SubjectCodeSource.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API11816Fri Aug 26 14:56:14 BST


public class SubjectCodeSource extends CodeSource implements Serializable

This SubjectCodeSource class contains a URL, signer certificates, and either a Subject (that represents the Subject in the current AccessControlContext, or a linked list of Principals/PrincipalComparators (that represent a "subject" in a Policy).

1.21, 12/19/03

Fields Summary
private static final long
private static final ResourceBundle
private Subject
private LinkedList
private static final Class[]
private static final Debug
private ClassLoader
Constructors Summary
SubjectCodeSource(Subject subject, LinkedList principals, URL url, Certificate[] certs)
Creates a new SubjectCodeSource with the given Subject, principals, URL, and signers (Certificates). The Subject represents the Subject associated with the current AccessControlContext. The Principals are given as a LinkedList of PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry objects. Typically either a Subject will be provided, or a list of principals will be provided (not both).

subject the Subject associated with this SubjectCodeSource

url the URL associated with this SubjectCodeSource

certs the signers associated with this SubjectCodeSource

	super(url, certs);
	this.subject = subject;
	this.principals = (principals == null ?
		new LinkedList() :
		new LinkedList(principals));
	sysClassLoader =
		(new {
		public Object run() {
		    return ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
Methods Summary
public booleanequals(java.lang.Object obj)
Tests for equality between the specified object and this object. Two SubjectCodeSource objects are considered equal if their locations are of identical value, if the two sets of Certificates are of identical values, and if the Subjects are equal, and if the PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry values are of identical values. It is not required that the Certificates or PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry values be in the same order.

obj the object to test for equality with this object.
true if the objects are considered equal, false otherwise.

	if (obj == this)
	    return true;

	if (super.equals(obj) == false)
	    return false;

	if (!(obj instanceof SubjectCodeSource))
	    return false;

	SubjectCodeSource that = (SubjectCodeSource)obj;

	// the principal lists must match
	try {
	    if (this.getSubject() != that.getSubject())
		return false;
	} catch (SecurityException se) {
	    return false;

	if ((this.principals == null && that.principals != null) ||
	    (this.principals != null && that.principals == null))
	    return false;
	if (this.principals != null && that.principals != null) {
	    if (!this.principals.containsAll(that.principals) ||

		return false;

	return true;
Get the Principals associated with this SubjectCodeSource. The Principals are retrieved as a LinkedList of PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry objects.

the Principals associated with this SubjectCodeSource as a LinkedList of PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry objects.

	return principals;
Get the Subject associated with this SubjectCodeSource. The Subject represents the Subject associated with the current AccessControlContext.

the Subject associated with this SubjectCodeSource.

	return subject;
public inthashCode()
Return a hashcode for this SubjectCodeSource.

a hashcode for this SubjectCodeSource.

	return super.hashCode();
public booleanimplies( codesource)
Returns true if this SubjectCodeSource object "implies" the specified CodeSource. More specifically, this method makes the following checks. If any fail, it returns false. If they all succeed, it returns true.

  1. The provided codesource must not be null.
  2. codesource must be an instance of SubjectCodeSource.
  3. super.implies(codesource) must return true.
  4. for each principal in this codesource's principal list:
    1. if the principal is an instanceof PrincipalComparator, then the principal must imply the provided codesource's Subject.
    2. if the principal is not an instanceof PrincipalComparator, then the provided codesource's Subject must have an associated Principal, P, where P.getClass().getName equals principal.principalClass, and P.getName() equals principal.principalName.

codesource the CodeSource to compare against.
true if this SubjectCodeSource implies the the specified CodeSource.

	LinkedList subjectList = null;

	if (codesource == null ||
	    !(codesource instanceof SubjectCodeSource) ||
	    !(super.implies(codesource))) {

	    if (debug != null)
		debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: FAILURE 1");
	    return false;

	SubjectCodeSource that = (SubjectCodeSource)codesource;

	// if the principal list in the policy "implies"
	// the Subject associated with the current AccessControlContext,
	// then return true

	if (this.principals == null) {
	    if (debug != null)
		debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: PASS 1");
	    return true;

	if (that.getSubject() == null ||
	    that.getSubject().getPrincipals().size() == 0) {
	    if (debug != null)
		debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: FAILURE 2");
	    return false;

	ListIterator li = this.principals.listIterator(0);
	while (li.hasNext()) {
	    PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry pppe =
	    try {

		// handle PrincipalComparators

		Class principalComparator = Class.forName(pppe.principalClass,
		Constructor c = principalComparator.getConstructor(PARAMS);
		PrincipalComparator pc =
			(new Object[] { pppe.principalName });

		if (!pc.implies(that.getSubject())) {
		    if (debug != null)
			debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: FAILURE 3");
		    return false;
		} else {
		    if (debug != null)
			debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: PASS 2");
		    return true;
	    } catch (Exception e) {

		// no PrincipalComparator, simply compare Principals

		if (subjectList == null) {

		    if (that.getSubject() == null) {
			if (debug != null)
			    debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: " +
					"FAILURE 4");
			return false;
		    Iterator i = that.getSubject().getPrincipals().iterator();

		    subjectList = new LinkedList();
		    while (i.hasNext()) {
			Principal p = (Principal);
			PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry spppe =
				new PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry
				(p.getClass().getName(), p.getName());
		if (!subjectListImpliesPrincipalEntry(subjectList, pppe)) {
		    if (debug != null)
			debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: FAILURE 5");
		    return false;

	if (debug != null)
	    debug.println("\tSubjectCodeSource.implies: PASS 3");
	return true;
private booleansubjectListImpliesPrincipalEntry(java.util.LinkedList subjectList, PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry pppe)
This method returns, true, if the provided subjectList "contains" the Principal specified in the provided pppe argument. Note that the provided pppe argument may have wildcards (*) for the Principal class and name, which need to be considered.

subjectList a list of PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry objects that correspond to all the Principals in the Subject currently on this thread's AccessControlContext.

pppe the Principals specified in a grant entry.
true if the provided subjectList "contains" the Principal specified in the provided pppe argument.

	ListIterator li = subjectList.listIterator(0);
	while (li.hasNext()) {
	    PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry listPppe = (PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry);

	    if (pppe.principalClass.equals
			(PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry.WILDCARD_CLASS) ||
			(listPppe.principalClass)) {

		if (pppe.principalName.equals
			(PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry.WILDCARD_NAME) ||
		    return true;
	return false;
public java.lang.StringtoString()
Return a String representation of this SubjectCodeSource.

a String representation of this SubjectCodeSource.

	String returnMe = super.toString();
	if (getSubject() != null) {
	    if (debug != null) {
		final Subject finalSubject = getSubject();
		returnMe = returnMe + "\n" +
				(new {
				public Object run() {
				    return finalSubject.toString();
	    } else {
		returnMe = returnMe + "\n" + getSubject().toString();
	if (principals != null) {
	    ListIterator li = principals.listIterator();
	    while (li.hasNext()) {
		PolicyParser.PrincipalEntry pppe =
		returnMe = returnMe + rb.getString("\n") +
			pppe.principalClass + " " +
	return returnMe;