ErrorMessage.javaAPI DocJaudiotagger 2.0.410483Thu Apr 28 12:41:36 BST 2011org.jaudiotagger.logging

package org.jaudiotagger.logging;

import java.text.MessageFormat;

 * Defines Error Messages
public enum ErrorMessage
    GENERAL_READ("File {0} being read"),
    MP4_FILE_NOT_CONTAINER("This file does not appear to be an Mp4  file"),
    MP4_FILE_NOT_AUDIO("This file does not appear to be an Mp4 Audio file, could be corrupted or video "),
    MP4_FILE_IS_VIDEO("This file appears to be an Mp4 Video file, video files are not supported "),
    MP4_UNABLE_TO_PRIME_FILE_FOR_WRITE_SAFETLY("Unable to safetly check consistency in Mp4 file so cancelling save"),
    MP4_FILE_CONTAINS_MULTIPLE_DATA_ATOMS("File contains multiple data atoms"),
    MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED("Unable to make changes to Mp4 file"),
    MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_NO_DATA("Unable to make changes to Mp4 file, no data was written"),
    MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_DATA_CORRUPT("Unable to make changes to Mp4 file, invalid data length has been written"),
    MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_NO_TAG_DATA("Unable to make changes to Mp4 file, no tag data has been written"),
    MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_INCORRECT_OFFSETS("Unable to make changes to Mp4 file, incorrect offsets written difference was {0}"),
    MP4_CHANGES_TO_FILE_FAILED_CANNOT_FIND_AUDIO("Unable to make changes to Mp4 file, unable to determine start of audio"),
    FLAC_NO_FLAC_HEADER_FOUND("Flac Header not found, not a flac file"),
    OGG_VORBIS_NO_VORBIS_HEADER_FOUND("Cannot find vorbis setup parentHeader"),
    MP4_REVERSE_DNS_FIELD_HAS_NO_DATA("Reverse dns field:{0} has no data"),
    MP4_UNABLE_READ_REVERSE_DNS_FIELD("Unable to create reverse dns field because of exception:{0} adding as binary data instead"),
    OGG_VORBIS_NO_FRAMING_BIT("The OGG Stream is not valid, Vorbis tag valid framing bit is wrong {0} "),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED("Cannot make changes to file {0}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_FILE_LOCKED("Cannot make changes to file {0} because it is being used by another application"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_BECAUSE_FILE_IS_TOO_SMALL("Cannot make changes to file {0} because too small to be an audio file"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_DELETE_ORIGINAL_FILE("Cannot make changes to file {0} because unable to delete the original file ready for updating from temporary file {1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_RENAME_TO_ORIGINAL_FILE("Cannot make changes to file {0} because unable to rename from temporary file {1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_RENAME_ORIGINAL_FILE_TO_BACKUP("Cannot make changes to file {0} because unable to rename the original file to {1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_RENAME_ORIGINAL_BACKUP_TO_ORIGINAL("Unable to rename backup {0} back to file {1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_NEW_FILE_DOESNT_EXIST("New file {0} does not appear to exist"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_BECAUSE("Cannot make changes to file {0} because {1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_BECAUSE_FILE_NOT_FOUND("Cannot make changes to file {0} because the file cannot be found"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_WARNING_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_BACKUP_FILE("Unable to delete the backup file {0}"),        
    GENERAL_WRITE_PROBLEM_CLOSING_FILE_HANDLE("Problem closing file handles for file {0} because {1}"),
