corbanameURLContextFactory.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API11230Fri May 04 22:36:18 BST 2007com.sun.jndi.url.corbaname

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package com.sun.jndi.url.corbaname;

import javax.naming.*;
import javax.naming.spi.*;

import java.util.Hashtable;
import com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtx;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;

//START OF IASRI 4660742
import java.util.logging.*;
import com.sun.logging.*;
//END OF IASRI 4660742

 * A corbaname URL context factory. (INS 12-03-99)
 * <corbaname>		= "corbaname:" <corbaloc_obj> ["#" <string_name>]
 * <string_name> 	= stringified Name | empty_string
 * <corbaloc_obj> 	= <obj_addr_list> ["/" <key_string>]
 * <obj_addr_list> 	= [<obj_addr> ","]* <obj_addr>
 * <obj_addr> 		= <prot_addr> | <future_prot_addr>
 * <prot_addr> 		= <rir_prot_addr> | <iiop_prot_addr>
 * <rir_prot_addr> 	= "rir:"
 * <iiop_prot_addr> 	= <iiop_id> <iiop_addr>
 * <iiop_id> 		= ":" | "iiop:"
 * <iiop_addr> 		= <version> <host> [":" <port>]
 * <host> 		= DNS-style host name | IP address
 * <version> 		= <major> "." <minor> "@" | empty_string
 * <port> 		= number
 * <major> 		= number
 * <minor> 		= number
 * <key_string> 	= <string> | empty_string
 * 1. Does NOT support having a <key_string> in its <corbaloc_obj>.
 * 2. Does NOT support multiple "rir" in single URL
 * @author Rosanna Lee

public class corbanameURLContextFactory implements ObjectFactory {
    // START OF IASRI 4660742
    static Logger _logger=LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.JNDI_LOGGER);
    // END OF IASRI 4660742

    private static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost";
    private static final String DEFAULT_PORT = "2089";

    public Object getObjectInstance(Object urlInfo, Name name, Context nameCtx,
				    Hashtable env) throws Exception {

	if (urlInfo == null) {
	    return new corbanameURLContext(env);
	if (urlInfo instanceof String) {
	    return getUsingURL((String)urlInfo, env);
	} else if (urlInfo instanceof String[]) {
	    return getUsingURLs((String[])urlInfo, env);
	} else {
	    throw (new IllegalArgumentException(
		    "iiopURLContextFactory.getObjectInstance: " +
		    "argument must be an iiop URL String or array of iiop URLs"));

      * Resolves 'name' into a target context with remaining name.
      * It only resolves the hostname/port number. The remaining name
      * contains the rest of the name found in the URL.
      * For example, with a corbaname URL:
      *     corbaname:iiop://localhost:900#rest/of/name
      * this method resolves 
      *     corbaname:iiop://localhost:900/ to the "NameService"
      * context on for the ORB at 'localhost' on port 900, 
      * and returns as the remaining name "rest/of/name".
    static ResolveResult getUsingURLIgnoreRest(String url, Hashtable env)
	    throws NamingException {

	ORB inOrb = (env != null) 
	    ? (ORB) env.get("java.naming.corba.orb") 
	    : null;
	if (inOrb != null) {
	    try {
		CorbanameUrl parsedUrl = new CorbanameUrl(url);

		// See if ORB can handle corbaname URL directly
		org.omg.CORBA.Object ncRef = null;

		try {
		    // Get object ref for NameService specified in corbaname URL
		    ncRef = inOrb.string_to_object(parsedUrl.getLocation());
		} catch (Exception e) {

		if (ncRef != null) {
		    // Convert to JNDI Context
		    Context ctx = CNCtxHelper.getInstance(inOrb, ncRef, env);

		    return new ResolveResult(ctx, parsedUrl.getCosName());
	    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
		throw new ConfigurationException(e.getMessage());

	// Rewrite to iiop URL for handling by JNDI/COS provider
	url = rewriteUrl(url);	
	return CNCtx.createUsingURL(url, env);

    private static Object getUsingURL(String url, Hashtable env)
	    throws NamingException {
	ResolveResult res = getUsingURLIgnoreRest(url, env);

	Context ctx = (Context)res.getResolvedObj();
	try {
	    return ctx.lookup(res.getRemainingName());
	} finally {

    private static Object getUsingURLs(String[] urls, Hashtable env) {
	for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
	    String url = urls[i];
	    try {
		Object obj = getUsingURL(url, env);
		if (obj != null) {
		    return obj;
	    } catch (NamingException e) {
	return null;	// %%% exception??

