Shape.javaAPI DocApache Poi 3.0.111204Thu May 31 18:45:28 BST 2007org.apache.poi.hslf.model

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package org.apache.poi.hslf.model;

import org.apache.poi.ddf.*;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.model.ShapeTypes;
import org.apache.poi.hslf.record.ColorSchemeAtom;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogger;
import org.apache.poi.util.POILogFactory;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.awt.*;

 *  <p>
  * Represents a Shape which is the elemental object that composes a drawing.
 *  This class is a wrapper around EscherSpContainer which holds all information
 *  about a shape in PowerPoint document.
 *  </p>
 *  <p>
 *  When you add a shape, you usually specify the dimensions of the shape and the position
 *  of the upper�left corner of the bounding box for the shape relative to the upper�left
 *  corner of the page, worksheet, or slide. Distances in the drawing layer are measured
 *  in points (72 points = 1 inch).
 *  </p>
 * <p>
  * @author Yegor Kozlov
public abstract class Shape {

    // For logging
    protected POILogger logger = POILogFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

     * In Escher absolute distances are specified in
     * English Metric Units (EMUs), occasionally referred to as A units;
     * there are 360000 EMUs per centimeter, 914400 EMUs per inch, 12700 EMUs per point.
    public static final int EMU_PER_INCH = 914400;
    public static final int EMU_PER_POINT = 12700;
    public static final int EMU_PER_CENTIMETER = 360000;

     * Master DPI (576 pixels per inch).
     * Used by the reference coordinate system in PowerPoint.
    public static final int MASTER_DPI = 576;

     * Pixels DPI (96 pixels per inch)
    public static final int PIXEL_DPI = 96;

     * Points DPI (72 pixels per inch)
    public static final int POINT_DPI = 72;

     * Either EscherSpContainer or EscheSpgrContainer record
     * which holds information about this shape.
    protected EscherContainerRecord _escherContainer;

     * Parent of this shape.
     * <code>null</code> for the topmost shapes.
    protected Shape _parent;

     * The <code>Sheet</code> this shape belongs to
    protected Sheet _sheet;

     * Create a Shape object. This constructor is used when an existing Shape is read from from a PowerPoint document.
     * @param escherRecord       <code>EscherSpContainer</code> container which holds information about this shape
     * @param parent             the parent of this Shape
      protected Shape(EscherContainerRecord escherRecord, Shape parent){
        _escherContainer = escherRecord;
        _parent = parent;

     * Creates the lowerlevel escher records for this shape.
    protected abstract EscherContainerRecord createSpContainer(boolean isChild);

     *  @return the parent of this shape
    public Shape getParent(){
        return _parent;

     * @return name of the shape.
    public String getShapeName(){
        return ShapeTypes.typeName(getShapeType());

     * @return type of the shape.
     * @see org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordTypes
    public int getShapeType(){
        EscherSpRecord spRecord = _escherContainer.getChildById(EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID);
        return spRecord.getOptions() >> 4;

     * @param type type of the shape.
     * @see org.apache.poi.hslf.record.RecordTypes
    public void setShapeType(int type){
        EscherSpRecord spRecord = _escherContainer.getChildById(EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID);
        spRecord.setOptions((short)(type << 4 | 0x2));

     * Returns the anchor (the bounding box rectangle) of this shape.
     * All coordinates are expressed in points (72 dpi).
     * @return the anchor of this shape
    public java.awt.Rectangle getAnchor(){
        EscherSpRecord spRecord = _escherContainer.getChildById(EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID);
        int flags = spRecord.getFlags();
        java.awt.Rectangle anchor=null;
        if ((flags & EscherSpRecord.FLAG_CHILD) != 0){
            EscherChildAnchorRecord rec = (EscherChildAnchorRecord)getEscherChild(_escherContainer, EscherChildAnchorRecord.RECORD_ID);
            anchor = new java.awt.Rectangle();
            anchor.x = rec.getDx1()*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
            anchor.y = rec.getDy1()*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
            anchor.width = (rec.getDx2() - anchor.x)*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
            anchor.height = (rec.getDy2() - anchor.y)*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
        else {
            EscherClientAnchorRecord rec = (EscherClientAnchorRecord)getEscherChild(_escherContainer, EscherClientAnchorRecord.RECORD_ID);
            anchor = new java.awt.Rectangle();
            anchor.y = rec.getFlag()*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
            anchor.x = rec.getCol1()*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
            anchor.width = (rec.getDx1() - rec.getCol1())*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
            anchor.height = (rec.getRow1() - rec.getFlag())*POINT_DPI/MASTER_DPI;
        return anchor;

