PwcWebModule.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API11324Fri May 04 22:35:28 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.web


public abstract class PwcWebModule extends org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext
Class representing a web module (servlet context).

Fields Summary
private String
private com.sun.enterprise.web.session.SessionCookieConfig
private boolean
private boolean
Determines whether or not we should encode the cookies. By default cookies are not URL encoded.
private int
private int
private int
Maximum number of SingleThreadModel instances for each wrapper in this context.
private boolean
Rave required attribute True if the web-module implements web services endpoints.
private String[]
Rave required attribute An array of URL addresses defined in this web-module to invoke web services endpoints implementations.
private String
private boolean
private String
private String[]
protected String
protected String
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public org.apache.catalina.WrappercreateWrapper()
Factory method to create and return a new Wrapper instance, of the Java implementation class appropriate for this Context implementation. The constructor of the instantiated Wrapper will have been called, but no properties will have been set.

        Wrapper wrapper = super.createWrapper();
        ((StandardWrapper) wrapper).setMaxInstances(stmPoolSize);
        return wrapper;
public java.lang.String[]getCacheControls()
Gets the Cache-Control settings of this web module.

Cache-Control settings of this web module, or null if no such settings exist for this web module.

        return cacheControls;
public java.lang.StringgetContextRoot()
Gets this web module's context root.

Web module context root

        return contextRoot;
public java.lang.StringgetDefaultCharset()
Gets the value of the default-charset attribute of the parameter-encoding element

Value of the default-charset attribute of the parameter-encoding element, or null if not present

        return defaultCharset;
public booleangetEncodeCookies()
return _encodeCookies property value

        return _encodeCookies;
public java.lang.String[]getEndpointAddresses()
Gets the URL addresses corresponding to the web services endpoints of this web module.

Array of URL addresses corresponding to the web services endpoints of this web module

        return endpointAddresses;
public java.lang.StringgetFormHintField()
return parameter-encoding form-hint-field attribute value

        return formHintField;
public booleangetHasWebServices()
Return the hasWebServices flag for this web module.

        return hasWebServices;
public java.lang.StringgetID()
Gets this web module's identifier.

Web module identifier

        return _id;
public java.lang.StringgetModuleName()
Gets this web module's name.

Web module name

        return this.moduleName;
public booleangetResponseCTForHeaders()
return _useResponseCTForHeaders property value

        return _useResponseCTForHeaders;
public intgetSTMPoolSize()
Return maximum number of instances that will be allocated when a single thread model servlet is used in this web module.

        return (this.stmPoolSize);
public com.sun.enterprise.web.session.SessionCookieConfiggetSessionCookieConfig()
Return the session cookie configuration for this web module.

        return _cookieConfig;
public abstract booleanhasLocaleToCharsetMapping()
Returns true if this web module specifies a locale-charset-map in its sun-web.xml, false otherwise.

true if this web module specifies a locale-charset-map in its sun-web.xml, false otherwise


        return hasWebXml;
public abstract java.lang.StringmapLocalesToCharset(java.util.Enumeration locales)
Matches the given request locales against the charsets specified in the locale-charset-map of this web module's sun-web.xml, and returns the first matching charset.

locales Request locales
First matching charset, or null if this web module does not specify any locale-charset-map in its sun-web.xml, or no match was found

public voidsetCacheControls(java.lang.String[] cacheControls)
Sets the Cache-Control configuration for this web module.

cacheControls Cache-Control configuration settings for this web module

        this.cacheControls = cacheControls;
public voidsetContextRoot(java.lang.String contextRoot)
Sets this web module's context root.

contextRoot Web module context root

        this.contextRoot = contextRoot;
public voidsetEncodeCookies(boolean flag)
Determines whether cookies should be encoded or not. If the property encodeCookies is set to false in sun-web.xml, cookies will not be URL encoded. The default behaviuor is that we always encode the cookies unless the property encodeCookies is set to false in sun-web.xml.

        _encodeCookies = flag;
public voidsetEndpointAddresses(java.lang.String[] endpointAddresses)
Sets the URL addresses corresponding to the web services endpoints of this web module.

endpointAddresses Array of URL addresses corresponding to the web services endpoints of this web module

        this.endpointAddresses = (String[])endpointAddresses.clone();
public voidsetHasWebServices(boolean hasWebServices)
Set the hasWebServices boolean flag for this web module.

hasWebServices boolean flag hasWebServices for this web module

        this.hasWebServices = hasWebServices;
voidsetHasWebXml(boolean hasWebXml)

        this.hasWebXml = hasWebXml;
public voidsetID(java.lang.String id)
Sets this web module's identifier.

id Web module identifier

        _id = id;
public voidsetModuleName(java.lang.String moduleName)
Sets this web module's name.

moduleName Web module name

        this.moduleName = moduleName;
public voidsetResponseCTForHeaders()
sets _useResponseCTForHeaders property value. When _useResponseCTForHeaders is set to true, it means that we send the response header in the same encoding of the response charset instead of UTF-8, (see the method sendHeaders in com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.nsapi.nsapiNSAPIResponse)

        _useResponseCTForHeaders = true;
public voidsetSTMPoolSize(int newPoolSize)
Set the maximum number of instances that will be allocated when a single thread model servlet is used in this web module.

newPoolSize New value of SingleThreadModel servlet pool size

        int oldPoolSize = this.stmPoolSize;
        this.stmPoolSize = newPoolSize;
        support.firePropertyChange("stmPoolSize", Integer.valueOf(oldPoolSize),
public voidsetSessionCookieConfig(com.sun.enterprise.web.session.SessionCookieConfig cookieConfig)
Set the session cookie configuration for this web module.

cookieConfig The new session cookie configuration

        _cookieConfig = cookieConfig;