    GENERAL_DELETE_FAILED("Cannot delete file {0}"),
    GENERAL_DELETE_FAILED_FILE_LOCKED("Cannot delete file {0} because it is being used by another application"),
    GENERAL_DELETE_FAILED_BECAUSE_FILE_IS_TOO_SMALL("Cannot write to file {0} because too small to be an audio file"),
    MP3_ID3TAG_LENGTH_INCORRECT(" {0}:Checking further because the ID3 Tag ends at {1} but the mp3 audio doesnt start until {2}"),
    MP3_RECALCULATED_POSSIBLE_START_OF_MP3_AUDIO("{0}: Recalculated possible start of the audio to be at {1}"),
    MP3_RECALCULATED_START_OF_MP3_AUDIO("{0}: Recalculated the start of the audio to be at {1}"),
    MP3_START_OF_AUDIO_CONFIRMED("{0}: Confirmed audio starts at {1} whether searching from start or from end of ID3 tag"),
    MP3_URL_SAVED_ENCODED("Url:{0} saved in encoded form as {1}"),
    MP3_UNABLE_TO_ENCODE_URL("Unable to save url:{0} because cannot encode all characters setting to blank instead"),
    MP4_UNABLE_TO_FIND_NEXT_ATOM_BECAUSE_IDENTIFIER_IS_INVALID("Unable to find next atom because identifier is invalid {0}"),
    MP4_UNABLE_TO_FIND_NEXT_ATOM_BECAUSE_LENGTH_IS_INVALID("Unable to find next atom {0} because length is invalid {1}"),
    GENERAL_INVALID_NULL_ARGUMENT("Argument cannot be null"),
    MP4_GENRE_OUT_OF_RANGE("Genre Id {0} does not map to a valid genre"),
    MP3_PICTURE_TYPE_INVALID("Picture Type is set to invalid value:{0}"),
    MP3_REFERENCE_KEY_INVALID("{0}:No key could be found with the value of:{1}"),
    MP3_UNABLE_TO_ADJUST_PADDING("Problem adjusting padding in large file, expecting to write:{0} only wrote:{1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_DELETE_TEMPORARY_FILE("Unable to delete the temporary file {0}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_CREATE_TEMPORARY_FILE_IN_FOLDER("Cannot modify {0} because do not have permissions to create files in the folder {1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_MODIFY_TEMPORARY_FILE_IN_FOLDER("Cannot modify {0} because do not have permissions to modify files in the folder {1}"),
    GENERAL_WRITE_FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE_FOR_EDITING("Cannot modify {0} because do not have permissions to modify file"),
    NULL_PADDING_FOUND_AT_END_OF_MP4("Null Padding found at end of file starting at offset {0}"),
    OGG_VORBIS_NO_SETUP_BLOCK("Could not find the Ogg Setup block"),
    OGG_HEADER_CANNOT_BE_FOUND("OggS Header could not be found, not an ogg stream {0}"),    
    GENERAL_READ_FAILED_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_RANDOM_ACCESS_FILE("Unable to close random access file: {0}"),
    GENERAL_READ_FAILED_FILE_TOO_SMALL("Unable to read file because it is too small to be valid audio file: {0}"),
    GENERAL_READ_FAILED_DO_NOT_HAVE_PERMISSION_TO_READ_FILE("Unable to read file do not have permission to read: {0}"),
    ASF_FILE_HEADER_SIZE_DOES_NOT_MATCH_FILE_SIZE("For file {0} the File header size is {1} but different to actual file size of {2}"),
    ASF_FILE_HEADER_MISSING("For file {0} the File Header missing. Invalid ASF/WMA file."),
    ASF_HEADER_MISSING("For file {0} the Asf Header missing. Invalid ASF/WMA file."),
    GENERAL_UNIDENITIFED_IMAGE_FORMAT("Cannot safetly identify the format of this image setting to default type of Png"),
    MP4_IMAGE_FORMAT_IS_NOT_TO_EXPECTED_TYPE("ImageFormat for cover art atom is not set to a known image format, instead set to {0}"),
    MP3_FRAME_IS_COMPRESSED("Filename {0}:{1} is compressed"),
    MP3_FRAME_IS_ENCRYPTED("Filename {0}:{1} is encrypted"),
    MP3_FRAME_IS_GROUPED("Filename {0}:{1} is grouped"),
    MP3_FRAME_IS_UNSYNCHRONISED("Filename {0}:{1} is unsynchronised"),