     * corbaname:rir: -> iiopname://localhost:2089/
     * corbaname:rir:/NameService -> iiopname://localhost:2089/
     * corbaname:rir:/dev/NameService 
     * 		-> InvalidNameException (key_string not supported)
     * corbaname:: -> iiopname://localhost:2089/
     * corbaname::orbhost:999#this/is/a/name 
     * 		-> iiopname://orbhost:999/this/is/a/name
     * corbaname::orbhost:999,:webhost#this/is/a/name 
     * 		-> iiopname://orbhost:999,webhost:2089/this/is/a/name
     * corbaname::orbhost:999,:webhost/key/String#this/is/a/name 
     * 		-> InvalidNameException (key_string not supported)
     * corbaname:iiop: -> iiopname://localhost:2089/
     * corbaname:iiop:orbhost:999#this/is/a/name
     * 		-> iiopname://orbhost:999/this/is/a/name
     * corbaname:iiop:orbhost:999,iiop:webhost#this/is/a/name 
     * 		-> iiopname://orbhost:999,webhost:2089/this/is/a/name
     * corbaname:iiop:orbhost:999,iiop:webhost/key/String#this/is/a/name 
     * 		-> InvalidNameException (key_string not supported)
     * corbaname:iiop:orbhost:999,:webhost#this/is/a/name
     * 		-> iiopname://orbhost:999,webhost:2089/this/is/a/name
     * corbaname::orbhost:999,iiop:webhost#this/is/a/name
     * 		-> iiopname://orbhost:999,webhost:2089/this/is/a/name
    static String rewriteUrl(String url) throws NamingException {

	// Find string_name
	String stringName = null, corbaloc;
	int hash = url.indexOf('#');
	if (hash >= 0) {
	    stringName = url.substring(hash+1);

	    // get rid of 'corbaname:' and string_name
	    corbaloc = url.substring(10, hash);  
	} else {
	    corbaloc = url.substring(10);   // get rid of 'corbaname:'

	// Make sure key_string is one that we can support
	String objAddrList;
	int firstSlash = corbaloc.indexOf('/');
	if (firstSlash >= 0) {
	    String keyString = corbaloc.substring(firstSlash+1); // skip slash

	    // An empty key_string is interpreted as "NameService"
	    if ("".equals(keyString)) {
		keyString = "NameService";
	    } else if (!"NameService".equals(keyString)) {
		throw new InvalidNameException(
		    "Support is available only for the NameService key string");

	    objAddrList = corbaloc.substring(0, firstSlash);
	} else {
	    objAddrList = corbaloc;
	// Rewrite objAddrList into iiopname format

	int len = objAddrList.length();
	int colon, start = 0, comma;
	String prot, addr;
	StringBuffer newUrl = new StringBuffer("iiopname://");
	while (start < len) {
	    colon = objAddrList.indexOf(':', start);
	    prot = objAddrList.substring(start, colon);
	    if (prot.equals("") || prot.equals("iiop")) {
		// Find end of this address
		comma = objAddrList.indexOf(',', colon+1);
		if (comma < 0) {
		    // last address in list
		    addr = objAddrList.substring(colon+1, len);
		    start = len;
		} else {
		    addr = objAddrList.substring(colon+1, comma);
		    start = comma + 1;


		// Add default port if none has been specified
		if (addr.indexOf(':') < 0) {

		if (comma >= 0) {
		    // add comma
	    } else if (prot.equals("rir")) {

		start = colon + 1; // skip colon

		if (start != len) {
		    throw new InvalidNameException("Only one rir is supported");
	    } else {
		throw new InvalidNameException("Unknown subscheme: " + url);

	if (stringName != null) {

	return newUrl.toString();

    public static final String[] tests = {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

	for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
      /** IASRI 4660742
      //START OF IASRI 4660742
      if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
      //END OF IASRI 4660742

	    try {
    /** IASRI 4660742
		System.out.println("    " + rewriteUrl(tests[i]));
    //START OF IASRI 4660742
		if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
   	 _logger.log(Level.FINE,"    " + rewriteUrl(tests[i]));
    //END OF IASRI 4660742
	    } catch (NamingException e) {
    /** IASRI 4660742
		System.out.println("    " + e);
    //START OF IASRI 4660742
    _logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"java_jndi.excep_in_main", e);
    //END OF IASRI 4660742