ConfigContext.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10973Fri May 04 22:31:18 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.config

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package com.sun.enterprise.config;

import java.util.ArrayList;

// <addition> server.xml verifier
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContextEvent;
// </addition> server.xml verifier

 * A configuration context represents a heirarchical view of the configuration
 * attributes. It reads the configuration attributes from <i> server.xml </i>
 * The configuration context has a one-to-one realationship with
 * a configuration file. 
 * There is no public constructor. Use ConfigFactory to construct ConfigContext. 
 * This object can be made readOnly and autoCommit during creation but these parameters
 * cannot be changed once the object is created. Note that this object might be shared
 * by number of threads.
 * Here are some examples of code to illustrate lookup:
 * 1. If you want to specifically locate a Node in the configuration: 
 *    example:  jms resource in server.xml
 *  <PRE>
 *   ConfigBean conBean = 
 *        ctx.exactLookup("/server/resources/jms-resource[@name='jms1']");
 *  </PRE>
 * Follow the syntax below for creating xpath expression for use in lookup/exactLookup. This is the only
 *    syntax supported.
 *  <PRE>
 *      expression := /tagName | /tagName/tagExpression
 *      tagExpression := tagName| tagName[@name='value'] | tagName/tagExpression | tagName[@name='value']/tagExpression
 *  </PRE>
 * Config API documentation:
 * Config API is a powerful set of APIs that handle comples operations like:
 * <PRE>
 * 1. Basic Configuration (set and get elements and attributes APIs)
 * 2. Event Notification
 * 3. Cloning
 * 4. XPath support
 * 5. Change Mananagement (add, update, delete, set)
 * 6. readonly
 * 7. Auto Commit
 * 8. Advanced Configuration (1 API to access attributes--ctx.getAttribute())
 * 9. Intelligent refresh
 * 10. Get dtd default values
 * 11. DOM like API support (appendChild, removeChild)
 * 12. Find APIs
 * 13. Support Serialization and DeSerialization
 * 14. Other Misc APIs (getChildBeansByName, getXPath, etc)
 * 15. Merge APIs
 * </PRE>
public interface ConfigContext {     
     * gets the url of the file/storage that this configcontext 
     * is representing. It could be null in the case when the
     * context has been cloned or deserialized
    String getUrl();
         * returns the list of config changes done to this config context
         * since the last reset or refresh or flush
        public ArrayList getConfigChangeList();
         * reset config change list. 
        public void resetConfigChangeList();
         * Get the config bean for the root of the xml tree.
        public ConfigBean getRootConfigBean() throws ConfigException;
        public void removeConfigChange(ConfigChange change);

         * Retrieves the named object. The parameter passed is a <a href =>
         * XPath version 1.0</a>
         * used as the path notation for navigating the hierarchical structure. Only the AbsoluteLocationPath
         * and Relative LocationPath elements are used.
         * The code below returns a ConfigBeam representing an application with appId="app1"
         * <PRE>
         * ConfigBean cn = conCtx.exactLookup(ServerXPathHelper.getAppIdXpathExpression("app1"));
         * </PRE>
         * @return a ConfigBean representing a node in the tree.
         * @param xpath
         * @throws ConfigException
	public ConfigBean exactLookup(String xpath) throws ConfigException;
         * Note the constraints on xpath
        public ConfigBean[] lookup(String xpath) throws ConfigException;
         * saves all the changes in ConfigContext to storage
         * Throws ConfigException if there is any problem writing to storage.
         * or the file has been modified after last read. 
         * However, if overwrite is true, then it overwrites any manual changes
         * on disk
        public void flush(boolean overwrite) throws ConfigException;

         * is equivalent to flush(false)
        public void flush() throws ConfigException;
        /** discards all the changes and reloads the xml from storage based on the force flag
         *  @param force  forces a reload from disk even if dirty bit is not set. 
         *  throws configexception if force is false and isDirty
        public void refresh(boolean force) throws ConfigException;

         * is equivalent to refresh(false).
        public void refresh() throws ConfigException;
         * Clone entire config context. Note that configChangeList is not cloned.
        public Object clone();
         * update this context with a configuration change. Changes done to
         * configContext are maintained as a list of configChange objects
         * This method is a convenient way of updating a context with a list
         * of changes done to another context (may be in another VM)
        public void updateFromConfigChange(ConfigChange configChange) throws ConfigException;
         * see updateFromConfigChange(ConfigChange configChange)
         * This method can be used for updating from a list of changes
         * It is also used to check last modified so that all of them succeed for fail
         * due to the changes.
         * @return ArrayList of all failed updates
        public ArrayList updateFromConfigChange(ArrayList configChangeList) throws ConfigException;
         * Get the Value of an attribute with One call 
         * This equivalent of doing an exactLookup to get a bean 
         * and then a getAttributeValue on that bean
         * @return value of attribute. null if it cannot find exactly 1 element
         * or that attribute
        public String getAttributeValue(String xpath, String attributeName);
         * similar to getAttributeValue but returns a boolean
         * @return true if it finds 1 element and attributeName has value=true
         * else returns false.
        public boolean getBooleanAttributeValue(String xpath, String attributeName);
         * Tells you if this configcontext has changed since it was read in or changes
         * were reset
        public boolean isChanged();
         * returns true if File has changed externally (not by this configcontext)
         * after the configcontext was created
         * Depends on whether it is enabled. if disabled, returns false
        public boolean isFileChangedExternally();      
         * Add Notification Listener
        public void addConfigContextEventListener(ConfigContextEventListener ccel);
         * remove
        public void removeConfigContextEventListener(ConfigContextEventListener ccel);
         * cleanup. call this method after you are done using the context
        public void cleanup();
         * add config update to the ConfigChangeList
         * @return ConfigChange that was just added to ConfigChangeList
        ConfigChange addToConfigChangeList(String xpath, String attrName, String oldValue, String newValue);
         * add config add to the ConfigChangeList
         * @return ConfigChange that was just added to ConfigChangeList
        ConfigChange addToConfigChangeList(String xpath, String childXpath, String name, ConfigBean cb);
         * add config delete to the ConfigChangeList
         * @return ConfigChange that was just added to ConfigChangeList
        ConfigChange addToConfigChangeList(String xpath);
         * add config set to the ConfigChangeList
         * @return ConfigChange that was just added to ConfigChangeList
        ConfigChange addToConfigChangeList(String xpath, String name, Object cb, Object[] cbArray);
         * used only by impl for getting changes
        // <addition> server.xml verifier
        //void preChange(String type);
        void preChange(ConfigContextEvent ccce);
        // </addition> server.xml verifier
         * used only by impl for getting changes
        // <addition> server.xml verifier
        //void postChange(String type);
        void postChange(ConfigContextEvent ccce);
        // </addition>  server.xml verifier