HTMLTableElementImpl.javaAPI DocApache Xerces 3.0.110943Fri Sep 14 20:33:54 BST 2007org.apache.html.dom


public class HTMLTableElementImpl extends HTMLElementImpl implements HTMLTableElement
$Revision: 447255 $ $Date: 2006-09-18 01:36:42 -0400 (Mon, 18 Sep 2006) $
Assaf Arkin

Fields Summary
private static final long
private HTMLCollectionImpl
private HTMLCollectionImpl
Constructors Summary
public HTMLTableElementImpl(HTMLDocumentImpl owner, String name)
Constructor requires owner document.

owner The owner HTML document

        super( owner, name );
Methods Summary
public org.w3c.dom.NodecloneNode(boolean deep)
Explicit implementation of cloneNode() to ensure that cache used for getRows() and getTBodies() gets cleared.

        HTMLTableElementImpl clonedNode = (HTMLTableElementImpl)super.cloneNode( deep );
        clonedNode._rows = null;
        clonedNode._bodies = null;
        return clonedNode;
public synchronized org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElementcreateCaption()

        HTMLElement    section;
        section = getCaption();
        if ( section != null )
            return section;
        section = new HTMLTableCaptionElementImpl( (HTMLDocumentImpl) getOwnerDocument(), "CAPTION" );
        appendChild( section );
        return section;
public synchronized org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElementcreateTFoot()

        HTMLElement    section;
        section = getTFoot();
        if ( section != null )
            return section;
        section = new HTMLTableSectionElementImpl( (HTMLDocumentImpl) getOwnerDocument(), "TFOOT" );
        appendChild( section );
        return section;
public synchronized org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElementcreateTHead()

        HTMLElement    section;
        section = getTHead();
        if ( section != null )
            return section;
        section = new HTMLTableSectionElementImpl( (HTMLDocumentImpl) getOwnerDocument(), "THEAD" );
        appendChild( section );
        return section;
public synchronized voiddeleteCaption()

        Node    old;
        old = getCaption();
        if ( old != null )
            removeChild ( old );
public synchronized voiddeleteRow(int index)

        Node    child;
        child = getFirstChild();
        while ( child != null )
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableRowElement )
                if ( index == 0 )
                    removeChild ( child );
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableSectionElementImpl )
                index = ( (HTMLTableSectionElementImpl) child ).deleteRowX( index );
                if ( index < 0 )
            child = child.getNextSibling();
public synchronized voiddeleteTFoot()

        Node    old;
        old = getTFoot();
        if ( old != null )
            removeChild ( old );
public synchronized voiddeleteTHead()

        Node    old;
        old = getTHead();
        if ( old != null )
            removeChild ( old );
public java.lang.StringgetAlign()

        return capitalize( getAttribute( "align" ) );
public java.lang.StringgetBgColor()

        return getAttribute( "bgcolor" );
public java.lang.StringgetBorder()

        return getAttribute( "border" );
public synchronized org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCaptionElementgetCaption()

        Node    child;
        child = getFirstChild();
        while ( child != null )
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableCaptionElement &&
                 child.getNodeName().equals( "CAPTION" ) )
                return (HTMLTableCaptionElement) child;
            child = child.getNextSibling();
        return null;
public java.lang.StringgetCellPadding()

        return getAttribute( "cellpadding" );
public java.lang.StringgetCellSpacing()

        return getAttribute( "cellspacing" );
public java.lang.StringgetFrame()

        return capitalize( getAttribute( "frame" ) );
public org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLCollectiongetRows()

        if ( _rows == null )
            _rows = new HTMLCollectionImpl( this, HTMLCollectionImpl.ROW );
        return _rows;
public java.lang.StringgetRules()

        return capitalize( getAttribute( "rules" ) );
public java.lang.StringgetSummary()

        return getAttribute( "summary" );
public org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLCollectiongetTBodies()

        if ( _bodies == null )
            _bodies = new HTMLCollectionImpl( this, HTMLCollectionImpl.TBODY );
        return _bodies;
public synchronized org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElementgetTFoot()

        Node    child;
        child = getFirstChild();
        while ( child != null )
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableSectionElement &&
                 child.getNodeName().equals( "TFOOT" ) )
                return (HTMLTableSectionElement) child;
            child = child.getNextSibling();
        return null;
public synchronized org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElementgetTHead()

        Node    child;
        child = getFirstChild();
        while ( child != null )
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableSectionElement &&
                 child.getNodeName().equals( "THEAD" ) )
                return (HTMLTableSectionElement) child;
            child = child.getNextSibling();
        return null;
public java.lang.StringgetWidth()

        return getAttribute( "width" );
public org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLElementinsertRow(int index)

        HTMLTableRowElementImpl    newRow;

        newRow = new HTMLTableRowElementImpl( (HTMLDocumentImpl) getOwnerDocument(), "TR" );
        //newRow.insertCell( 0 );
        insertRowX( index, newRow );
        return newRow;
voidinsertRowX(int index, HTMLTableRowElementImpl newRow)

        Node    child;
        Node    lastSection = null;
        child = getFirstChild();
        while ( child != null )
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableRowElement )
                if ( index == 0 )
                    insertBefore( newRow, child );
            if ( child instanceof HTMLTableSectionElementImpl )
                lastSection = child;
                index = ( (HTMLTableSectionElementImpl) child ).insertRowX( index, newRow );
                if ( index < 0 )
            child = child.getNextSibling();
        if ( lastSection != null )
            lastSection.appendChild( newRow );
            appendChild( newRow );
public voidsetAlign(java.lang.String align)

        setAttribute( "align", align );
public voidsetBgColor(java.lang.String bgColor)

        setAttribute( "bgcolor", bgColor );
public voidsetBorder(java.lang.String border)

        setAttribute( "border", border );
public synchronized voidsetCaption(org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableCaptionElement caption)

        if ( caption != null && ! caption.getTagName().equals( "CAPTION" ) )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HTM016 Argument 'caption' is not an element of type <CAPTION>." );
        if ( caption != null )
            appendChild( caption );
public voidsetCellPadding(java.lang.String cellPadding)

        setAttribute( "cellpadding", cellPadding );
public voidsetCellSpacing(java.lang.String cellSpacing)

        setAttribute( "cellspacing", cellSpacing );
public voidsetFrame(java.lang.String frame)

        setAttribute( "frame", frame );
public voidsetRules(java.lang.String rules)

        setAttribute( "rules", rules );
public voidsetSummary(java.lang.String summary)

        setAttribute( "summary", summary );
public synchronized voidsetTFoot(org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement tFoot)

        if ( tFoot != null && ! tFoot.getTagName().equals( "TFOOT" ) )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HTM018 Argument 'tFoot' is not an element of type <TFOOT>." );
        if ( tFoot != null )
            appendChild( tFoot );
public synchronized voidsetTHead(org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLTableSectionElement tHead)

        if ( tHead != null && ! tHead.getTagName().equals( "THEAD" ) )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HTM017 Argument 'tHead' is not an element of type <THEAD>." );
        if ( tHead != null )
            appendChild( tHead );
public voidsetWidth(java.lang.String width)

        setAttribute( "width", width );