    MP3_FRAME_IS_DATA_LENGTH_INDICATOR("Filename {0}:{1} has a data length indicator"),
    MP4_FILE_HAS_NO_METADATA("This file does not currently contain any metadata"),
    MP4_FILE_META_ATOM_CHILD_DATA_NOT_NULL("Expect data in meta box to be null"),
    WMA_INVALID_FIELD_NAME ("The field name {0} is not allowed for {1}"),
    WMA_INVALID_LANGUAGE_USE ("The use of language {0} ist not allowed for {1} (only {2} allowed)"),
    WMA_INVALID_STREAM_REFERNCE ("The stream number {0} is invalid. Only {1} allowed for {2}."),
    WMA_INVALID_GUID_USE ("The use of GUID ist not allowed for {0}"),
    WMA_LENGTH_OF_DATA_IS_TOO_LARGE("Trying to create field with {0} bytes of data but the maximum data allowed in WMA files is {1} for {2}."),
    WMA_LENGTH_OF_LANGUAGE_IS_TOO_LARGE("Trying to create language entry, but UTF-16LE representation is {0} and exceeds maximum allowed of 255."),
    WMA_LENGTH_OF_STRING_IS_TOO_LARGE("Trying to create field but UTF-16LE representation is {0} and exceeds maximum allowed of 65535."),
    WMA_ONLY_STRING_IN_CD ("Only Strings are allowed in content description objects"),
    ID3_EXTENDED_HEADER_SIZE_INVALID("{0} Invalid Extended Header Size of {0} assuming no extended header after all"),
    ID3_EXTENDED_HEADER_SIZE_TOO_SMALL("{0} Invalid Extended Header Size of {0} is too smal to be valid"),
    ID3_INVALID_OR_UNKNOWN_FLAG_SET("{0} Invalid or unknown bit flag 0x{1} set in ID3 tag header"),
    ID3_TAG_UNSYNCHRONIZED("{0} the ID3 Tag is unsynchronized"),
    ID3_TAG_EXPERIMENTAL("{0} the ID3 Tag is experimental"),
    ID3_TAG_FOOTER("{0} the ID3 Tag is has a footer"),
    ID3_TAG_EXTENDED("{0} the ID3 Tag is extended"),
    ID3_TAG_CRC("{0} the ID3 Tag has crc check"),
    ID3_TAG_COMPRESSED("{0} the ID3 Tag is compressed"),
    ID3_TAG_CRC_SIZE("{0} According to Extended Header the ID3 Tag has crc32 of {1}"),
    ID3_TAG_PADDING_SIZE("{0} According to Extended Header the ID3 Tag has padding size of {1}"),
    ID_TAG_SIZE("{0} Tag size is {1} according to header (does not include header size, add 10)"),
    ID3_TAG_CRC_FLAG_SET_INCORRECTLY("{0} CRC Data flag not set correctly."),
    MP4_CANNOT_FIND_AUDIO("Unable to determine start of audio in file"),
    VORBIS_COMMENT_LENGTH_TOO_LARGE("Comment field length is very large {0} , assuming comment is corrupt"),
    VORBIS_COMMENT_LENGTH_LARGE_THAN_HEADER("Comment field length {0} is larger than total comment header {1} "),
    ARTWORK_CANNOT_BE_CREATED_WITH_THIS_METHOD("Cover Art cannot be created using this method"),
    ARTWORK_CANNOT_BE_RETRIEVED_WITH_THIS_METHOD("Cover Art cannot be retrieved using this method"),
    GENERIC_NOT_SUPPORTED("Not implemented for this format"),
    ID3_UNABLE_TO_DECOMPRESS_FRAME("Unable to decompress frame {0} in file {1} because {2}"),
    NO_WRITER_FOR_THIS_FORMAT("No Writer associated with this extension:{0}"),
    NO_READER_FOR_THIS_FORMAT("No Reader associated with this extension:{0}"),
    NO_DELETER_FOR_THIS_FORMAT("No Deleter associated with this extension:{0}"),
    UNABLE_TO_FIND_FILE("Unable to find:{0}"),
    NO_PERMISSIONS_TO_WRITE_TO_FILE("Unable to write to:{0}"),
    DO_NOT_KNOW_HOW_TO_CREATE_THIS_ATOM_TYPE("DO not know how to create this atom type {0}"),
    OGG_CONTAINS_ID3TAG("Ogg File contains invalid ID3 Tag, skipping ID3 Tag of length:{0}"),
    FLAC_CONTAINS_ID3TAG("Flac File contains invalid ID3 Tag, skipping ID3 Tag of length:{0}"),

    String msg;

    ErrorMessage(String msg)
        this.msg = msg;

    public String getMsg()
        return msg;

    public String getMsg(Object... args)
        return MessageFormat.format(getMsg(), args);
