropTables;
     * Name with which the application is registered.
    protected String appRegisteredName;
    protected String appDeployedLocation;
    protected String appGeneratedLocation;
     * The string name of the create jdbc ddl file.
    protected String createJdbcFileName;
     * The string name of the drop jdbc ddl file.
    protected String dropJdbcFileName;

    protected  boolean debug = logger.isLoggable(logger.FINE);     
     * Creates a new instance of BaseProcessor.
     * @param info the deployment info object.
     * @param create true if this event results in creating new tables.
     * @param cliCreateTables the cli string related to creating tables
     * at deployment time.
     * @param cliDropAndCreateTables the cli string that indicates that
     * old tables have to be dropped and new tables created.
     * @param cliDropTables the cli string to indicate that the tables
     * have to dropped at undeploy time.
    public BaseProcessor(DeploymentEventInfo info, 
            boolean create, String cliCreateTables,
            String cliDropAndCreateTables, String cliDropTables) {
        initializeVariables(info, create, cliCreateTables,
            cliDropAndCreateTables, cliDropTables);

    private void initializeVariables(
            DeploymentEventInfo info, boolean create, String cliCreateTables,
            String cliDropAndCreateTables, String cliDropTables) { = info;
        this.application =;
        this.appRegisteredName = this.application.getRegistrationName();
        this.status = 
        this.create = create;
        this.cliCreateTables = cliCreateTables;
        this.cliDropAndCreateTables = cliDropAndCreateTables;
        this.cliDropTables = cliDropTables;  
    abstract protected void processApplication();

        * Read the ddl file from the disk location.
        * @param fileName the string name of the file.
        * @param create true if this event results in creating tables.
        * @return the jdbc ddl file.
    protected  File getDDLFile(String fileName, boolean create) {
        File file = null;        
        try {
            file = new File(fileName);   
            if (debug) {
                    ((create)? "ejb.BaseProcessor.createfilename" //NOI18N
                    : "ejb.BaseProcessor.dropfilename"), //NOI18N
        } catch (Exception e) {
                 "Exception caught in BaseProcessor.getDDLFile()", 
                appRegisteredName, null, e);
        return file;        
     * Open a DDL file and execute each line as a SQL statement.
     * @throw IOException if there is a problem with reading the file.
     * @param f the File object to use.
     * @param sql the Statement to use for execution.
     * @throws if there is a problem with reading the file.
    protected  void executeDDLs(File f, Statement sql)
            throws IOException {

        BufferedReader reader = null;
        StringBuffer warningBuf = new StringBuffer();

        try {
            reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
            String s;
            while ((s = reader.readLine()) != null) {
                try {
                    if (debug) {
                        logger.fine("ejb.BaseProcessor.executestatement", s); //NOI18N

                } catch(SQLException ex) {
                    String msg = getI18NMessage("ejb.BaseProcessor.sqlexception", 
                            s, null, ex);
                    warningBuf.append("\n\t").append(msg); // NOI18N
        } finally {
            if (reader != null) {
                try {
                } catch(IOException ex) {
                    // Ignore.
            if (warningBuf.length() > 0) {
                String warning = 
                warnUser(warning + warningBuf.toString());

     * Provide a warning message to the user.  The message is appended to any
     * already-existing warning message text.
     * @param status DeploymentStatus via which user is warned
     * @param msg Message for user.
    protected  void warnUser(String msg) {
                status.getStageStatusMessage() + "\n" + msg); // NOI18N

     * Provide a warning message to the user about inability to connect to the
     * database.  The message is created from the cmpResource's JNDI name and
     * the exception.
     * @param status DeploymentStatus via which user is warned
     * @param cmpResource For obtaining JNDI name
     * @param ex Exception which is cause for inability to connect.
    protected void cannotConnect(String connName, 
            Throwable ex) {
        logI18NWarnMessage( "ejb.BaseProcessor.cannotConnect",  
                connName,  null, ex);
    protected void fileIOError(String regName, 
            Throwable ex) {
                regName,  null, ex);
     * Close the connection that was opened
     * to the database
     * @param conn the database connection.
    protected static void closeConn(Connection conn) {
        if (conn != null) {
            try {
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                // Ignore.
    protected void logI18NInfoMessage(
            String errorCode, String regName, 
            String fileName, Throwable ex) {
        String msg = getI18NMessage(errorCode, 
                regName, fileName, ex);;
    protected void logI18NWarnMessage(
            String errorCode, String regName, 
            String fileName, Throwable ex) {
        String msg = getI18NMessage(errorCode, 
                regName, fileName, ex);
     * @param errorCode 
     * @return 
    protected String getI18NMessage(String errorCode) {
        return getI18NMessage(
             errorCode, null, null, null);

    protected String getI18NMessage(
            String errorCode, String regName, 
            String fileName, Throwable ex) {
        String msg = null;
        if(null != ex)
               msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(
                    messages, errorCode,  regName,  ex.toString());
        else if(null != fileName )
            msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(
                    messages, errorCode,  regName,  fileName); 
             msg = I18NHelper.getMessage(messages, errorCode);
        return msg;

     * The location where the application has been deployed. This would ideally 
     * be the domains/domain1/applications directory. This information is obtained
     * from the DeploymentEventListener object that is passed in.
    protected void setApplicationLocation() {
        if(null != this.appDeployedLocation)
        this.appDeployedLocation =        
            + File.separator; 
     * The location where files have been generated as part of the application 
     * deployment cycle. This is where we write out the sql/jdbc files used to
     * create or drop objects from the database. This information is obtained
     * from the DeploymentEventListener object that is passed in.
    protected void setGeneratedLocation() {
        if(null != this.appGeneratedLocation)
        this.appGeneratedLocation =
                info.getStubsDir().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator;