MBeanServerRequestHandler.javaAPI DocGlassfish v2 API10727Fri May 04 22:36:26 BST 2007com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server


public class MBeanServerRequestHandler extends Object
Handles the request that is received from the servlet. Responsible for producing a guaranteed MBeanServerResponseMessage. Delegates the requests to the System MBean Server. Currently it searches for the MBeanServer after finding the list of MBeanServers.
Kedar Mhaswade

Fields Summary
private final Set
Creates a new instance of MBeanServerResponseHandler
private static final Logger
private static com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version
private static final ServerVersionMatcher
private com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server.notification.ServerNotificationManager
Constructors Summary
public MBeanServerRequestHandler(ServletConfig cfg)

//    public MBeanServerRequestHandler() {
        MBeanServerConnection mbsc = getMBeanServerConnection(cfg);
        notifyMgr = new ServerNotificationManager(mbsc);
//        callers	= MethodCallers.callers(getMBeanServerConnection());
        callers	= MethodCallers.callers(mbsc, notifyMgr);
/* END -- S1WS_MOD */
		logger.finer("Server Jmx Connector Version: " + sv.toString());
Methods Summary
private cfg)

		//first get through reflection.
        String factoryClass = cfg.getInitParameter(DefaultConfiguration.MBEANSERVER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_NAME);
//		final MBeanServerConnection mbsc = introspectMBS();
		final MBeanServerConnection mbsc = introspectMBS(factoryClass);
/* END -- S1WS_MOD */
		if (mbsc != null) {
			return mbsc;
        final java.util.ArrayList servers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);
        final MBeanServer systemMBS = (MBeanServer)servers.get(0);
        return ((MBeanServerConnection)systemMBS);
public com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.server.notification.ServerNotificationManagergetNotificationManager()

        return notifyMgr;
public request0)

		assert (request0.getParams().length >= 1) : "Invalid Object Array"; //has to have at least one elem
        MBeanServerResponseMessage response = null;
		final Version cv = (Version)request0.getParams()[0];
		logger.finer("Client Version = " + cv.toString());
		if (! isCompatible(cv)) {
			response = incompatibleVersionMessage(request0);
			return ( response );
		//should come here iff the version is compatible.
		final MBeanServerRequestMessage request = removeVersion(request0);
        boolean handled = false;
        final Iterator iter = callers.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            final MBeanServerConnectionMethodCaller caller =
            if (caller.canCall(request)) {
                response =;
                handled = true;
        assert handled : "The request is not handled -- catastrophe";
        return ( response );
private r)

		//should come in this method only in case of incompatible versions
		final int id				= r.getMethodId();
		final boolean isException	= true;
		final Version cv = (Version)r.getParams()[0];
		Exception e = null;
		assert (! isCompatible(cv)) : "No message for compatible versions";
		if (! matcher.majorCompatible(cv, sv)) {
			e = majorVersionIncompatible(cv, sv);
		else if (! matcher.minorCompatible(cv, sv)) {
			e = minorVersionIncompatible(cv, sv);
		else if (! matcher.upgradeCompatible(cv, sv)) {
			e = upgradeIncompatible(cv, sv);
		assert (e != null) : "Either minor/major version or upgrade data have to fail the match";
		return ( new MBeanServerResponseMessage(id, e, isException) );
private factoryClass)
Returns the instance of S1AS MBeanServer. This information could well come from deployment descriptor, but for now I am hardcoding it -- 08/04/03. Returns a null if none could be found.

MBeanServerConnection instance or null

/* END -- S1WS_MOD */
		MBeanServerConnection mbsc = null;
/* BEGIN -- S1WS_MOD */
		//final String FACTORY_CLASS = "com.sun.enterprise.admin.common.MBeanServerFactory";
		String FACTORY_CLASS = factoryClass;
        if (factoryClass == null || factoryClass.trim().length() == 0)
            FACTORY_CLASS = System.getProperty(DefaultConfiguration.MBEANSERVER_FACTORY_PROPERTY_NAME);
/* END -- S1WS_MOD */
		final String FACTORY_METHOD = "getMBeanServer";
/* BEGIN -- S1WS_MOD */
        if (FACTORY_CLASS == null || FACTORY_CLASS.trim().length() == 0)
            return null;
/* END -- S1WS_MOD */
		try {
			logger.finer("Introspecting the MBeanServerConnection");
			final Class c = Class.forName(FACTORY_CLASS); //loaded by the same CL
			final Method m = c.getMethod(FACTORY_METHOD, null);
			final Object r = m.invoke(c, null);
			assert (r instanceof MBeanServer) : "Reflection does not return the correct type";
			mbsc = (MBeanServerConnection)r;
			logger.finer("Introspected the MBeanServerConnection successfully!!");
		catch (Throwable t) {
			logger.throwing(this.getClass().getName(), "introspectMBS", t);
		return ( mbsc );
private booleanisCompatible(com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version cv)

		return ( matcher.match(cv, sv) );
private java.lang.ExceptionmajorVersionIncompatible(com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version cv, com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version sv)

		final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
		sb.append("The major versions don't match: ").
		append("Client Major Version = " + cv.getMajorVersion()).
		append("Server Major Version = " + sv.getMajorVersion()).
		append(" Upgrade the software accordingly");
		return ( new RuntimeException(sb.toString()) );
private java.lang.ExceptionminorVersionIncompatible(com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version cv, com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version sv)

		final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
		sb.append("The minor versions don't match: ").
		append("Client Minor Version = " + cv.getMinorVersion()).
		append("Server Minor Version = " + sv.getMinorVersion()).
		append(" Upgrade the software accordingly");
		return ( new RuntimeException(sb.toString()) );
private from)

		final int id = from.getMethodId();
		final Subject s = from.getDelegationSubject();
		final Shifter sh = new Shifter(from.getParams());
		final Object[] np = sh.state();
		return ( new MBeanServerRequestMessage(id, np, s) );
private java.lang.ExceptionupgradeIncompatible(com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version cv, com.sun.enterprise.admin.jmx.remote.protocol.Version sv)

		final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
		sb.append("The upgrade data in versions does not match: ").
		append("Client Upgrade Data = " + cv.toString()).
		append("Server Upgrade Data = " + sv.toString()).
		append(" Upgrade the software accordingly");
		return ( new RuntimeException(sb.toString()) );