IImsVideoCallProvider.javaAPI DocAndroid 5.1 API11396Sat Mar 14 05:48:12 GMT


public interface IImsVideoCallProvider implements android.os.IInterface
Internal remote interface for IMS's video call provider. At least initially, this aidl mirrors telecomm's {@link IVideoCallProvider}. We created a separate aidl interface even though the methods and parameters are same because the {@link IVideoCallProvider} was specifically created as a binder for inter-process communication between Telecomm and Telephony. We don't want to use the same aidl in other places for communication, namely communication between Telephony and the IMS Service, even if that communication may be for similar methods. This decouples the communication among these processes. Similarly, third parties implementing a video call provider will not have the benefit of accessing the internal {@link IVideoCallProvider} aidl for interprocess communication.

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public voidrequestCallDataUsage()

public voidrequestCameraCapabilities()

public voidsendSessionModifyRequest(android.telecom.VideoProfile reqProfile)

public voidsendSessionModifyResponse(android.telecom.VideoProfile responseProfile)

public voidsetCallback( callback)

public voidsetCamera(java.lang.String cameraId)

public voidsetDeviceOrientation(int rotation)

public voidsetDisplaySurface(android.view.Surface surface)

public voidsetPauseImage(java.lang.String uri)

public voidsetPreviewSurface(android.view.Surface surface)

public voidsetZoom(float value)