NtlmHttpFilter.javaAPI DocJCIFS 1.3.17 API10791Tue Oct 18 15:26:24 BST 2011jcifs.http

/* jcifs smb client library in Java
 * Copyright (C) 2002  "Michael B. Allen" <jcifs at samba dot org>
 *                   "Jason Pugsley" <jcifs at samba dot org>
 *                   "skeetz" <jcifs at samba dot org>
 *                   "Eric Glass" <jcifs at samba dot org>
 *                   and Marcel, Thomas, ...
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package jcifs.http;

import java.util.Enumeration;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import jcifs.*;
import jcifs.smb.SmbSession;
import jcifs.smb.NtlmChallenge;
import jcifs.smb.NtlmPasswordAuthentication;
import jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException;
import jcifs.util.Base64;
import jcifs.util.LogStream;
import jcifs.netbios.NbtAddress;

 * This servlet Filter can be used to negotiate password hashes with
 * MSIE clients using NTLM SSP. This is similar to <tt>Authentication:
 * BASIC</tt> but weakly encrypted and without requiring the user to re-supply
 * authentication credentials.
 * <p>
 * Read <a href="../../../ntlmhttpauth.html">jCIFS NTLM HTTP Authentication and the Network Explorer Servlet</a> for complete details.

public class NtlmHttpFilter implements Filter {

    private static LogStream log = LogStream.getInstance();

    private String defaultDomain;
    private String domainController;
    private boolean loadBalance;
    private boolean enableBasic;
    private boolean insecureBasic;
    private String realm;

    public void init( FilterConfig filterConfig ) throws ServletException {
        String name;
        int level;

        /* Set jcifs properties we know we want; soTimeout and cachePolicy to 30min.
        Config.setProperty( "jcifs.smb.client.soTimeout", "1800000" );
        Config.setProperty( "jcifs.netbios.cachePolicy", "1200" );
        /* The Filter can only work with NTLMv1 as it uses a man-in-the-middle
         * techinque that NTLMv2 specifically thwarts. A real NTLM Filter would
         * need to do a NETLOGON RPC that JCIFS will likely never implement
         * because it requires a lot of extra crypto not used by CIFS.
        Config.setProperty( "jcifs.smb.lmCompatibility", "0" );
        Config.setProperty( "jcifs.smb.client.useExtendedSecurity", "false" );

        Enumeration e = filterConfig.getInitParameterNames();
        while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
            name = (String)e.nextElement();
            if( name.startsWith( "jcifs." )) {
                Config.setProperty( name, filterConfig.getInitParameter( name ));
        defaultDomain = Config.getProperty("jcifs.smb.client.domain");
        domainController = Config.getProperty( "jcifs.http.domainController" );
        if( domainController == null ) {
            domainController = defaultDomain;
            loadBalance = Config.getBoolean( "jcifs.http.loadBalance", true );
        enableBasic = Boolean.valueOf(
        insecureBasic = Boolean.valueOf(
        realm = Config.getProperty("jcifs.http.basicRealm");
        if (realm == null) realm = "jCIFS";

        if(( level = Config.getInt( "jcifs.util.loglevel", -1 )) != -1 ) {
            LogStream.setLevel( level );
        if( log.level > 2 ) {
            try {
       log, "JCIFS PROPERTIES" );
            } catch( IOException ioe ) {

    public void destroy() {

     * This method simply calls <tt>negotiate( req, resp, false )</tt>
     * and then <tt>chain.doFilter</tt>. You can override and call
     * negotiate manually to achive a variety of different behavior.
    public void doFilter( ServletRequest request,
                ServletResponse response,
                FilterChain chain ) throws IOException, ServletException {
        HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)request;
        HttpServletResponse resp = (HttpServletResponse)response;
        NtlmPasswordAuthentication ntlm;

        if ((ntlm = negotiate( req, resp, false )) == null) {

        chain.doFilter( new NtlmHttpServletRequest( req, ntlm ), response );

