ServerMain.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API10989Fri Aug 26 14:54:18 BST


public class ServerMain extends Object
1.8, 99/11/02
Ken Cavanaugh

Fields Summary
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
private static final boolean
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
private java.lang.reflect.MethodgetMainMethod(java.lang.Class serverClass)

	Class argTypes[] = new Class[] { String[].class } ;
	Method method = null ;

	try {
	    method = serverClass.getDeclaredMethod( "main", argTypes ) ;
	} catch (Exception exc) {
	    logTerminal( exc.getMessage(), NO_MAIN_METHOD ) ;

	if (!isPublicStaticVoid( method ))
	    logTerminal( "", NO_MAIN_METHOD ) ;
	return method ;
private java.lang.reflect.MethodgetNamedMethod(java.lang.Class serverClass, java.lang.String methodName)

	Class argTypes[] = new Class[] { org.omg.CORBA.ORB.class } ;
	Method method = null ;

	try {
	    method = serverClass.getDeclaredMethod( methodName, argTypes ) ;
	} catch (Exception exc) {
	    return null ;

	if (!isPublicStaticVoid( method )) 
	    return null ;

	return method ;
private intgetServerId()

	Integer serverId = Integer.getInteger( ORBConstants.SERVER_ID_PROPERTY ) ;

	if (serverId == null)
	    logTerminal( "", NO_SERVER_ID ) ;

	return serverId.intValue() ;
private booleanisPublicStaticVoid(java.lang.reflect.Method method)

	// check modifiers: public static
	int modifiers =  method.getModifiers ();
	if (!Modifier.isPublic (modifiers) || !Modifier.isStatic (modifiers)) {
	    logError( method.getName() + " is not public static" ) ;
	    return false ;

	// check return type and exceptions
	if (method.getExceptionTypes ().length != 0) {
	    logError( method.getName() + " declares exceptions" ) ;
	    return false ;

	if (!method.getReturnType().equals (Void.TYPE)) {
	    logError( method.getName() + " does not have a void return type" ) ;
	    return false ;

	return true ;
public static voidlogError(java.lang.String msg)
Write error message to standard out and standard err.

	writeLogMessage( System.out, "ERROR:  " + msg ) ;
	writeLogMessage( System.err, "ERROR:  " + msg ) ;
public static voidlogInformation(java.lang.String msg)
Write information to standard out only.

	writeLogMessage( System.out, "        " + msg ) ;
public static voidlogTerminal(java.lang.String msg, int code)
Write final message to log(s) and then terminate by calling System.exit( code ). If code == OK, write a normal termination message to standard out, otherwise write an abnormal termination message to standard out and standard error.

	if (code == 0) {
	    writeLogMessage( System.out, "        " + msg ) ;
	} else {
	    writeLogMessage( System.out, "FATAL:  " + 
		printResult( code ) + ": " + msg ) ;

	    writeLogMessage( System.err, "FATAL:  " + 
		printResult( code ) + ": " + msg ) ;

	System.exit( code ) ;
public static voidmain(java.lang.String[] args)

	ServerMain server = new ServerMain();;
public static java.lang.StringprintResult(int result)

	switch (result) {
	    case OK :			return "Server terminated normally" ;
	    case MAIN_CLASS_NOT_FOUND : return "main class not found" ;
	    case NO_MAIN_METHOD :	return "no main method" ;
	    case APPLICATION_ERROR :	return "application error" ;
	    case NO_SERVER_ID :		return "server ID not defined" ;
	    case REGISTRATION_FAILED:	return "server registration failed" ;
	    default :			return "unknown error" ;
private voidredirectIOStreams()

	// redirect out and err streams
	try {
	    String logDirName = 
		System.getProperty( ORBConstants.DB_DIR_PROPERTY ) + 
		System.getProperty("file.separator") + 

	    File logDir = new File(logDirName);
	    String server = System.getProperty( 

	    FileOutputStream foutStream = 
		new FileOutputStream(logDirName + server+".out", true);
	    FileOutputStream ferrStream = 
		new FileOutputStream(logDirName + server+".err", true);

	    PrintStream pSout = new PrintStream(foutStream, true);
	    PrintStream pSerr = new PrintStream(ferrStream, true);


	    logInformation( "Server started" ) ;

	} catch (Exception ex) {}
private voidregisterCallback(java.lang.Class serverClass)

	Method installMethod = getNamedMethod( serverClass, "install" ) ;
	Method uninstallMethod = getNamedMethod( serverClass, "uninstall" ) ;
	Method shutdownMethod = getNamedMethod( serverClass, "shutdown" ) ;

	Properties props = new Properties() ;
	props.put( "org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass", 
	    "" ) ;
        // NOTE: Very important to pass this property, otherwise the
        // Persistent Server registration will be unsucessfull. 
        props.put( ORBConstants.ACTIVATED_PROPERTY, "false" );
	String args[] = null ;
	ORB orb = ORB.init( args, props ) ;

	ServerCallback serverObj = new ServerCallback( orb, 
	    installMethod, uninstallMethod, shutdownMethod ) ;
	int serverId = getServerId() ;

	try {
	    Activator activator = ActivatorHelper.narrow(
		orb.resolve_initial_references( ORBConstants.SERVER_ACTIVATOR_NAME ));, serverObj);
	} catch (Exception ex) {
	    logTerminal( "exception " + ex.getMessage(),
private voidrun(java.lang.String[] args)

	try {
	    redirectIOStreams() ;
	    String serverClassName = System.getProperty( 

	    // determine the class loader to be used for loading the class
	    // since ServerMain is going to be in JDK and we need to have this
	    // class to load application classes, this is required here.
            ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

            if (cl == null)
                cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

            // determine the main class
            Class serverClass = null;

	    try {
	        // determine the main class, try loading with current class loader
	        serverClass = Class.forName( serverClassName ) ;
	    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                // eat the exception and try to load using SystemClassLoader
                serverClass = Class.forName( serverClassName, true, cl);

	    if (debug) 
		System.out.println("class " + serverClassName + " found");
	    // get the main method
	    Method mainMethod = getMainMethod( serverClass ) ;

	    // This piece of code is required, to verify the server definition
	    // without launching it.  

            // verify the server
	    boolean serverVerifyFlag = Boolean.getBoolean(
            if (serverVerifyFlag) {
                if (mainMethod == null)
                    logTerminal("", NO_MAIN_METHOD);
                else {
                    if (debug)
                        System.out.println("Valid Server");
                    logTerminal("", OK);

	    registerCallback( serverClass ) ;

	    // build args to the main and call it
	    Object params [] = new Object [1];
	    params[0] = args;
	    mainMethod.invoke(null, params);

    	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
	    logTerminal("ClassNotFound exception: " + e.getMessage(), 
	} catch (Exception e) {
	    logTerminal("Exception: " + e.getMessage(), 
private static voidwriteLogMessage( pstream, java.lang.String msg)
Write a time-stamped message to the indicated PrintStream.

	Date date = new Date();
	pstream.print( "[" + date.toString() + "] " + msg + "\n");