     * Sets the anchor (the bounding box rectangle) of this shape.
     * All coordinates should be expressed in points (72 dpi).
     * @param anchor new anchor
    public void setAnchor(java.awt.Rectangle anchor){
        EscherSpRecord spRecord = _escherContainer.getChildById(EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID);
        int flags = spRecord.getFlags();
        if ((flags & EscherSpRecord.FLAG_CHILD) != 0){
            EscherChildAnchorRecord rec = (EscherChildAnchorRecord)getEscherChild(_escherContainer, EscherChildAnchorRecord.RECORD_ID);
            rec.setDx2((anchor.width + anchor.x)*MASTER_DPI/POINT_DPI);
            rec.setDy2((anchor.height + anchor.y)*MASTER_DPI/POINT_DPI);
        else {
            EscherClientAnchorRecord rec = (EscherClientAnchorRecord)getEscherChild(_escherContainer, EscherClientAnchorRecord.RECORD_ID);
            rec.setDx1((short)((anchor.width + anchor.x)*MASTER_DPI/POINT_DPI));
            rec.setRow1((short)((anchor.height + anchor.y)*MASTER_DPI/POINT_DPI));


     * Moves the top left corner of the shape to the specified point.
     * @param x the x coordinate of the top left corner of the shape
     * @param y the y coordinate of the top left corner of the shape
    public void moveTo(int x, int y){
        java.awt.Rectangle anchor = getAnchor();
        anchor.setLocation(x, y);

     * Helper method to return escher child by record ID
     * @return escher record or <code>null</code> if not found.
    public static EscherRecord getEscherChild(EscherContainerRecord owner, int recordId){
        for ( Iterator iterator = owner.getChildRecords().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
            EscherRecord escherRecord = (EscherRecord);
            if (escherRecord.getRecordId() == recordId)
                return escherRecord;
        return null;

     * Returns  escher property by id.
     * @return escher property or <code>null</code> if not found.
     public static EscherProperty getEscherProperty(EscherOptRecord opt, int propId){
        for ( Iterator iterator = opt.getEscherProperties().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); )
            EscherProperty prop = (EscherProperty);
            if (prop.getId() == propId)
                return prop;
        return null;

     * Set an escher property for this shape.
     * @param opt       The opt record to set the properties to.
     * @param propId    The id of the property. One of the constants defined in EscherOptRecord.
     * @param value     value of the property. If value = -1 then the property is removed.
     public static void setEscherProperty(EscherOptRecord opt, short propId, int value){
        java.util.List props = opt.getEscherProperties();
        for ( Iterator iterator = props.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
            EscherProperty prop = (EscherProperty);
            if (prop.getId() == propId){
        if (value != -1) {
            opt.addEscherProperty(new EscherSimpleProperty(propId, value));

     * @return  The shape container and it's children that can represent this
     *          shape.
    public EscherContainerRecord getSpContainer(){
        return _escherContainer;

     * Event which fires when a shape is inserted in the sheet.
     * In some cases we need to propagate changes to upper level containers.
     * <br>
     * Default implementation does nothing.
     * @param sh - owning shape
    protected void afterInsert(Sheet sh){


     *  @return the <code>SlideShow</code> this shape belongs to
    public Sheet getSheet(){
        return _sheet;

     * Assign the <code>SlideShow</code> this shape belongs to
     * @param sheet owner of this shape
    public void setSheet(Sheet sheet){
        _sheet = sheet;

    protected Color getColor(int rgb){
        if (rgb >= 0x8000000) {
            int idx = rgb - 0x8000000;
            ColorSchemeAtom ca = getSheet().getColorScheme();
            if(idx >= 0 && idx <= 7) rgb = ca.getColor(idx);
        Color tmp = new Color(rgb, true);
        return new Color(tmp.getBlue(), tmp.getGreen(), tmp.getRed());

     * Fill properties of this shape
     * @return fill properties of this shape
    public Fill getFill(){
        return new Fill(this);

     * Returns the hyperlink assigned to this shape
     * @return the hyperlink assigned to this shape
     * or <code>null</code> if not found.
     public Hyperlink getHyperlink(){
        return Hyperlink.find(this);
