AZMessageFactory.javaAPI DocAzureus Sep 01 06:58:38 BST 2007com.aelitis.azureus.core.peermanager.messaging.azureus


public class AZMessageFactory extends Object
Factory for handling AZ message creation. NOTE: wire format: [total message length] + [id length] + [id bytes] + [version byte] + [payload bytes]

Fields Summary
public static final byte
public static final byte
public static final int
public static final int
public static final int
private static final byte
private static final Map
Constructors Summary
Methods Summary
public static MessagecreateAZMessage(DirectByteBuffer stream_payload)
Construct a new AZ message instance from the given message raw byte stream.

stream_payload data
decoded/deserialized AZ message
MessageException if message creation failed. NOTE: Does not auto-return to buffer pool the given direct buffer on thrown exception.

    int id_length = stream_payload.getInt( bss );

    if( id_length < 1 || id_length > 1024 || id_length > stream_payload.remaining( bss ) - 1 ) {
      byte bt_id = stream_payload.get( (byte)0, 0 );
      throw new MessageException( "invalid AZ id length given: " +id_length+ ", stream_payload.remaining(): " +stream_payload.remaining( bss )+ ", BT id?=" +bt_id );
    byte[] id_bytes = new byte[ id_length ];
    stream_payload.get( bss, id_bytes );
    	// if only the version came first we could save a lot of space by changing the id length + id....
    	// in the meantime we overload the version byte to have a version number and flags
    	// flags = top 4 bits, version = bottom 4 bits
    byte version_and_flags = stream_payload.get( bss );
    byte version = (byte)( version_and_flags & 0x0f );
    	byte	flags =  (byte)(( version_and_flags >> 4 ) & 0x0f );
    	if ( ( flags & 0x01 ) != 0 ){
    		short padding_length = stream_payload.getShort( bss );
    		byte[]	padding = new byte[padding_length];
    		stream_payload.get( bss, padding );
    return MessageManager.getSingleton().createMessage( id_bytes, stream_payload, version );
public static com.aelitis.azureus.core.networkmanager.RawMessagecreateAZRawMessage(Message base_message, boolean enable_padding)
Create the proper AZ raw message from the given base message.

base_message to create from
AZ raw message

    byte[] id_bytes = base_message.getIDBytes();
    byte version = base_message.getVersion();
    DirectByteBuffer[] payload = base_message.getData();
    int payload_size = 0;
    for( int i=0; i < payload.length; i++ ) {
      payload_size += payload[i].remaining( bss );
    //create and fill header buffer
    DirectByteBuffer header;
    	short 	padding_length = enable_padding?(short)(( Math.random() * ( payload_size>256?SMALL_PAD_MAX:BIG_PAD_MAX ))+1):0;
    	byte	flags = enable_padding?(byte)0x01:(byte)0x00;
    	int	header_size = 4 + 4 + id_bytes.length + 1 + (enable_padding?(2+padding_length):0);
        header = DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer( DirectByteBuffer.AL_MSG_AZ_HEADER, header_size );
	    header.putInt( bss, header_size - 4 + payload_size );
	    header.putInt( bss, id_bytes.length );
	    header.put( bss, id_bytes );
	    byte version_and_flags = (byte)( ( flags << 4 ) | version );
	    header.put( bss, version_and_flags ); 
	    if ( enable_padding ){
	    	byte[]	padding = new byte[padding_length];
	    	header.putShort( bss, padding_length );
	    	header.put( bss, padding );
	   	int	header_size = 4 + 4 + id_bytes.length + 1;

	    header = DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer( DirectByteBuffer.AL_MSG_AZ_HEADER, header_size );
	    header.putInt( bss, header_size - 4 + payload_size );
	    header.putInt( bss, id_bytes.length );
	    header.put( bss, id_bytes );
	    header.put( bss, version ); 
    header.flip( bss );
    DirectByteBuffer[] raw_buffs = new DirectByteBuffer[ payload.length + 1 ];
    raw_buffs[0] = header;
    for( int i=0; i < payload.length; i++ ) {
      raw_buffs[i+1] = payload[i];
    String message_id = base_message.getID();
    LegacyData ld = (LegacyData)legacy_data.get( message_id );  //determine if a legacy BT message
    if( ld != null ) {  //legacy message, use pre-configured values
      return new RawMessageImpl( base_message, raw_buffs, ld.priority, ld.is_no_delay, ld.to_remove );
    	// these should really be properties of the message...
    int 	priority;
    boolean	no_delay	= true;
    if ( message_id == AZMessage.ID_AZ_HANDSHAKE ){
    		// handshake needs to go out first - if not high then bitfield can get in front of it...
    	priority = RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH;
    }else if ( message_id == AZMessage.ID_AZ_HAVE ){
    	priority 	= RawMessage.PRIORITY_LOW;
    	no_delay	= false;
    	   //standard message, ensure that protocol messages have wire priority over data payload messages

    	priority = base_message.getType() == Message.TYPE_DATA_PAYLOAD ? RawMessage.PRIORITY_LOW : RawMessage.PRIORITY_NORMAL;
    return new RawMessageImpl( base_message, raw_buffs, priority, no_delay, null );
public static voidinit()
Initialize the factory, i.e. register the messages with the message manager.

    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_CHOKE, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, true, new Message[]{new BTUnchoke((byte)0), new BTPiece(-1, -1, null,(byte)0 )} ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_UNCHOKE, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_NORMAL, true, new Message[]{new BTChoke((byte)0)} ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_INTERESTED, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, true, new Message[]{new BTUninterested((byte)0)} ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_UNINTERESTED, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_NORMAL, false, new Message[]{new BTInterested((byte)0)} ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_HAVE, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_LOW, false, null ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_BITFIELD, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, true, null ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_REQUEST, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_NORMAL, true, null ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_PIECE, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_LOW, false, null ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_CANCEL, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, true, null ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_HANDSHAKE, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, true, null ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_KEEP_ALIVE, new LegacyData( RawMessage.PRIORITY_LOW, false, null ) );
    legacy_data.put( BTMessage.ID_BT_LT_EXTENSION_HANDSHAKE, new LegacyData (RawMessage.PRIORITY_HIGH, false, null));
    try {
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZHandshake( new byte[20], "", "", 0, 0, 0, new String[0], new byte[0], 0, MESSAGE_VERSION_SUPPORTS_PADDING ) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZPeerExchange( new byte[20], null, null, MESSAGE_VERSION_SUPPORTS_PADDING ));
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZRequestHint( -1, -1, -1, -1, MESSAGE_VERSION_SUPPORTS_PADDING ));
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZHave( new int[0], MESSAGE_VERSION_SUPPORTS_PADDING ));
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZBadPiece( -1, MESSAGE_VERSION_SUPPORTS_PADDING ));

      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionSyn( new byte[20], -1, null) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionAck( new byte[20], -1, null) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionEnd( new byte[20], "" ) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionBitfield( -1, null ) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionCancel( -1, -1, -1, -1 ) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionHave( -1, new int[]{-1} ) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionPiece( -1, -1, -1, null ) );
      MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZSessionRequest( -1, (byte)-1, -1, -1, -1 ) );
    catch( MessageException me ) {  me.printStackTrace();  }
public static voidregisterGenericMapPayloadMessageType(java.lang.String type_id)
Register a generic map payload type with the factory.

type_id to register
MessageException on registration error

  	MessageManager.getSingleton().registerMessageType( new AZGenericMapPayload( type_id, null, MESSAGE_VERSION_INITIAL ) );