FullDVFactory.javaAPI DocJava SE 5 API10968Fri Aug 26 14:55:48 BST


public class FullDVFactory extends BaseDVFactory
the factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs
Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems, inc.
Sandy Gao, IBM
$Id:,v 1.5 2003/11/12 23:17:32 sandygao Exp $

Fields Summary
static final String
static SymbolHash
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
static voidcreateBuiltInTypes( types)

        // create base types first
        // full schema simple type names
        final String DOUBLE            = "double";
        final String DURATION          = "duration";
        final String ENTITY            = "ENTITY";
        final String ENTITIES          = "ENTITIES";
        final String FLOAT             = "float";
        final String HEXBINARY         = "hexBinary";
        final String ID                = "ID";
        final String IDREF             = "IDREF";
        final String IDREFS            = "IDREFS";
        final String NAME              = "Name";
        final String NCNAME            = "NCName";
        final String NMTOKEN           = "NMTOKEN";
        final String NMTOKENS          = "NMTOKENS";
        final String LANGUAGE          = "language";
        final String NORMALIZEDSTRING  = "normalizedString";
        final String NOTATION          = "NOTATION";
        final String QNAME             = "QName";
        final String STRING            = "string";
        final String TOKEN             = "token";

        final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets();

        XSSimpleTypeDecl anySimpleType = XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType;
        XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = (XSSimpleTypeDecl)types.get(STRING);

        types.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT));
        types.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT));
        types.put(DURATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT));
        types.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT));
        types.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT));
        types.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(anySimpleType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT));

        facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE;
        XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT);
        normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
        types.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV);

        facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
        XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT);
        tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 );
        types.put(TOKEN, tokenDV);

        facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
        facets.pattern  = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*";
        XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT);
        languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0);
        types.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV);

        facets.whiteSpace =  XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
        XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT);
        nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME);
        types.put(NAME, nameDV);

        facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
        XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ;
        ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME);
        types.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV);

        types.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT));
        XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV,  IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT);
        types.put(IDREF, idrefDV);

        facets.minLength = 1;
        XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null);
        XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
        idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
        types.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV);

        XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT);
        types.put(ENTITY, entityDV);

        facets.minLength = 1;
        tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null);
        XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
        entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
        types.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV);

        facets.whiteSpace  = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE;
        XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT);
        nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN);
        types.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV);

        facets.minLength = 1;
        tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null);
        XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null);
        nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0);
        types.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV);
public name)
Get a built-in simple type of the given name REVISIT: its still not decided within the Schema WG how to define the ur-types and if all simple types should be derived from a complex type, so as of now we ignore the fact that anySimpleType is derived from anyType, and pass 'null' as the base of anySimpleType. It needs to be changed as per the decision taken.

name the name of the datatype
the datatype validator of the given name

        return (XSSimpleType)fFullTypes.get(name);
get all built-in simple types, which are stored in a hashtable keyed by the name

a hashtable which contains all built-in simple types

        return (SymbolHash)fFullTypes.makeClone();