StarTeamTask.javaAPI DocApache Ant 1.7010533Wed Dec 13 06:16:18 GMT

 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import com.starbase.starteam.BuildNumber;
import com.starbase.starteam.Server;
import com.starbase.starteam.StarTeamFinder;
import com.starbase.starteam.TypeNames;
import com.starbase.starteam.User;
import com.starbase.starteam.View;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * Common super class for all StarTeam tasks.
 * At this level of the hierarchy we are concerned only with obtaining a
 * connection to the StarTeam server.  The subclass <code>TreeBasedTask</code>,
 * also abstract defines the tree-walking behavior common to many subtasks.
 * @see TreeBasedTask
 * @version 1.1

public abstract class StarTeamTask extends Task {


     * The username of the connection
    private String userName;

     * The username of the connection
    private String password;

     * name of Starteam server to connect to
    private String servername;

     * port of Starteam server to connect to
    private String serverport;

     * name of Starteam project to connect to
    private String projectname;

     * name of Starteam view to connect to
    private String viewname;

     *The starteam server through which all activities will be done.
    private Server server = null;

    private void logStarteamVersion() {
        log("StarTeam version: "
            + BuildNumber.getDisplayString(), Project.MSG_VERBOSE);

    // GET/SET methods.
    // Setters, of course are where ant user passes in values.

     * Set the name of StarTeamServer;
     * required if <tt>URL</tt> is not set.
     * @param servername a <code>String</code> value
     * @see #setURL(String)
    public final void setServername(String servername) {
        this.servername = servername;

     * returns the name of the StarTeamServer
     * @return the name of the StarTeam server
     * @see #getURL()
    public final String getServername() {
        return this.servername;

     * set the port number of the StarTeam connection;
     * required if <tt>URL</tt> is not set.
     * @param serverport port number to be set
     * @see #setURL(String)
    public final void setServerport(String serverport) {
        this.serverport = serverport;

     * returns the port number of the StarTeam connection
     * @return the port number of the StarTeam connection
     * @see #getURL()
    public final String getServerport() {
        return this.serverport;

     * set the name of the StarTeam project to be acted on;
     * required if <tt>URL</tt> is not set.
     * @param projectname the name of the StarTeam project to be acted on
     * @see #setURL(String)
    public final void setProjectname(String projectname) {
        this.projectname = projectname;

     * returns the name of the StarTeam project to be acted on
     * @return the name of the StarTeam project to be acted on
     * @see #getURL()
    public final String getProjectname() {
        return this.projectname;

     * set the name of the StarTeam view to be acted on;
     * required if <tt>URL</tt> is not set.
     * @param viewname the name of the StarTeam view to be acted on
     * @see #setURL(String)
    public final void setViewname(String viewname) {
        this.viewname = viewname;

     * returns the name of the StarTeam view to be acted on
     * @return the name of the StarTeam view to be acted on
     * @see #getURL()
    public final String getViewname() {
        return this.viewname;

     * Set the server name, server port,
     * project name and project folder in one shot;
     * optional, but the server connection must be specified somehow.
     * @param url a <code>String</code> of the form
     *             "servername:portnum/project/view"
     * @see #setServername(String)
     * @see #setServerport(String)
     * @see #setProjectname(String)
     * @see #setViewname(String)
    public final void setURL(String url) {
        StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(url, "/");
        if (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String unpw = t.nextToken();
            int pos = unpw.indexOf(":");
            if (pos > 0) {
                this.servername = unpw.substring(0, pos);
                this.serverport = unpw.substring(pos + 1);
                if (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    this.projectname = t.nextToken();
                    if (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
                        this.viewname = t.nextToken();

     * convenience method returns whole URL at once
     * returns
     * as a single string
     * a convenience method which returns the whole StarTeam
     * connection information as a single URL string of
     * @return a <code>String</code> of the form
     *         "servername:portnum/project/view"
     * @see #getServername()
     * @see #getServerport()
     * @see #getProjectname()
     * @see #getViewname()
    public final String getURL() {
        return this.servername + ":"
            + this.serverport + "/"
            + this.projectname + "/"
            + ((null == this.viewname) ? "" : this.viewname);

     * returns an URL string useful for interacting with many StarTeamFinder
     * methods.
     * @return the URL string for this task.
    protected final String getViewURL() {
        return getUserName() + ":" + getPassword() + "@" + getURL();
     * set the name of the StarTeam user, needed for the connection
     * @param userName name of the user to be logged in
    public final void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;

     * returns the name of the StarTeam user
     * @return the name of the StarTeam user
    public final String getUserName() {
        return this.userName;

     * set the password to be used for login; required.
     * @param password the password to be used for login
    public final void setPassword(String password) {
        this.password = password;

     * returns the password used for login
     * @return the password used for login
    public final String getPassword() {
        return this.password;

     * returns a reference to the server which may be used for informational
     * purposes by subclasses.
     * @return a reference to the server
    protected final Server getServer() {
        return this.server;

     * disconnects from the StarTeam server.  Should be called from the
     * finally clause of every StarTeamTask-based execute method.
    protected final void disconnectFromServer() {
        if (null != this.server) {
            log("successful disconnect from StarTeam Server " + servername,

     * returns a list of TypeNames known to the server.
     * @return a reference to the server's TypeNames
    protected final TypeNames getTypeNames() {
        return this.server.getTypeNames();
     * Derived classes must override <code>createSnapshotView</code>
     * defining the kind of configured view appropriate to its task.
     * @param rawview the unconfigured <code>View</code>
     * @return the snapshot <code>View</code> appropriately configured.
     * @throws BuildException on error
    protected abstract View createSnapshotView(View rawview)
    throws BuildException;

     * All subclasses will call on this method to open the view needed for
     * processing.  This method also saves a reference to the
     * <code>Server</code> that may be accessed for information at various
     * points in the process.
     * @return the <code>View</code> that will be used for processing.
     * @see #createSnapshotView(View)
     * @see #getServer()
     * @throws BuildException on error
    protected View openView() throws BuildException {

        View view = null;
        try {
            view = StarTeamFinder.openView(getViewURL());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new BuildException(
                "Failed to connect to " + getURL(), e);

        if (null == view) {
            throw new BuildException("Cannot find view" + getURL()
                + " in repository()");

        View snapshot = createSnapshotView(view);
        log("Connected to StarTeam view " + getURL(),
        this.server = snapshot.getServer();
        return snapshot;

     * Returns the name of the user with the supplied ID or a blank string
     * if user not found.
     * @param userID a user's ID
     * @return the name of the user with ID userID
    protected final String getUserName(int userID) {
        User u = this.server.getUser(userID);
        if (null == u) {
            return "";
        return u.getName();
