EJBQLTest.javaAPI DocHibernate 3.2.510616Tue Dec 12 16:22:26 GMT 2006org.hibernate.test.hql


public class EJBQLTest extends org.hibernate.junit.functional.FunctionalTestCase
Alexey Loubyansky

Fields Summary
Constructors Summary
public EJBQLTest(String x)

		super( x );
Methods Summary
private voidassertEjbqlEqualsHql(java.lang.String ejbql, java.lang.String hql)

		QueryTranslatorFactory ast = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();

		QueryTranslator queryTranslator = ast.createQueryTranslator( hql, hql, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, sfi() );
		queryTranslator.compile( Collections.EMPTY_MAP, true );
		String hqlSql = queryTranslator.getSQLString();

		queryTranslator = ast.createQueryTranslator( ejbql, ejbql, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, sfi() );
		queryTranslator.compile( Collections.EMPTY_MAP, true );
		String ejbqlSql = queryTranslator.getSQLString();

		assertEquals( hqlSql, ejbqlSql );
private org.hibernate.hql.ast.QueryTranslatorImplcompile(java.lang.String input)

		QueryTranslatorFactory ast = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
		QueryTranslator queryTranslator = ast.createQueryTranslator( input, input, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, sfi() );
		queryTranslator.compile( Collections.EMPTY_MAP, true );

		return ( QueryTranslatorImpl ) queryTranslator;
public booleancreateSchema()

		return false;
public java.lang.String[]getMappings()

		return new String[]{
private antlr.collections.ASTparse(java.lang.String input, boolean logging)

		if ( logging ) {
			System.out.println( "input: ->" + input + "<-" );

		HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance( input );
		parser.setFilter( false );
		AST ast = parser.getAST();

		if ( logging ) {
			System.out.println( "AST  :  " + ast.toStringTree() + "" );
			ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
			parser.showAst( ast, new PrintStream( baos ) );
			System.out.println( baos.toString() );

		assertEquals( "At least one error occurred during parsing!", 0, parser.getParseErrorHandler().getErrorCount() );

		return ast;
public static junit.framework.Testsuite()

		return new FunctionalTestClassTestSuite( EJBQLTest.class );
public voidtestCollectionMemberDeclaration()
IN(collection_valued_path) identifier

		String hql = "select o from Animal a inner join a.offspring o";
		String ejbql = "select object(o) from Animal a, in(a.offspring) o";
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( ejbql, hql );
public voidtestEJBQLFunctions()
Various functions. Tests just parsing for now which means it doesn't guarantee that the generated SQL is as expected or even valid.

		String hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.description = concat('1', concat('2','3'), '4'||'5')||0";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "from Animal a where substring(a.description, 1, 3) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select substring(a.description, 1, 3) from Animal a";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "from Animal a where lower(a.description) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select lower(a.description) from Animal a";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "from Animal a where upper(a.description) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select upper(a.description) from Animal a";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "from Animal a where length(a.description) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select length(a.description) from Animal a";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "from Animal a where locate(a.description, 'abc', 2) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select locate(a.description, :p1, 2) from Animal a";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where trim(trailing '_' from a.description) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select trim(trailing '_' from a.description) from Animal a";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where trim(leading '_' from a.description) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where trim(both a.description) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where trim(a.description) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where abs(a.bodyWeight) = sqrt(a.bodyWeight)";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where mod(a.bodyWeight, a.mother.bodyWeight) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where BIT_LENGTH(a.bodyWeight) = :p1";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select BIT_LENGTH(a.bodyWeight) from Animal a";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where CURRENT_DATE = :p1 or CURRENT_TIME = :p2 or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = :p3";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		// todo the following is not supported
		//hql = "select CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP from Animal a";
		//parse(hql, true);
		//System.out.println("sql: " + toSql(hql));

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight like '%a%'";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight not like '%a%'";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );

		hql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.bodyWeight like '%a%' escape '%'";
		parse( hql, false );
		System.out.println( "sql: " + toSql( hql ) );
public voidtestEjb3PositionalParameters()

		QueryTranslatorImpl qt = compile( "from Animal a where a.bodyWeight = ?1" );
		AST ast = ( AST ) qt.getSqlAST();

		// make certain that the ejb3-positional param got recognized as a named param
		List namedParams = ASTUtil.collectChildren(
		        new ASTUtil.FilterPredicate() {
			        public boolean exclude(AST n) {
				        return n.getType() != HqlSqlTokenTypes.NAMED_PARAM;
		assertTrue( "ejb3 positional param not recognized as a named param", namedParams.size() > 0 );
public voidtestIsEmpty()
collection_valued_path IS [NOT] EMPTY

		//String hql = "from Animal a where not exists (from a.offspring)";
		String hql = "from Animal a where not exists elements(a.offspring)";
		String ejbql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.offspring is empty";
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql(ejbql, hql);

		hql = "from Animal a where exists (from a.mother.father.offspring)";
		ejbql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother.father.offspring is not empty";
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( ejbql, hql );
public voidtestMemberOf()

		String hql = "from Animal a where a.mother in (from a.offspring)";
		//String hql = "from Animal a where a.mother in elements(a.offspring)";
		String ejbql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother member of a.offspring";
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( ejbql, hql );

		hql = "from Animal a where a.mother not in (from a.offspring)";
		//hql = "from Animal a where a.mother not in elements(a.offspring)";
		ejbql = "select object(a) from Animal a where a.mother not member of a.offspring";
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( ejbql, hql );
public voidtestSelectObjectClause()
SELECT OBJECT(identifier)

		//parse("select object(m) from Model m");
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( "select object(m) from Model m", "from Model m" );
public voidtestTrueFalse()

		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( "from Human h where h.pregnant is true", "from Human h where h.pregnant = true" );
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( "from Human h where h.pregnant is false", "from Human h where h.pregnant = false" );
		assertEjbqlEqualsHql( "from Human h where not(h.pregnant is true)", "from Human h where not( h.pregnant=true )" );
private java.lang.StringtoSql(java.lang.String hql)

		QueryTranslatorFactory ast = new ASTQueryTranslatorFactory();
		QueryTranslator queryTranslator = ast.createQueryTranslator( hql, hql, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, sfi() );
		queryTranslator.compile( Collections.EMPTY_MAP, true );
		return queryTranslator.getSQLString();