     * Negotiate password hashes with MSIE clients using NTLM SSP
     * @param req The servlet request
     * @param resp The servlet response
     * @param skipAuthentication If true the negotiation is only done if it is
     * initiated by the client (MSIE post requests after successful NTLM SSP
     * authentication). If false and the user has not been authenticated yet
     * the client will be forced to send an authentication (server sends
     * HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED).
     * @return True if the negotiation is complete, otherwise false
    protected NtlmPasswordAuthentication negotiate( HttpServletRequest req,
                HttpServletResponse resp,
                boolean skipAuthentication ) throws IOException, ServletException {
        UniAddress dc;
        String msg;
        NtlmPasswordAuthentication ntlm = null;
        msg = req.getHeader( "Authorization" );
        boolean offerBasic = enableBasic && (insecureBasic || req.isSecure());

        if( msg != null && (msg.startsWith( "NTLM " ) ||
                    (offerBasic && msg.startsWith("Basic ")))) {
            if (msg.startsWith("NTLM ")) {
                HttpSession ssn = req.getSession();
                byte[] challenge;

                if( loadBalance ) {
                    NtlmChallenge chal = (NtlmChallenge)ssn.getAttribute( "NtlmHttpChal" );
                    if( chal == null ) {
                        chal = SmbSession.getChallengeForDomain();
                        ssn.setAttribute( "NtlmHttpChal", chal );
                    dc = chal.dc;
                    challenge = chal.challenge;
                } else {
                    dc = UniAddress.getByName( domainController, true );
                    challenge = SmbSession.getChallenge( dc );

                if(( ntlm = NtlmSsp.authenticate( req, resp, challenge )) == null ) {
                    return null;
                /* negotiation complete, remove the challenge object */
                ssn.removeAttribute( "NtlmHttpChal" );
            } else {
                String auth = new String(Base64.decode(msg.substring(6)),
                int index = auth.indexOf(':');
                String user = (index != -1) ? auth.substring(0, index) : auth;
                String password = (index != -1) ? auth.substring(index + 1) :
                index = user.indexOf('\\');
                if (index == -1) index = user.indexOf('/');
                String domain = (index != -1) ? user.substring(0, index) :
                user = (index != -1) ? user.substring(index + 1) : user;
                ntlm = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication(domain, user, password);
                dc = UniAddress.getByName( domainController, true );
            try {

                SmbSession.logon( dc, ntlm );

                if( log.level > 2 ) {
                    log.println( "NtlmHttpFilter: " + ntlm +
                            " successfully authenticated against " + dc );
            } catch( SmbAuthException sae ) {
                if( log.level > 1 ) {
                    log.println( "NtlmHttpFilter: " + ntlm.getName() +
                            ": 0x" + jcifs.util.Hexdump.toHexString( sae.getNtStatus(), 8 ) +
                            ": " + sae );
                if( sae.getNtStatus() == sae.NT_STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION ) {
                    /* Server challenge no longer valid for
                     * externally supplied password hashes.
                    HttpSession ssn = req.getSession(false);
                    if (ssn != null) {
                        ssn.removeAttribute( "NtlmHttpAuth" );
                resp.setHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM" );
                if (offerBasic) {
                    resp.addHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" +
                            realm + "\"");
                resp.setStatus( HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED );
                resp.setContentLength(0); /* Marcel Feb-15-2005 */
                return null;
            req.getSession().setAttribute( "NtlmHttpAuth", ntlm );
        } else {
            if (!skipAuthentication) {
                HttpSession ssn = req.getSession(false);
                if (ssn == null || (ntlm = (NtlmPasswordAuthentication)
                            ssn.getAttribute("NtlmHttpAuth")) == null) {
                    resp.setHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", "NTLM" );
                    if (offerBasic) {
                        resp.addHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"" +
                                realm + "\"");
                    resp.setStatus( HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED );
                    return null;

        return ntlm;

    // Added by cgross to work with weblogic 6.1.
    public void setFilterConfig( FilterConfig f ) {
        try {
            init( f );
        } catch( Exception e ) {
    public FilterConfig getFilterConfig() {
        return null;